First food stamps now unemployment benefits create jobs. Who are these Democrat Economist?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by howzey
The poem wall of Prospect Cottage, former home of Derek Jarman.

The raised wooden text is the beginning and end of The Sunne Rising by John Donne (1572 – 1631)

The text is as below:

Busie old foole unruly Sunne
Why dost thou thus
Through windowes and through curtaines call on us?
Must to thy motions lovers seasons run?
Sawcy pedantique wretch, goe chide
Late schoole boyes, and sowre prentices
goe tell Court-huntsmen, that the King will ride
Call countrey ants to harvest offices
Love, all alike, no season knowes nor clyme
Nor houres dayes monthes which are the rags of time
Thou sunne art halfe as happy as wee
In that the worlds contracted thus
Thine age askes ease and since thy duties bee
To warme the world thats done in warming us
Shine here to us and thou art every where
This bed thy center is these walls thy spheare

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Question by Jim Bay: First food stamps now unemployment benefits create jobs. Who are these Democrat Economist?
Since 2006 when Pelosi took control of the House the deficit has grown 5 Trillion dollars with no end in sight. That growth rate in the deficit is 10 times higher than under the spendaholic republicans from 2000-2006.

Its about time the Democrats fire the economists they have been using in Oct Pelosi quoted her economists stating that for every $ 1 the government spends on food stamps $ 1.80 goes into the economy to improve the economy. Now see link below….. Pelosi’s is telling us for each $ 1 the gov spends on unemployment its a $ 2 investment in lower unemployment.

Lets see if I understand the economics here. The Dem Economist want to increase the number of people on food stamps to help the economy grow. #1 SUCCESS! the number of American’s on food stamps is at an all time HIGH!

#2 SUCCESS! the number of American’s unemployed is just under 10% and around 17% if you count people who have stopped looking for jobs and settled for part time work. Economic Program put in place by the DEMS pay people not to work for up to 2 years and increasing, so according to Pelosi and the Dem Economist to create jobs.

My Question #1 is this the Bob’s and other Drones is if these policies are so good, why doesn’t the government just pay everyone to NOT work and give Everyone Food Stamps. That should get us out of the recession really fast don’t you think?

My Question #2 is who are these Economist and why haven’t they been fired?

My Question #3 is (when you listen to the Pelosi video) notice she says the Republican’s want a tax cut for the rich that will cost 700 Billion dollars. Can anyone tell me what TAX CUT she is talking about? I know of no such tax cut. Now there is a 700 Billion Tax Increase that kicks in January 1st 2011 that will be the highest tax increase in American History. In the Obama, Reid, Pelosi Tax increase plan 50% of American’s will get 0 tax increase and in fact not pay any taxes. Folks making between 50K and 250K will get a $ 400,000,000,000 tax increase. If you make over 250K you will get a 300,000,000,000 dollar tax increase. Can you show me an Economist that says you should raise taxes in a recession?

Qestion #4 Bob – Is America:
1) Over Taxed and Over spending?
2) Under Taxed and Under spending?
3) Under Taxed and Over Spending?
4) Over Taxed and Underspending?

If you listen to Obama, Pelosi and Reid you must come to the conclusion that Americans are under taxed and under spending.

Are they really that out of touch or do they think America is that stupid that we won’t figure out they are full of it?

