For those who think the WTC was an inside job?

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raise bees
Image by Fergal of Claddagh
The Word of the holy and blessed Shadrach concerning love and concerning repentance and Orthodox Christians, and concerning the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord give your blessing.

1. Beloved, let us prefer nothing in honour except sincere love: for in many things we stumble every day and night and hour. And for this reason let us gain love, for it covers a multitude of sins: for what is the profit, my children, if we have all things, and have not saving love. . . O blessed love, supplier of all good things. Blessed is the man who has gained the true faith and sincere love, according as the Master said, there is no greater love than this that a man should lay down his life for his friend.

2. And invisibly he received a voice in his ears: Come here, Shadrach, since you wish and desire to converse with God and ask of him that he may reveal to you whatever you wish to ask. And Shadrach said: What, sir? And the voice said to him: I was sent to you to raise you here into heaven. And he said: I desired to speak mouth to mouth with God: I am not fit, sir, to come into heaven. And stretching out his wings he took him up and he came into heaven to the very flame, and he set him as high as the third heaven, and in it stood the flame of the divinity.

3. And the Lord said to him: Welcome, my beloved Shadrach: What suit have you against God who created you, that you said, I desired to speak face to face with God? Shadrach said to him: Yes, truly, the son has a suit with the Father: my Lord, why did you make the earth? The Lord said to him: For man’s sake. Shadrach said: And why did you make the sea? Why did you scatter every good thing on the earth? The Lord said to him: For man’s sake. Shadrach said to him: If you did these things, why will you destroy him? And the Lord said: Man is my work and the creature of my hands, and I discipline him as I find good.

4. Shadrach said to him: Chastisement and fire are your discipline: they are did you make him, my Lord? Why did you weary your undefiled hands and create man, since you did not intend to have mercy on him? God said to him: I made Adam the first creature and placed him in Paradise in the midst of the tree of life and said to him: Eat of all the fruits, but beware of the tree of life: for if you eat of it, you shall die the death. But he transgressed my commandment, and being beguiled by the devil ate of the tree.

5. Shadrach said to him: Of your will Adam was beguiled, my Lord: you command your angels to make approach to Adam, and the first of the angels himself transgressed your commandment and did not make approach to him, and you did banish him, because he transgressed your commandment and did not make any approach to the work of your hands: if you loved man, why did you not slay the devil, the worker of unrighteousness? Who is able to fight an invisible spirit? And he as a smoke enters into the hearts of men and teaches them every sin: he fights against you, the immortal God, and what can wretched man then do to him? But have mercy, O Lord, and stop the punishments: but if not, count me also with the sinners: if you will have no mercy on the sinners, where are your mercies, where is your compassion, O Lord?

6. God said to him: Be it known to you that I ordered all things to be pleasing to him: I gave him understanding and made him the heir of heaven and earth, and I subjected all things to him, and every living thing flees from him and from before his face: but he, having received of mine, became alien, adulterous, and sinful: tell me, what father, having given his son his portion, when he takes his substance and leaves his father and goes away and becomes an alien and serves an alien, when the father sees that the son has deserted him, does not darken his heart, and does not the father go and take his substance and banish him from his glory because he deserted his father? And how have I, the wonderful and jealous God, given him everything, and he having received these things has become an adulterer and a sinner?

7. Shadrach said to him: you, O Lord, did create man. You knew of what sort of mind he was and of what sort of knowledge we are, and you make it a cause for punishment: but cast him forth; for shall not I alone fill up the heavenly places? But if that is not to be so save man too, O Lord. Shadrach? I created Adam and his wife and the sun and said: Behold each other how bright he is, and the wife of Adam is brighter in the beauty of the moon and he was the giver of her life. Shadrach said: but of what profit are beauties if they die away into the earth? How did you say, O Lord, you shall not return evil for evil? How is it, O Lord? the word of your divinity never lies, and why do you retaliate on man? or do you not in so doing render evil for evil? I know that among the quadrupeds there is no other so devious and unreasonable as the mule. But we strike it with the bridle when we wish: and you have angels: send them forth to guard them, and when man inclines towards sin, to take hold of his foot and not let him go where he would.

