Do voters realize this theory that businesses?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by origamidon
Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, Vermont USA • From bears in boats and bowties to ones covered in bees and an occasional butterfly, more than a dozen decorative bears are now on display along Church Street. … The fiberglass animals are part the new "Burlington Bears its Art" campaign. … The family of 14 is being sponsored by a number of Vermont businesses and will be auctioned off later this year with benefits going in part to the Committee on Temporary Shelter … The team at COTS estimates the display could raise as much as 10-thousand dollars for families in need while drawing guests downtown. – From a WCAX article.

Question by James Smith: Do voters realize this theory that businesses?
Pass any expense on to the consumer is false?

While some industry have the luxury of being able to do this most do not. Unless it is an item people must have businesses can not endlessly raise the price.

Consumers only have so much spendable income. That said a car wash can only charge so much to wash a car before it becomes to expensive for some of their customers. Everytime a business has to increase its prices they are cutting a portion of their current customer base out of the picture.

Think about it are you really going to pay $ 35 to have your car washed? $ 10 to have a shirt laundered and pressed at a dry cleaners. $ 250 a night for a hotel room? how about $ 100 for a meal for 2 at apple bees or Chili’s.

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2 Responses to Do voters realize this theory that businesses?

  1. a business either finds a way to pass on expenses or it closes

    October 21, 2012 at 8:39 pm

  2. Too many people will pay the price without any regard for how much it is.

    The Consumer should be the major factor in everything. We should ask – is it necessary? Should I have to pay that much for it? What aer the alternatives? What better can I do with my money.

    As long as we continue to pay the prices asked they wil continue to go up. When we say we have had enough and stop paying the price the companies will start reducing their prices. It is obvious the manufacture does not need to get the price they ask or they would not be making billions of dollars.

    The new NASTY FOUR LETTER WORD in our vocabulary is; Just, or Only. It is “only” $ — or For “Just” $ a month” . How many just’s and only’s can a person afford; how many should kids expect their parents to pay for?

    Dallen B
    October 21, 2012 at 8:48 pm

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