Question by Taylor: Do you have to breed dairy goats for them to produce milk?
I know it probably seems like a silly question. I know that with dairy cows you have to breed the cow and it produces milk during its milking period. Is it the same with goats?
Feel free to answer in the comment section below
Dairy goats, are mammals meaning they produce milk for their babies. While there are certainly cases where a doe produces milk without giving birth, the majority of the time the goat needs to give birth to start producing milk. This is especially true the first time you bring a goat into milk. It is a fairly common practice to “milk through” meaning the goat does not kid every year, but is instead is continued to be milked through the next year
October 5, 2011 at 4:51 pm
Yes. No mammal lactates without first giving birth.
October 5, 2011 at 5:47 pm