8. God said to him: If I catch him by the foot, he will say, you have given me no joy in the world. But I have left him to his own will because I loved him. Therefore I sent forth my righteous angels to guard him night and day. Shadrach said: I know, O Lord, that of all your creatures you chiefly loved man, of the quadrupeds the sheep, of woods the olive, of fruits the vine, of flying things the bee, of rivers the Jordan, of cities Jerusalem. And all these man also loves, my Lord. God said to Shadrach: I will ask you one thing, Shadrach: if you answer me, then I may fitly help you, even though you have tempted your Creator. Shadrach said: Speak. The Lord God said: Since I made all things, how many men were born and how many died, and how many are to die and how many hairs have they? Tell me, Shadrach, since the heaven was created and the earth, how many trees grew in the world, and how many fell, and how many are to fall, and how many are to arise, and how many leaves have they? Tell me, Shadrach, since I made the sea, how many waves arose and how many fell, and how many are to arise, and how many winds blow along the margin of the sea? Tell me, Shadrach, from the creation of the world of the aeons, when the air rained, how many drops fell upon the world, and how many are to fall? And Shadrach said: you alone know all these things, O Lord; you only understand all these things: only, I pray you, deliver man from punishment, and I shall not be separated from our race.

9. And God said to his only begotten Son: Go, take the soul of Shadrach my beloved, and place it in Paradise. The only begotten Son said to Shadrach: Give me the trust which our Father deposited in the womb of your mother in you my soul. God said to him: And therefore was I sent to come here, and you plead against me? For I was commanded by my Father not to take your soul with violence; but if not, (then) give ate your most greatly desired soul.

10. And Shadrach said to God: And whence do you intend to take my soul, and from which limb? And God said to him: do you not know that it is placed in the midst of your lungs and your heart and is dispersed into all your limbs? It is brought up through the throat and gullet and the mouth and at whatever hour it is predestined to come out, it is scattered, and brought together from the points of the nails and from all the limbs, and there is a great necessity that it should be separated from the body and parted from the heart. When Shadrach had heard all these things and had considered the memory of death he was greatly astounded, and Shadrach said to God: O Lord, give me a little respite that I may weep, for I have heard that tears are able to do much and much remedy comes to the lowly body of your creature.

11. And weeping and bewailing he began to say: O marvellous head of heavenly adornment: O radiant as the sun which shines on heaven and earth: your hairs are known from Teman, your eyes from Bosor, your ears from thunder, your tongue from a trumpet, and your brain is a small creation, your head the energy of the whole body: O friendly and most fair beloved by all, and now falling into the earth it must become forgotten. O hands, mild, fair-fingered, worn with toil by which the body is nourished: O hands, deftest of all, heaping up from all quarters you made ready houses. O fingers adorned and decked with gold and silver (rings): and great worlds are led by the fingers: the three joints enfold the palms, and heap up beautiful things: and now you must become aliens to the world. O feet, skilfully walking about, self-running, most swift, unconquerable: O knees, fitted together, because without you the body does not move: the feet run along with the sun and the moon in the night and in the day, heaping up all things, foods and drinks, and nourishing the body: O feet, most swift and fair runners, moving on the face of the earth, getting ready the house with every good thing: O feet which bear up the whole body, that run up to the temples, making repentance and calling on the saints, and now you are to remain motionless. O head and hands and feet, until now I have kept you. O soul, what sent you into the humble and wretched body? and now being wretched body goes away to judgment. O body well-adorned, hair clothed with stars, head of heavenly adornment and dress: O face well-anointed, light-bringing eyes, voice trumpet-like, tongue pleasing, chin fairly adorned, hairs like the stars, head high as heaven, body decked out, light-bringing eves that know all things – and now you shall fall into the earth and under the earth your beauty shall disappear.

12. Christ said to him: Stay, Shadrach; how long do you weep and groan? Paradise is opened to you, and, dying, you shall live. Shadrach said to him: Once more I will speak to you, O Lord: How long shall I live before I die? and do not disregard my prayer. The Lord said to him: Speak, O Shadrach. Shadrach said: If a man shall live eighty or ninety or an hundred years, and live these years in sin, and again shall turn, and the man live in repentance, in how many days do you forgive him his sins? God said to him: If he shall live an hundred or eighty years and shall turn and repent for three years and do the fruit of righteousness, and death shall overtake him, I will not remember all his sins.

13. Shadrach said to him: The three years are a long time, my Lord, in case death overtake him and he fulfil not his repentance: have mercy, Lord, on your image and have compassion, for the three years are many. God said to him: If a man live an hundred years and remember his death and confess before men and I find him, after a time I will forgive all his sins. Shadrach said again: I will again beseech your compassion for your creature. The time is long in case death overtake him and snatch him suddenly. The Saviour said to him: I will ask you one word, sedrach, my beloved, then you shall ask me in turn: if the man shall repent for forty days I will not remember all his sins which he did.