Dear Yahoo Answers. As you can see these are questions put in the form of a question. They are however complex questions and therefore need details to give context and understanding to the questions. I have provided a link to the actual statements made by Pelosi so people can go to the original source. And finally when I say to the Bob’s and Drones I am not being derogatory to a person, I am describing a group of citizens who like drone bees mindlessly support their queen with no regard to the consequences. As for the Bob’s comment I have been mindlessly attacked on this site by Bob’s not sure why but Bob’s do not like my questions. If a Bob complains about my question please don’t profile them, they may be a different Bob that doesn’t like my question and just remind them, not likely a question is not grounds for deleting the question. Oh and if a guy from Texas complains and you can’t understand what he is saying, don’t worry about it, he is one of my biggest fans. Nobody knows what he is saying so don’t take it personal.
Paulina – Good question. I will let you answer it. If we are taxed too much and spending too much then how would you answer your question?
Paulina – I’m disappointed that you couldn’t take the huge clue I provided to answer your own question. I will answer your question now. Your question was is it logical to be for lower taxes when the economy is doing well and when it is doing poorly. The answer is YES it is logic IF we are over taxed. If we are under taxed then it make sense to raise taxes during a strong economy but do it slowly and don’t raise it too much or you will destroy your strong economy that you wanted. Also remember TAX REVENUE automatically increases during a strong economy and decreases during a weak economy. In other words if people are working they pay taxes if they are unemployed they don’t pay taxes and collect welfare.
Last time I checked Will Rodgers was not an economist. But I think you might be correct, Nancy and Obama could be quoting Will Rodgers.
Thank you Obamabot… You are correct. Paul Krugman of death panel fame who lied and said Sarah Palin was wrong when he said there are no death panels in Obamacare now admits they are in the plan and it will be the only way to control costs. He goes on to say he wants to have a VAT to pay for all the massive government spending. Paul Krugman has also stated that Obama did not spend enough and that we need to spend more a lot more.

Can you say Japan and the lost decade? Because that’s where Paul Kragman wants to take us. The “structural problem” you speak of is very simple. Its a government spending problem, you don’t stop government spending but spending some more.

Okay you identified one radical leftist Keynesian extremist economist that seems to still believe this nonsense. As for your last point that there are CONSERVATIVE economist that believe Obama has created 3.5 Million jobs and saved the country with his 800 Billion stimulu
Thanks Ralph B for pointing out the obvious and providing the numbers analysis Pelosi used for her ludicrous statements. You realize of course that CBO stands for Congressional Budget Office and according to their rules they can only answer narrowly the question they are asked and not deal with the big picture. So while there is some truth to what happens to a $ 1.00 spent on unemployment that through the multiplier effect or the velocity of money will transfer hands in multiple transactions in a one year period of time. The question that was not asked of the CBO which would have provided a very different answer was for example is it better to tax the rich and middle class or simply borrow or print money which is a tax on everyone because it devalues the dollar in order to incentives the unemployed to not work, and how would that effect the unemployment rate? If that was the question even these CBO economist would have come up with a more useful realistic answer. Now Ralph since you bel
Now Ralph since you believe this policy makes sense then why doesn’t it make sense to do more of it? In other words why doesn’t the government just send everyone a check for $ 1 Million bucks that should get the economy going don’t you think?
Ralph I can see why you don’t normally do the back and forth. The state ran out of money 18 months ago, its now a welfare program.

What do you think? Answer below!

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10 Responses to First food stamps now unemployment benefits create jobs. Who are these Democrat Economist?

  1. Yeah the more we pay people to do nothing, the better the economy will be. So the more unemployment we get, the better off we are. Make sense? Mommy Pelosi thinks so. I don’t, and anyone who understands basic economics doesn’t.

    Patches O'Houlihan
    October 31, 2012 at 11:05 am

  2. As Will Rogers said in 1929 “The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy. Mr. Hoover didn’t know that money trickled up. Give it to the people at the bottom and the people at the top will have it before night, anyhow. But it will at least have passed through the poor fellow’s hands.”

    October 31, 2012 at 11:08 am

  3. Some minimum wage joe has to write the check and mail it. There’s one job created.

    Barn Owl
    October 31, 2012 at 12:01 pm

  4. Trickle up poverty, that’s what they want.

    October 31, 2012 at 12:13 pm

  5. You ask many questions, I will focus on one:

    “Can you show me an Economist that says you should raise taxes in a recession?”

    Republicans say that taxes should be lowered when times are good and unemployment is low.
    Republicans say that taxes should be lowered when times are bad and unemployment is high.

    They can’t both be true, correct?

    EDIT: My answer illustrates the hypocrisy posed by those that are framing the debate.
    Typically, the way question and answers work, is like this: you ask a question, and I answer (like I did).
    Then I ask a question, and you answer it. It would be silly of me to ask and answer my own question.
    I will just assume that you have no answer.

