Goat Milk Safe To Drink Straight From The Source?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Komaku: Goat Milk Safe To Drink Straight From The Source?
We recently got fresh goat milk from free range goats for our puppies but we were wondering if it was safe for us to drink.. I want cereal.
And someone drank the rest of the regular gallon cow milk…so yeah
btw: I didn’t mean directly from the nipple, what kind of sick freaks are you? I purchased some goat milk for orphan puppies and was curious to see if it’s safe to try some. Holy hell. :/
And how is drinking goat milk gross? o_O….

What do you think? Answer below!

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7 Responses to Goat Milk Safe To Drink Straight From The Source?

  1. if you’re a kid, sure.

    T M
    August 24, 2012 at 4:26 pm

  2. Yes it’s fine to drink, although if you are pregnant or in poor health, because the milk isn’t pasteurised then you might be better avoiding it.
    We were brought up on unpasteurised cows milk and never had problems.
    Goats milk can be an acquired taste though! I enjoy porridge made from it. Enjoy!

    August 24, 2012 at 5:10 pm

  3. There’s nothing wrong with drinking goats milk, it is just not as common in the US as in other places, so people make a big deal out of it. I love goat cheese, but I don’t drink the milk myself.

    August 24, 2012 at 5:26 pm

  4. Yes! Amish and Mennonites drink it all the time.

    August 24, 2012 at 5:36 pm

  5. Some people are deliberately ignorant, guess they think it’s cute or something.

    Goat milk isn’t gross at all, when I was younger I lived on a small farm and helped raise goats. We milked them and drank fresh unpasteurized goat milk daily. We even made yogurt from goat milk :o)

    The main thing is to keep it clean, you don’t want to get goat hair in the goat milk because for some reason that makes it taste odd, but it’s easy to avoid. Just milk them, store the milk in bottles in the refrigerator and toss it if it goes sour like you would any other product.

    My Evil Twin
    August 24, 2012 at 6:02 pm

  6. hmmm there is nothing wrong with drinking goats milk. i personally wouldn’t, but that doesn’t mean you won’t like it. at the farm i work at, we give the barn cats and chickens milk straight from the goat and they love it and are still in perfectly good health. enjoy!

    Little Ray of Sunshine
    August 24, 2012 at 6:06 pm

  7. I raise goats. Yes, goats milk is safe. Unlike cows, goats cannot get TB (Tuberculosis) . Cows have to be tested for TB, because they can contract it, and pass it to humans. Goats do not.

    The milk will be MUCH richer than what you are use to, since it will contain all the butterfats.

    By the way, people use to teach their human toddler children to drink strait from the goat, not all that long ago. In some countries, children still do. It’s actually a much cleaner and safer way to consume milk, in countries that do not have refrigeration.

    If you decide you like the goats milk, and want to milk the doe and keep some about in your frig, there are safety rules you need to follow.

    Goat milk, as with any other milk, is a great medium for fast bacterial growth, so you need to know proper handling, for humans.

    This is forlong term milking, not just a bowl of cereal. You need a stainless steel, seamless bucket to milk into. Only stainless steel AND seamless can be properly cleaned and will not provide a breeding ground for bacteria.

    When you bring you milk in, pour it through a filter, and into glass jars. Put the lid on the glass jars, and set the jars in your sink. Put ice all about your jars filled with the warm, fresh milk, and fill the sink with cold water.

    You need to rapidly, and properly cool you milk. Just sticking fresh warm milk into the fridg does not cool it fast enough. Most people keep plastic soda bottles filled with frozen water to use as the ice, instead of making icecubes every single time.

    Goats milk is MUCH better for you than cows milk.

    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

    August 24, 2012 at 6:06 pm

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