Here is a billion dollar idea to #SaveOurBees – Flower shops selling solitary bees..

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How do you know you are an innovator?… your brain is always thinking about solutions… These bees would be local and NOT shipped… We would have school raising them and selling them to a regional #SaveOurBees representative. Solitary bees DO NOT STING and ANYONE from 4 yr old and older can raise them! I plan on selling my bees Solitary bees to my local flower shops…. Imagine gardeners picking up bees for .95 each spring 🙂 I can see it now in the next 5 years all over the world flower shops selling solitary bees! WE CAN SAVE OUR BEES! About: There is NO entity behind #SaveOurBees ANYONE can join the movement. Join a Facebook group.

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3 Responses to Here is a billion dollar idea to #SaveOurBees – Flower shops selling solitary bees..

  1. We are not transporting anything… this is to grow the indigenous species. There are very few bees in Japan over 90% of them are dead. I have found just one tree in with a very active colony that I will try to move around. I want this to be locally driven. I think every school should offer a class in it. I am going to try to get them into the school I teach at.

    Foundups Michael Trout
    December 16, 2012 at 9:47 pm

  2. There’s also the issue of importing bees or transferring parasites. The importation of Osmia cornifrons (the Japanes hornfaced bee) to the States around the mid-eighties was successful, but I am not aware of any impact studies on how it has displaced other native bees… I know this is not the Japanese situation that you say is the case right now, but the idea that we can ship mason bees around like any other commodity will sacrifice many precious bees. Better that we educate.

    December 16, 2012 at 9:58 pm

  3. In respect of selling solitary bees with flowers, at face value it’s logical . However bearing in mind that the appearance and nesting of native solitary bees is subject to certain very encouraging conditions, that they nest just 6 weeks as adults and that this is annual, to have enough native bee cocoons to commercialise will take time. The buyer would have to be very clear and responsible and have perfect conditions set up. Better to educate people to put own habitat in place first.

    December 16, 2012 at 10:06 pm

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