do white rock chickens grow faster & have more meat than the delaware chickens or is it vice versa?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by -Jeffrey-
The Delaware Agricultural Museum Association was formed by a group of people dedicated to preserving the agricultural heritage of Delaware and the Delmarva Peninsula. The Museum opened its doors to the public in August 1980. A main exhibit building and fifteen historic structures associated with a nineteenth century farming community bring the fascinating story of agriculture to life. More than 4,000 artifacts are displayed in the main exhibit building – from butter churns to threshers, from an eighteenth century log house to the first broiler chicken house.

From the Delaware Agriculture Museum website

Question by k_erdahl: do white rock chickens grow faster & have more meat than the delaware chickens or is it vice versa?
i cant decide. we want a bird that grows quickly has tender, juicy, meat but dont want the broilers. any ideas? i was thinking either the white rock or the delawares.

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2 Responses to do white rock chickens grow faster & have more meat than the delaware chickens or is it vice versa?

  1. white rocks are used commercially they grow so quickly & have a great feed conversion ratio… they are used as cornish game hens, i think when small, or you can let them get larger…

    lauren s
    December 3, 2012 at 11:19 am

  2. White Rocks are a parent line to the modern broiler and Delawares are also considered a broiler.

    Unfortunately if you do not go with a broiler and go with a pure breed or dual purpose breed, the time frame is much longer than a typical broiler before it can be processed and the older a chicken gets to the be, the tougher it gets.

    There are 2 main types of broilers available, a fast grower and a slow grower. It sounds to me that if you are not wanting one of the commercial broilers. I’d recommend that you find slow growing variety or get some White Rocks and cross them with the Cornish Rock. That way the hybrid vigor of the cross would be strong, they should grow faster than being bred. But waiting for those breeds to mature will take some time.

    “Delaware Chickens are noted for their rapid growth and fast feathering of the chicks. The birds are calm, friendly and fast growing. Cocks grow to 8 pounds and hen to 6 pounds.”

    Elusive in the Middle of Nowhere
    December 3, 2012 at 11:25 am

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