Do you need a chicken house/run to keep chickens in a backyard?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by haymarketrebel
Santa Fe Springs, California, where the wild chickens roam.

Question by : Do you need a chicken house/run to keep chickens in a backyard?
when i was a little girl growing up in thailand , we used to have a couple of chickens, my grandma would just let them run around the backyard during the day and at night, she would put a big basket over them , and then let them out during the day again. would this work in an urban environment? our backyard is kinda small and mostly concrete, bark, plants , etc. we also have a frontyard with grass. can i let chickens free range during the day ? i was thinking of tying a long piece of string around their leg so that they don’t fly away (i dont want to clip their wings . i will get large chickens so that the cats and other predators wouldnt dare try to eat them

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3 Responses to Do you need a chicken house/run to keep chickens in a backyard?

  1. You gotta make sure that the chickens arent going to bother your neighbors. My dad has chickens, and they always go in the neighbor’s yard and eat thier garden. So if you have a garden, or your neighbors do, and don’t want any chickens over there eating it, then i would suggest a pen. The good thing about letting your chicks run free is they get more nutrients from grasses and other plants and bugs. They looove grasshoppers! But if your afraid they are gonna wonder away, or bother your neighbors, its best to keep them in a pen.

    May 29, 2012 at 1:36 pm

  2. Your Grandma most likely Had some sort of Game bird, Shamos, Old English game ect as she was living in Thailand and putting Baskets over them. Game birds are a very hard bird, However Still I wouldnt put a basket over them weather I was in a Urban, Countryside or what.

    As the other answers Said, You will need chickens that cant fly, and wont annoy your neighbours and wont get done by Cats ect.
    The chicken I say would be best for you are Koshamo or Shamo, They cant fly or crow, They make no noise and are protective of their patch of land, Wont run away and will beat cats of dogs up as they’re a very famous fighting chicken, However they will still need somewhere to sleep, Like a little chicken hut.
    I would still check with the Council your aloud to keep chickens though!
    Best of luck

    May 29, 2012 at 1:41 pm

  3. yes.

    May 29, 2012 at 1:49 pm

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