Good websites that have goats for sale?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by Linn County Fair
2010 4-H/FFA Dairy Goat Show – Photos courtesy of Todd Hunt & Dae Ann Holub

Question by Lizzie G: Good websites that have goats for sale?
I am looking for some good websites to search goats for sale. Does anyone know of any? I have already searched Craigslist and Uncle Henrys. I am looking for specifically Lamanchas, Nubians or Obrhasli. Anyone know of any websites?

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3 Responses to Good websites that have goats for sale?

  1. Craigslist is usually your best bet. Also check your local feed stores and Thrifty Nickel/American Classifieds.

    I know that in our area, Lamanchas and Oberhasli are not common. To find these, you’d have to locate a breeder.

    You might try goat dairies in your area. Even if they have another breed, they might can give you the name of someone that has the breed you want. Goat people tend to know each other.

    You might also find individual farms’ websites on the internet.

    Join one of the Yahoo goat groups. Some of these are breed specific. The usually have one day they advertise.

    Worst case, call the American Goat Society (it may be hard to get them, you may have to leave a message) or the registry for the breeds you want and inquire about breeders in your area. You may pay a little more this way, but you’ll probably get good, clean goats. You can also check show records or milking awards to see which farms are breeding good goats.

    I hope you find a loving, friendly goat for sale!

    December 10, 2013 at 4:45 am

  2. Godsproblemchild
    December 10, 2013 at 5:33 am

  3. I bought some good goat meat on ebay last month

    December 10, 2013 at 6:31 am

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