14. And Shadrach said to the archangel Michael: Listen to me, O powerful chief, and help you me and be my envoy that God may have mercy on the world. And filling on their faces, they besought the Lord and said: O Lord, teach us how and by what sort of repentance and by what labour man shall be saved. God said: By repentances, by intercessions, by liturgies, by tears in streams, in hot groanings. Do you not know that my prophet David was saved by tears, and the rest were saved in one moment? You know, Shadrach, that there are nations which have not the Law and spirit come to them and they turn to my baptism, I also receive them with my righteous ones into Abraham’s bosom. And there are some who have been baptised with my baptism and who have shared in my divine part and become reprobate in complete reprobation and will not repent: and I allow them with much compassion and much pity and wealth in order that they may repent, but they do the things which my divinity hates, and did not listen to the wise man asking (them), saying, we by no means justify a sinner. Do you not most certainly know that it is written: And those who repent never see punishment? And they did not listen to the Apostles or to my word in the Gospels, and they grieve my angels, and truly they do not attend to my messenger in the assemblies (for communion) and in my services, and they do not stand in my holy churches, but they stand and do not fall down and worship in fear and trembling, but boast things which I do not accept, or my holy angels.

15. Shadrach said to God: O Lord, you alone are sinless and very compassionate, having compassion and pity for sinners, but your divinity said: I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. And the Lord said to Shadrach: do you not know, Shadrach, that the thief was saved in one moment to repent? do you not know that my apostle and evangelist was saved in one moment? "Peccatores enim non salvantur," for their hearts are like rotten stone: these are they who walk in impious ways and who shall be destroyed with Antichrist. Shadrach said: my Lord, you also said: my divine spirit entered into the nations which, not having the law, do the things of the law. So also the thief and the apostle and evangelist and the rest of those who have already got into your Kingdom. My Lord; so likewise do you pardon those who have sinned to the last: for life is very toilsome and there is no time for repentance.

16. The Lord said to Shadrach: I made man in three stages: when he is young, I overlooked his stumblings as he was young: and again when he was a man I considered his purpose: and again when he grows old, I watch him till he repent. Shadrach said: O Lord, you know and understand all these things: but have sympathy for sinners. The Lord said to him: Shadrach, my beloved, I promise to have sympathy and bring down the forty days to twenty: and whosoever shall remember your name shall not see the place of punishment, but shall be with the just in a place of refreshment reckoned against him forever and ever. And Shadrach said: O Lord, and if anyone shall bring enlightenment to your servant, save him, O Lord, from all evil.

And Shadrach, the servant of the Lord, said: Now take my soul, O Lord. And God took him and placed him in Paradise with all the saints. To whom be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

Question by …. . .-.. .-.. —: For those who think the WTC was an inside job?
This link is to a 1.5 hour video with some compelling points as to indicate the 9/11 WTC attack was an inside job.
Okay. The points are compelling. But, it raises two thoughts in my mind.
First. If it were an inside job, viewing this video makes me think Larry Silverstein was the mastermind, not Bush.
Secondly. It would have taken hundreds of people to have wire these buildings to implode, as the video implies. What happened to those people? There is no way anyone could get together a group of tight lipped people that large. At least one person involved would have stepped forward by now and ratted out the plot.
An evil mastermind would also know this in advance. Knowing that, the mastermind would have had all these worker bees killed to silence them. The killing of that many people familar with building demolition would also have been noticed or at least evident with research.

Any thoughts on these points?
A stupid broad told the world she gave the president of The USA a BJ just to get attention, don’t you think there would be a least one idiot bragging that he helped blow up the WTC?

Give your answer to this question below!

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19 Responses to For those who think the WTC was an inside job?

  1. dstr
    August 14, 2012 at 2:16 am

  2. Have you seen the movie “SHOOTER” yet?

    It’s good.

    They always kill those that they use. Are you certain this didn’t happen?

    August 14, 2012 at 2:58 am

  3. Never confuse them with the facts.

    The Wraith of God is coming
    August 14, 2012 at 3:05 am

  4. You can’t argue with 9/11 conspiracy nuts. It’s like trying to convince your 6 year old that Santa Clause doesnt really exist. You won’t win the argument!

