Image by neotint
Question by tofubadger: Does anyone know of a hatchery where I can buy small numbers of chicks ?
I am starting a small backyard flock of hens for eggs and fertilizer. I live in the city and we are not allowed to have roosters. I need to find an online hatchery that is willing to ship 5 or 6 chicks (8 at the very most-so many require at least 25-no way do i need that many). The handful of local feed stores only get straight runs-not sexed chicks. Any ideas?help?
What do you think? Answer below!
im having the same problem
you can try my pet chicken which can ship 3 chick but they would probally not make it through the mail fom gtting could and this place doesnt have too many breeds.
you can also do what i think im gonna do by getting 25 through the mail and giving the extras too a farm
April 30, 2013 at 1:33 am
The first price is if you buy 10 or less, it’s per chick. Then of course the more you get, the less expensive per chick but I’m sure you don’t want hundreds!
Females $ 2.52 $ 2.43 $ 58.00 $ 109.50 $ 211.00
I saw this hatchery on TV, dirty jobs or something and I looked them up because the mail order chicks.
Good luck!
April 30, 2013 at 1:38 am
I have had backyard chickens in the city on and off for 15 years now. Even with sexed chicks, you often get roosters. We usually buy a few extra and invariably we end up with them. Our farm store will take the roosters back and give them away to their regular customers who are able to keep roosters. We have also given them away on Craigslist.
So..maybe just get the unsexed chicks and figure out what to do with the roosters. You can tell which are roosters before they start crowing since the roosters will have longer and pointier feathers.
April 30, 2013 at 1:59 am