Goat butter and cheese?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Dixie: Goat butter and cheese?
I milk my own goat. I have tried to make whipped butter but I can never get the cream to whip up. What am I doing wrong? Also if anybody knows a recipe for goat cheese I would appreciate it.

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2 Responses to Goat butter and cheese?

  1. Butter is made from the separated cream. Whipping is too strong a word. churn it and you will have butter, then whip if you please.

    T C
    April 11, 2013 at 4:55 am

  2. these are all really detailed pages about making stuff with goat milk. i gave the links for each one……….

    To get goat cream, I recommend doing one of two things. You could either 1) get a cream separator or 2) collect the smaller amount of cream that does rise. I do not own a cream separator myself because they are rather expensive (but this investment would still be cheaper then keeping a cow). Though cream does not rise as easily in goat milk, some cream does indeed rise; you just need to be patient. I used to make my own goat butter all the time (I don’t anymore becasue I just don’t find it worth the time and effort; I use olive oil instead of butter in most cases). I would save the milk I got each day in gallon jars and let it sit in the back of the fridge for a couple of days. Some of the cream would rise and was easily skimmed off (just like you do with cow milk). I put the skimmed off cream in a 2 quart plastic container and placed it in the freezer. Every time I had goat milk to skim, I pull out the cream container and add to it. When it is full, I removde the frozen cream from the freezer and let it thaw on the counter. I then added a little culture to the cream as it is thawing to sour it, because I like to make butter from sour cream. Using this method I got enough cream to make butter to supply Larry and I with all the butter we needed. Also, because not all of the cream rises in goat milk, the milk that has been skimmed of it’s cream still tastes just as good as whole milk and can be used for drinking or to make cheese.

    Everyone loves my Fias Co Farm Feta Cheese.
    The following are detailed instructions on how I make my homemade Feta.

    How to make Chevre/ Fromage Blanc

    April 11, 2013 at 5:08 am

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