For pro-lifers, soooo, you’d rather have poor uneducated people?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by mlhradio
Berclair School, Bee County, Texas. In an open field in front of the Berclair Mansion sits an abandoned schoolhouse, filled with faded and broken memories of decades past.

If there is one thing I have learned about Texas, it’s that Texas is filled with abandoned schoolhouses. I’ve run across all sorts of schools all over south Texas – from one-room shanties in the hills of Payton’s Colony or the desert plains of Comstock; to boarded up structures in Gillett and Quihi; to huge half-destroyed high schools in Asherton and Catarina. So it was no surprise to run across an abandoned school in Berclair.

The town of Berclair sprang up in the 1890’s when the railroad was built across the Coastal Bend. While it did serve the local ranchers, Berclair never really exploded, topping out at just 350 residents at its largest. Then the Great Depression hit, and like many small Texas towns, it never really recovered – dropping down to sixty to seventy residents until recently.

I have no idea of exactly when this little schoolhouse closed its doors, but it looks like it must have been at least a few decades ago. Inside, I did find a reunion sign for the Class of 1948. Now the building is filled with some junk scattered around the floor, plus it looks like has been used for storage for various community organizations at one time or another.

The front door opens up into a single central hallway that leads to another door at the rear. The entire left side of the building is one large room, which could be divided into two classrooms, and a raised section towards the rear that can serve as a stage. Off to the right, two smaller rooms filled with trash. A stairway heads to the rafters and attic, doubling as a storage area. In back, separated from the main building are the restrooms.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information at all about this school online. Although the schoolhouse was open to the elements with trash and some graffiti, it appears it has been cleaned up in the past (for class reunions, for example), and will no doubt be fixed up again in the future. Pictures taken March 7, 2009.

Question by Bored Housewife: For pro-lifers, soooo, you’d rather have poor uneducated people?
Abortion is so evil right? Well, how many girls getting abortions would just barely raise their children, how many would ruin their lives and raise an angry unwanted child. Or better yet, give the baby to the state’s hands where they’ll never have a family. Why do you care what people do so much. Is taking the seed out of the dirt really destroying the flower, the flower just never had the chance to be. Maybe it would have been an ugly flower, or attracted bees.

What do you think? Answer below!

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6 Responses to For pro-lifers, soooo, you’d rather have poor uneducated people?

  1. Because people are annoying and cruel. They want to have a opinion for everything even when their opinion don’t count.

    Carissa E
    June 15, 2012 at 11:14 pm

  2. I agree with you…people should be able to do what they feel is good for them without crazy judgmental people imposing their ideas onto them!

    *edit* wow look at all the pro-lifers getting hyped up..i am SO glad i live in NYC and am not surrounded by all these people!!

    Oh please, let’s not get into this “is it murder or not” bs because I most definitely think it isnt!

    Dolce ★
    June 15, 2012 at 11:42 pm

  3. people like you make me re-think my views!!! so do wish your mama was prochoice and had an abortion since you didn’t come along at the most convienient time? you do know you were an accident, and your mother often thinks life may have been different, make that better, if she hadn’t got knocked up with you.i thought the trolls stick to R&S!

    June 15, 2012 at 11:50 pm

  4. .it is …and i don’t agree .do what you want and ….don’t give your future child a chance at living …

    how sad…

    who said foster kids are uneducated…

    your actaully comparing a life to a seed in the dirt..

    like its nothing…. wow

    i know people won’t agree with me ..but i thought id get my opinion out too ^_^

    EDIT: If people would stop having unprotected sex before marriage and getting pregnant ….you wouldn’t have to deal with deciding on killing your baby just because you don’t think you can take care of it or etc….If you thought u were ready for sex you must be ready to take care of a baby…….

    June 16, 2012 at 12:43 am

  5. *Yawn* …Oh sorry…..were you saying something? I fell asleep as soon as I saw the tired argument that every pro baby murderer throws out. It’s better to murder babies then risk having them grow up uneducated. Well, fine then. Lets take all the uneducated kids we have now and throw them off a cliff. After all if we can kill them before they have a voice to protest, why not after, too? Why have an age limit? You say ‘why do you care what people do so much’ …Why do you care that we dont support murder?

    Dolce — Im glad Im not surrounded by you either. 🙂 After all how much can you trust someone who supports murder?

    Just because you choose to turn a blind eye to it, doesn’t make it okay. Here’s a question. If it’s a baby when it comes out….what the hell is it when its still inside the mom? A stuffed animal? I’ll never understand you people, and how you can look at a squirming happy baby and decide that it’s okay to murder that baby as long as you get to him/her before s/hes born.

    June 16, 2012 at 12:50 am

  6. Keep your legs shut or quit your bitchin’!

    Are you educated, I mean after all your name is “Bored Housewife.” Perhaps anyone without a college degree should not be allowed to conceive, eh?

    What this all boils down to is people’s selfishness. If you’re mature enough to make the decision to have intercourse then you surely should step up to the plate and own up to YOUR responsibility. Too many people are using this as a method of birth control.

    P.S. If there weren’t any poor, uneducated, and most of all IRRESPONSIBLE people in the world we wouldn’t have this problem to begin with!

    Not Standing For It!
    June 16, 2012 at 1:39 am

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