Do vegans look at vegetarians as equal to them or like we look at meat eaters?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Urban Mixer
John Gibeau, Neil Jamieson and Shannon Wrightson – The inaugural Honey Harvest at The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel.
New guests of The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in early June of this year were two notable queens. While they may not be of the royal lineage, their journey is unique. The queens hail from Italy with one raised in Kona Hawaii and the other in Santiago Chile. Their subjects have had an equally notable journey, travelling around the globe from their home of New Zealand to join the queens  here in Vancouver. Today the honey bees are the newest rooftop guests of The Fairmont Waterfront’s culinary team. – read more at

Question by slug: Do vegans look at vegetarians as equal to them or like we look at meat eaters?
Not to make vegans look like bad guys, but do you look at vegetarians as on the same boat as you, or do you think of us as seperate like I do to meat eaters?

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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18 Responses to Do vegans look at vegetarians as equal to them or like we look at meat eaters?

  1. I’m a level 12 vegan. I don’t eat anything with a shadow. Levels 11 and down are all going to burn in hell.

    Suz – level 13s are crazy. They don’t eat anything that has come in contact with air or water. Talk about skinny people!

    December 30, 2012 at 11:31 pm

  2. It would not be fair to look at vegetarians as on a lower level. I am a young vegetarian living at home. My parents are taking it really bad that I am a vegetarian. I became a vegan. My parents flipped out. That is not an option for me while I am living at home.

    Vegetarians still do there part. Every little bit counts.

    December 31, 2012 at 12:14 am

  3. I depends on the person and what is a level 12 vegan ?? :S

    Suz :P
    December 31, 2012 at 12:53 am

  4. I think its a different boat but, the vegetarian and vegan boats are closer together.

    December 31, 2012 at 1:09 am

  5. I think it’s better to be doing something than nothing at all. What I see more is that some vegetarians view themselves as inferior to vegans. Usually when I meet a vegetarian and they find out I’m a vegan, they look kind of guilty and make excuses about why they’re not vegan. It’s like they assume I’m looking down on them, but really, I’m not.

    December 31, 2012 at 1:37 am

  6. I don’t look down on anyone, not pedophiles, terrorists or whoever society decides are the “worst of the worst”. However, I struggle to understand vegetarianism. It would make more sense to eat meat and avoid dairy/eggs. I understand being omniverous and saying damn the consequences, but to me vegetarianism doesn’t make sense.

    However live and let live, or not as the case is if you are a vegetarian. Tee hee.

    December 31, 2012 at 1:40 am

  7. I’m vegan, and I regard everyone as equal to me. I don’t look down on vegetarians or meat-eaters.

    December 31, 2012 at 1:53 am

  8. I’m a vegetarian and I do feel like sometimes Vegan’s look at me as ” not as pure” as themselves…which makes me angry because like a person above me said, I’m doing what I can to make a difference at this time. I respect Vegans a LOT but it’s just not the lifestyle I choose to have at this point in time. Being a vegetarian, I save over 100 animals a year from death, and to me, that’s a big accomplishment.

    As much as I wish, the world will never become vegetarian, but every single person can make a small change to their diet and those small changes can add up to make a HUGE difference.

    …and to the person who posted above me, how does being a vegetarian not make sense? In terms of health, meat is directly linked to the top three causes of death: Stroke, Heart Attack, and one other that escapes my mind right now. Have you ever seen factory farming videos? They will make your stomach turn and you’ll really get an idea of where your steak is coming from. Not to mention the fact that Human Rights Watch has declared Slaughterhouse workers to be the most DANGEROUS factory job in this country.

    ….If you’re really interested in why so many people ( Did you know that Einstein was a vegetarian? How about Paul McCartney? ) choose to eliminate meat from their diet, check out some of the sources listed below.

    Gianna T
    December 31, 2012 at 2:50 am

  9. I’m a level 15 vegan beat that!!!

    Bill Cosby
    December 31, 2012 at 3:33 am

  10. Different boat, although vegetarians and vegans are more related than they are to meat eaters….


    Get what im sayin?

