Goat Housing – What Factor Makes A Good Goat Shelter?

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by UGArdener

Article by Adam Rise

Goat Housing – What Factor Makes A Good Goat Shelter? – Family

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If you are into the business of raising meat goats, it is definite that before you started out with your venture, you made plans on where you will place the herd. So what makes a good goat housing then?

Good goat housing should be able to accomplish one important thing: the herd’s protection! Ideal shelters for animals should be able to protect them from extreme temperatures, rain, and can give them a safe place to rest at night.

One good thing about goats is that these animals are adaptable to rough terrain and weather conditions. But then again, goats should still be provided with protection from these elements in order for their stress experience will be minimized, enabling them to be more productive and ensure that they grow healthier.

Good goat housing plans should also include keeping the moisture out, lest you risk the herd to contract respiratory diseases. Your best choice would be to use wood because this material does not accumulate water.

Ideal goat housing is an open building – it can keep the moisture out during winter months and can also ensure maximum airflow during the summer months. It would also do the goats good if there are trees in the surroundings since trees are good insulators and they can keep the herd cool during summer.

Having an open building also ensures ample air circulation which can prevent ammonia build up from animal urine and feces. It is also critical that beddings are supplied for the animals to act as floor insulators. You can use materials such as sawdust, wood shavings, and wood boards as beddings. There are actually different types of bedding materials that also have different capabilities in absorbing urine. Bedding materials are not costly and are readily available.

You might also want to consider what other countries do, using slanted board walls and floors for easier cleaning and good airflow. It would also be a good idea if you provide the animals with stilted housing to protect the goats from soil parasites.

As for the roofing materials, you can also select from a lot of materials – from hay to metal, whatever you deem it necessary. But it is good to point out, though, that hay and straw roofing are excellent insulation that are great during cold months and hot months. If you will use metal, make sure you paint it white so that sunlight would be reflected thus preventing heating the goat housing.

If you are just beginning to build your goat farm and still not sure how to go about with goat housing, you can as well get advice from some experience goat farmers where you will certainly learn a lot from them.

About the Author

Keeping goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are looking for more tips on goat housing, raising meat goats and want to avoid the common painful mistakes made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to: raisingmeatgoats.com

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Adam Rise

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