Do the government just raise the terrorist level occasionally to keep the masses in check……?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by mlhradio
Berclair School, Bee County, Texas. In an open field in front of the Berclair Mansion sits an abandoned schoolhouse, filled with faded and broken memories of decades past.

If there is one thing I have learned about Texas, it’s that Texas is filled with abandoned schoolhouses. I’ve run across all sorts of schools all over south Texas – from one-room shanties in the hills of Payton’s Colony or the desert plains of Comstock; to boarded up structures in Gillett and Quihi; to huge half-destroyed high schools in Asherton and Catarina. So it was no surprise to run across an abandoned school in Berclair.

The town of Berclair sprang up in the 1890’s when the railroad was built across the Coastal Bend. While it did serve the local ranchers, Berclair never really exploded, topping out at just 350 residents at its largest. Then the Great Depression hit, and like many small Texas towns, it never really recovered – dropping down to sixty to seventy residents until recently.

I have no idea of exactly when this little schoolhouse closed its doors, but it looks like it must have been at least a few decades ago. Inside, I did find a reunion sign for the Class of 1948. Now the building is filled with some junk scattered around the floor, plus it looks like has been used for storage for various community organizations at one time or another.

The front door opens up into a single central hallway that leads to another door at the rear. The entire left side of the building is one large room, which could be divided into two classrooms, and a raised section towards the rear that can serve as a stage. Off to the right, two smaller rooms filled with trash. A stairway heads to the rafters and attic, doubling as a storage area. In back, separated from the main building are the restrooms.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information at all about this school online. Although the schoolhouse was open to the elements with trash and some graffiti, it appears it has been cleaned up in the past (for class reunions, for example), and will no doubt be fixed up again in the future. Pictures taken March 7, 2009.

Question by : Do the government just raise the terrorist level occasionally to keep the masses in check……?
50 deaths 5 years ago.

My god, 50 deaths in 5 years. More people die of bee stings.

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18 Responses to Do the government just raise the terrorist level occasionally to keep the masses in check……?

  1. Of course they do.

    April 1, 2012 at 8:37 am

  2. wow your crazy

    April 1, 2012 at 9:30 am

  3. no

    they send a couple of guys with guns to your work and tell you to stop posting stuff on the internet

    Gaye Pourne
    April 1, 2012 at 9:43 am

  4. More people die from swine flu ( does it actually exist.. of course it does). I suppose the odd mad mullah blowing themselves up isn’t a bad thing as long as they dint scratch the paintwork on my car .

    Turbo T
    April 1, 2012 at 10:21 am

  5. Perhaps ask the people who’s 50 friends and family members have been murdered by the terrorists.

    April 1, 2012 at 10:51 am

  6. And if the terrorists struck with no warnings from the government, if they had some intel, you would be screaming from the top of your lungs. Trying to get people fired or charges brought. You strike me as being the type of failed citizen that nobody would want to go to war for.

    Jose Brazo
    April 1, 2012 at 11:07 am

  7. People that die of bee stings dont get stung and then blown up, keep it real,those 50 people who you so casually quote on done nothing other than go about their lives and routine , how dare you even compare them too bee stings!!

    April 1, 2012 at 11:24 am

  8. yet another pile of bullshit from our dafney dave

    April 1, 2012 at 11:30 am

  9. I see what you are saying Dave, but its only a matter of tiume till a load of us get slaughtered again, and the Government, will say “we did all we can to stop it”

    Then why this?

    The PC brigade will have blood on their hands soon I dread.

    but they just think that the human rights of people willing to kill others are as valid as anyone else.

    What a strange country we live in

    Paul C
    April 1, 2012 at 12:09 pm

  10. Yes read 1984 that’s how they work.Find a bogey man and while they watch the bogey man you slip it up their aas.And as for killing people how about 500,000 Iraqis and 60,000 Afghans 70% female and children.The people in this country make me want to puke hypocrite bastards.

    April 1, 2012 at 12:45 pm

  11. and when not enough are being killed they mail “anonymous” letters to themselves that mysteriously start to smolder once they are received…..hmmmmmmm….,0,3118210.story

    April 1, 2012 at 1:18 pm

  12. I would say no, it’s is the governments paramount concern that Britain is protected and secure from terror attacks, when information becomes available that a plot is being planned they have a duty to inform the citizens. I must stress that the terror threat to the UK as a whole remains at Severe, it Is the threat level at airports and transport hubs that have been increased because of a ”credible” plot against these targets, there are suggestions that they may be plans to shoot down aircraft just after takeoff, this would be catastrophic. The government takes this very seriously and they are taking all protective measures to ensure that the police, security services and armed SAS are ready to respond to an attack that threatens to turn London into a “war zone” and be our “slow motion 9/11″, when information becomes available that a plot in underway then the level will be raised to critical and London will be secured and the Capitol surrounded by armed police and SAS.

    Craig C
    April 1, 2012 at 1:26 pm

  13. Bush43 did it regularly. Tom Ridge, the guy responsible for the color-coded terrorist levels admitted that he raised and lowered the threat level at Bush43’s request.

    April 1, 2012 at 2:05 pm

  14. a star for stating the obvious, well done first time this year.

    um surely they must have run out of levels by now, that or reinvented the system perhaps its now a 26 level layered system you know orange slightly indigo ish with a hint of lavendar.

    RT Fiscall
    April 1, 2012 at 2:12 pm

  15. they do. its to keep us under control, its to keep us obedient. and to stop us from complaining about police oppression.

    April 1, 2012 at 2:57 pm

  16. Remember some of the big Aeroplane companies wanted to make security a little bit more relaxed at airports and then Al Queda started to plan more terrorist attacks. Do you recall the media frenzy surrounding it? Call me cynical, but I smelt a red herring back then. I still do and of course they aren’t going to relax the rules not now and not in the near future!

    April 1, 2012 at 3:20 pm

  17. yes, but we are the enemy! they have more police on the street and seize more cannabis! the police are the thieves on the street!

    Rodney A
    April 1, 2012 at 3:52 pm

  18. It wasn;t through want of trying. There was a second failed attempt to blow up the tubes. An attempt to blow up 5 transatlantic planes.A failed attempt to blow up Tiger Tiger west end night club.A failed attempt to blow up Glasgow airport. And many more failed attempts due to good police work and intelligence. You can remain a cynic if you choose to have your head burried in the sand.
    3000 Americans died in 9/11.

    Arthur W
    April 1, 2012 at 4:02 pm

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