hihihi, can i have some help with this? its about a girl i want to date?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by origamidon
Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, Vermont USA • From bears in boats and bowties to ones covered in bees and an occasional butterfly, more than a dozen decorative bears are now on display along Church Street. … The fiberglass animals are part the new "Burlington Bears its Art" campaign. … The family of 14 is being sponsored by a number of Vermont businesses and will be auctioned off later this year with benefits going in part to the Committee on Temporary Shelter … The team at COTS estimates the display could raise as much as 10-thousand dollars for families in need while drawing guests downtown. – From a WCAX article.

Question by Tyler: hihihi, can i have some help with this? its about a girl i want to date?
Question: What are the last four digits of your social security number?
Difficulty: 2
Context: Opener.

Question: When eating broccoli, it okay to stick with just the florets?
Difficulty: 4
Context: Opener.

Question: What’s your take on the whole “dark matter / dark energy” controversy?
Difficulty: 4
Context: Opener. If she offers any kind of answer other than “huh?” she’s a keeper.

Question: Should people be held morally responsible for their avatars’ behavior?
Difficulty: 5
Context: Raise this query anytime between first meeting online and first meeting in person.

Question: Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?
Difficulty: 5
Context: When s/he opens the door.

Question: Will bees survive the menace of Colony Collapse Disorder?
Difficulty: 6
Context: As you hand over the flowers.

Question: Do mathematical truths exist on their own ontological plane?
Difficulty: 7
Context: On the way to the restaurant. Mind you, only if you’re driving. You wouldn’t want the distraction otherwise.

Question: If we perchance should breed, and our children turn out rotten, should we mostly blame our bad genetic combination or our poor parenting skills?
Difficulty: 9
Context: Wait until dessert.

[158th in a series]

posted by Jim Anderson at 5:00 PM

labels: random questions, search me

2 remarks:

Anonymous said…

This is genius. But I’m surprised there wasn’t a debate question. Something like “What theory shell do you like more– education or fairness?”

What do you think? Answer below!

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One Response to hihihi, can i have some help with this? its about a girl i want to date?

  1. no girl for you sir

    October 24, 2012 at 2:39 pm

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