    Orielly's Loofah
    August 14, 2012 at 3:42 am

  5. I can’t watch the video (I am at work), but God I wish I knew!!! I KNOW that something is fishy, but I am not satisfied with that and I want to know what really happened.

    christina f
    August 14, 2012 at 4:28 am

  6. Ah common now, do you know how long it took me to plan that whole operation?
    And that son of a B***h (Colin Powel) almost blew it.

    Mr. Bean Laden
    August 14, 2012 at 4:42 am

  7. this should help those that think it’s a conspiracy

    Mike B
    August 14, 2012 at 5:42 am

  8. One on my biggest points is that it would take weeks of massive preparation to bring down the buildings. It takes more than a couple of discrete charges to implode a building. A team would have to go into the buildings and place hundreds or thousands of charges and wire them together. They would need to place these in key structure points and to do that they would have to go floor by floor and rip out walls to get to these points. This is not something that can happen unnoticed.

    There was one guy who claimed that the buildings were closed down for of couple of weeks before the attacks. Of course, this guy could not provide any news sources to back that up.

    August 14, 2012 at 5:58 am

  9. I’ve seen it…it makes you think. I hope to God there is no truth to it.. but you just have to wonder. Too many convenient truths in there.

    Debra H
    August 14, 2012 at 6:41 am

  10. It looks as though the “conspiracy theorists” are gaining a new convert!

    After you watch your 1.5 hour video, check out the following sites. Your video was done by 911Truth and specifically designed to support their agenda. It is based on propaganda, misinformation and sensationalism.

    August 14, 2012 at 6:49 am

  11. we as Americans will never get the full unadulterated truth,to many questions have not been resolved.btw….the 9/11 commission was a joke.

    August 14, 2012 at 6:59 am

  12. WTC was an inside job. you need to stop drinking the Limbuagh Milkshakes. Look at the video you dumb bible stooges. Thats a controlled demolotion. Only way that can happen if someone plants explosives in a building. Wake up and smell the semen stains on your shirts cons

    August 14, 2012 at 7:03 am

  13. bush and rummy planted all those explosives by themselves, but no secret service saw anything. my question is, if bush is such a moron, explain how he masterminded this.

    August 14, 2012 at 7:40 am

  14. It seems like they put the 9/11 thing on the back burner, they seem to have trouble with the Justice Department now, maybe someone who got fired might just know something and they had to get them out of there. I still need to hear the real explanation, it didn’t seem to phase our President at all when he was informed, in fact he looked relieved to a certain extent. Why did he not get off of his duff, excuse himself, go do his job and find out what is going on, it seemed to me he was reluctant to even say anything about it until his aides said he must talk to the people of the Country, and they had their man picked even before it happened, and he is still at large or so they say.

    August 14, 2012 at 8:02 am

  15. It takes weeks to plan a planned demolition, but only a few days to place the explosives. If thermite were used, it would take far less pounds of explosives than that used in traditional controlled demolitions. It would not take hundreds of people. It would only take a few people with complete access to the buildings.

    The company that did the security for the entire WTC complex was a Bush related company (His cousin was the director and his brother was on the board).

    The towers were notorious money losers because of all the VACANCIES; and Silverstein had the right to move tenants around for any reason, such as upgrading systems, or planting bombs.

    Threat of death is often more than enough to silence a person, especially if that person participated in the intentional killing of 3000 innocent people.


    August 14, 2012 at 8:36 am

  16. It only takes watching 3-4 minutes into this video to already see its weaknesses.

    Ive seen them all read all the pages. I watched about 10 minutes of this video but when they had the info on the explosions and designs wrong, presented the fact of jet impact in a misleading manner.
    Well nothig new.

    Btw, Larry Silverstein, who people say oh he profited by the insurance he took out on the WTC 7 tower. No he has lost over 70 million dollars. He still has to pay the lease, and has no renters to collect money from for the last 6 years.

    August 14, 2012 at 9:10 am

  17. I am banking on science over science fiction. I appreciate a good argument but Loose Change seems as edited as the clips placed together by Bill O’Reilly to attack Rosie O. I know people are convinced but some have also researched this for along time. Including hearing Clinton on a local Hawaii golf course spout out their were 9 specific threats against widebody aircraft in the Pacific Rim WAY BACK in 1998. If I had the tape I would be on Oprah right now not providing as much as I can to get people to wake up to this election. AND what it will cost us if HillBill get back into the White House.
    Thank you for the links.
    WHY NOW? WHY AGAIN? Bush is not running for re-election?

    August 14, 2012 at 10:00 am

  18. not for a best answer but you will enjoy this page.

    August 14, 2012 at 11:05 am

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