Does boarding exist for animals besides horses?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by JillWillRun
Surfing Goat Dairy

Question by Tally: Does boarding exist for animals besides horses?
I know full-time boarding for horses is common and that there are many places for them. However I am looking for boarding for a cow, sheep, or goat. I am interested in having one as a pet (haven’t decided which yet), but so far have not found any boarding places for them. I live in the southern California suburbs so housing one in my backyard really isn’t an option. Do such places exist, and if so do you know of any in Cali? Or would I have to house them on my own?

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2 Responses to Does boarding exist for animals besides horses?

  1. Why would you want to expend money on boarding livestock like that? Would volunteering at a local petting zoo or something like that satisfy your desire?

    Keeping livestock isn’t a hobby and they’re not pets, they don’t behave like pets. Goats are quite destructive actually, and rather dumb in their behavior. Cows are huge and poop a LOT. Sheep are probably the least offensive for a “pet” – at least when they’re little, but then you still have to feed them and sheer them and that’s a lot of work and money. If you think you can get away with not sheering, you’d be mistaken, it’d be cruel to them especially in hot California..

    Do some research about keeping livestock before jumping in over your head.

    June 13, 2013 at 4:17 am

  2. Goats make great pets and aren’t in the least bit dumb. I knew a lady who boarded her goat at the same place she boarded her horse.
    Goat can be trained to pull carts or to pack just as a horse can.
    You might try contacting horse boarding facilities. They might board your goat. Sheep and cattle are also nice. There’s not much else you can do with a sheep but a steer can be trained to pull and work. But they are very large and would probably be harder to find some one to keep one for you.
    :You might also contact dairy goat breeders near you and see if they’ll sell you a wether and then board it for you.
    Check out

    June 13, 2013 at 4:41 am

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