    December 31, 2012 at 3:40 am

  11. Wrong to judge people or look down on them for one facet of their lives.

    Andy D
    December 31, 2012 at 3:57 am

  12. everyone is vegan or vegetarian for different reasons.
    It’s certainly NOT all about

    “I love animals and hate you if you wear leather”.
    On this topic, if I was one of those vegans who despised people who are only halfway to being kind to animals, I would ask other vegans why they do not cover their faces with a cloth- like Jains do, in case they inhale a bug.
    When Jains walk in the street, they often sweep the floor in fornt of them, to avoid treading on a worm.
    And also, if you eat fruit and veg that is NOT organic , then you have knowlingly contributed to a bug not eating the sugar from that fruit- this is what insects in the ground do- they burrow for food and eat off a pumpkin etc., So if you are eating non- buggy pumpkins, you probably have stopped some insects having their food.
    I only say this above, to demonstrate the levels you can go to.
    it’s going to be a hot topic if you start asking about this persons’ attitude, to another person, if they agree on different levels of veganism, or animal rights etc.
    sk a farmer and he will swear blind he loves his cows and it would be cruel NOT to farm them.

    I think of people who don’t eat animals as wonderful people.
    If you want to not eat the dairy too, that’s great. The starting point os the slaghter of animals, and that is just wrong and nasty, and the conditions they are kept in.
    But also the health benefits and environment benefits of plants diets, I think most would agree on that.
    I don’t even think of meat eaters as separate, just thick headed and in denial. They are free to act that way, but they mostly change when they see “Meet your Meat” on youtube.

    Most vegetarains used to be meat eaters too, and THEY werent’ evil and bad, were they??
    I know I wasn’t, it was just a mind set- meat is from a species that gives us food, like carrots.

    So, as long as the acknowledgement has been started, I don’t separate anyone. In fact, those meat eaters are the ones with bad guts and heart disease, so it’s up to vegetarains to help them.


    December 31, 2012 at 4:06 am

  13. i dont look down upon anybody no matter what they eat, i dont think of them as evil or sadistic, just uneducated. its our job in this world to show others the right thing to do, show them that vegetarian and vegan lifestyle’s are healthier for our body, the lives of this planet and our planet in its self. the thing most carnivores beleive is that we compromise tastes textures and flavours, but i have eaten the blandest meat (when i was young i might add, before i realised it was an animal) and i have had the most amazing flavours of the most amazing vegetables to eat. there was no compromise for me being a veggie, though i do understand the message that vegans send and would like to try the vegan lifestyle.

    December 31, 2012 at 4:45 am

  14. i mean its definitly a different boat ..they eat different food just like veg and meat eaters eat different ..
    but we are going after the same goal if what u were asking is do we look down upon veg ..then my answer is no ..but sadly yes a lot of vegans do look down upon veg ..

    December 31, 2012 at 5:10 am

  15. I try not to look down on anyone but sometimes that is quite difficult.

    I think of vegetarians as being in the same boat or at least a close boat. At least we are doing something.

    ☼Sωззт εѕсăре™
    December 31, 2012 at 5:19 am

  16. Same boat. While I hope that everyone would go vegan, I’m certainly not judgmental of veggies! I was one myself! Same journey, different places.

    December 31, 2012 at 5:43 am

  17. I don’t know…..The vegetarians that claim to be vegetarians for animal rights kind of make me double-take. There’s just as much cruelty on dairy farms, and chickens and hens go through hell and back in factory farms too, or whatever they’re called. As much as a difference as being a vegetarian makes, a lot of cruelty is still going on that could help be prevented by going vegan. But I don’t think I’m better than them, I just think being a vegetarian is a bit hypocritical if you’re going on about animal rights and everything.

    IrishOptimist :)
    December 31, 2012 at 5:47 am

  18. I think the vast majority of vegetarians that eat fish, eggs and dairy are uneducated about where their food comes from, or are lazy/vain.

    it is possible that people don’t know the dairy industry is the drive for the veal industry as well as how cruel and inhumane the egg industry is. Anyone who eats fish, I do not consider a vegetarian. There are also people who think organic food is cruelty free and this ok to eat. The fact of the matter is, that the organic label means nothing about ethical treatment, nor does it regulate cage/farm conditions about space and treatment of animals.

    However, even if the cow wasn’t harmed, and was mated naturally, and raised calves, and lived a full life, is drinking milk appropriate for human beings?

    truth of the matter is no. cows milk is for baby cows and human milk is for baby humans. no animals drink milk outside of infancy other than people in the western world. the vast majority of the world is lactose intolerant.

    same goes for eggs and honey. it is not produced as food for us AND we manipulate the way it is produced (by not allowing the eggs to be fertilized by separating males from females or in the case of honey, replacing the bee’s natural food with sugar water).

    Being a human doesn’t give you the authority to steal from other living beings.

    I would describe vegetarians who are knowledgeable about the disgusting things that happen in the egg and dairy industry as
    lazy and vain as unwilling to make changes because it is “too hard” or “too expensive” to be a vegan, they “like cheese too much” or they really just don’t give a shit about animals.

    December 31, 2012 at 6:15 am

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