    Paulina Paulino
    October 31, 2012 at 12:14 pm

  6. Your so right, except I suppose unemployment creates jobs such as filing the paperwork for those applications for unemployment. That is all I can think of. Libs are loony to think unemployment creates jobs except as I mentioned.

    October 31, 2012 at 1:04 pm

  7. I nominate this for best question. So far no economist has been named and Nacy Pelosi is still standing by these insane remarks as well as her liberal sopporters. Some one said this”You ask many questions, I will focus on one:

    “Can you show me an Economist that says you should raise taxes in a recession?”

    Republicans say that taxes should be lowered when times are good and unemployment is low.
    Republicans say that taxes should be lowered when times are bad and unemployment is high.” At the same time saying both can’t be true but not leaving a professional economist’s opinion as to why not. It basically adds up to raising taxes not being beneficial to economic growth. Not too hard for uneducated slime like me to understand.

    Edit: Nobody named an economist yet.

    Additional: If Unemployment compensation stimulates the economy how long do we have to wait for it? Will 3 or 4 years be enough? Will unemployment compensation create jobs? Unemployment compensation is a form of insurance. It needs to have limits. What form of insurance should collect minimum premiums and pay out unlimited benefits? How does it remain solvent? The bill eventually becomes due and payable. We have reached that point.

    October 31, 2012 at 1:36 pm

  8. Clearly we are overtaxed and are overspending.

    Any tax is detrimental to any economy–that explains why conservatives are correct in advocating lowering of taxes.

    When the benefits of taxation outweigh the costs, it is time to revamp government. To quote the great one, “Government is not a solution to our problems, government is the problem”

    John E
    October 31, 2012 at 2:13 pm

  9. Here’s an economist – Paul Krugman, he agrees that we should raise taxes on the rich.

    Jim – you can’t just cherry pick things that you like an ignore the things you don’t like out of economics text book.

    The same text that says that you get short run multiplier effects from government spending, is also the same one who says you get short run stimulus effects from a cut in taxes. If you don’t understand this, I would try to explain it to you, but I think I already tried that and failed. Please read up on it or ask specific questions.

    The reason why many economists such as Krugman want to see taxes on the rich raised is not because of the recession, but because of the longer term structural problems of the deficit. Although you would normally not want to raise taxes in a recession, because of the severity of the recession, tax policy and monetary policy has been ineffective. Thus, the benefits of raising taxes on the wealthy outweigh the costs.

    Government spending has had a very good effect on the economy – according to both conservative and liberal economists – creating anywhere from a million to 3.3 million jobs. That is why many advocate food stamps and unemployment benefit extensions.

    ObamaBot THX-1138
    October 31, 2012 at 2:21 pm

  10. The complete answer to your question is contained in the link below.

    Aside – I find views that people receiving UI benefits are on the dole more than a bit despicable. One only has to take a look at a line of 2,000 people seeking to interview for four job openings to realize how profoundly silly that viewpoint is.

    “UPDATED: Pelosi was right: Economists say unemployment insurance stimulates the economy

    Economists agree that unemployment insurance has strong stimulative effect on GDP, employment
    CBO scores “increasing aid to the unemployed” as the highest-scoring policy proposal to stimulate economy. In a January 14 report on “Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in 2010 and 2011,” the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated:

    Policies that could be implemented relatively quickly or targeted toward people whose consumption tends to be restricted by their income, such as reducing payroll taxes for firms that increase payroll or increasing aid to the unemployed, would have the largest effects on output and employment per dollar of budgetary cost in 2010 and 2011.

    According to a table in the report, CBO estimated that increasing aid to the unemployed would have the greatest effects on GDP per dollar of budgetary cost and the second highest cumulative effect on employment of the policy options considered.”

    ADDITIONAL: I normally don’t get into a back and forth –

    For the most part, unemployment insurance is a program funded by the employer. Extending those benefits under certain criteria or conditions is funded by the federal government. Your remark concerning “…$ 1 Million bucks…” seems to reflect an understanding that the premise for your question is deeply flawed. Bottom line – the facts support the assertion of Nancy Pelosi.

    Ralph B
    October 31, 2012 at 2:50 pm

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