Goat Meat Ideas for the Winter Potlucks

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by Island Vittles

Article by Helen Franklin

Goat Meat Ideas for the Winter Potlucks – Food – Recipes

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It’s that time of year where your schedule is packed with holiday parties and gatherings that usually entail bringing some sort of dish. Potlucks have a way of bringing people together and also encourages others to try new dishes they wouldn’t normally make themselves. So instead of playing it safe and sticking to chicken, beef, or pork, buy goat meat and make something different.If you’re like many of us, your weekends for the rest of December are already booked. You’re going to parties and gatherings and you’ll probably bring a dish with you so the host or hostess doesn’t have to do everything. Opting to buy goat meat instead of chicken or beef would turn a run of the mill potluck into something worthy of taste bud reviews that will be remembered for years to come. Here’s something not everyone knows. Goat meat is actually healthier than more common meat choices. It’s lower in fat with higher amounts of protein and iron. It’s a well kept secret that is slowly leaking as consumers are searching for healthier alternatives.Now that you know goat meat is that healthy, you can find goat meat for sale at specialty butcher shops and even online. You can buy goat meat and make some amazing side dishes to take to potlucks. You’ll be sure to get everyone talking. Here are some ideas. The basic idea is to substitute ground goat meat for ground beef.

Taco SaladMeat Balls (slow cooked)Stuffed PeppersBreakfast CasseroleLasagnaChiliHere is one recipe you can try with goat meat. Traditionally using ground beef or turkey, you can substitute one pound of ground goat meat for this tasty appetizer. Romanian Meatballs1 lb ground goat meat1 cup bread crumbs3 shredded carrots2 medium onion, finely chopped5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped2 tablespoons tomato paste1 can diced tomatoes1 can tomato soup1 tablespoon caraway seedsSalt and pepper to tasteMix the goat meat with the bread crumbs, onion, garlic, tomato paste, carrots, and seasoning. Roll into tiny balls. Place in a slow cooker and add the diced tomatoes and the can of soup. Slow cook on low for 6 hours. Serve with your favorite potato and vegetables. It’s a recipe that’s easy to transport to your potluck.
About the Author

Helen Franklin has been delighting her friends and family with her tasty treats for many years, serving goat meat, lamb, calamari, and other exotic dishes. She loves to show others how easy it is to become queen (or king) of the kitchen.

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Helen Franklin

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