I’ve managed to get my hands on a load of 5 gallon barrels and thought I’d try making some Deep water Culture buckets.
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25 Responses to DIY Budget Aquaponics, Deep water culture buckets
First and only time I have ever seen a Hot Glue gun used for PVC ?
Its a 6×3 that i paid £160 for, the galv frame is really good but the cover
is already falling to bits after just a year, I’d recommend the tunnel but
would suggest spending £50 on a better 5 year UV poly cover instead of the
one supplied, it still works out good value and you wont be having to
recover it like me in a years time.
December 22, 2013 at 10:25 pm Reply
Yeah tha’ts what i ended up doing
December 22, 2013 at 10:34 pm Reply
Yeah tha’ts what i ended up doing
December 22, 2013 at 11:23 pm Reply
Not very well it turns out, leaks everywhere!
December 22, 2013 at 11:39 pm Reply
Nothing fancy, they’re just some cheap work wear overalls from “Portwest”
just got lots of pockets for screws and pencils
December 22, 2013 at 11:57 pm Reply
What brand overalls are you wearing? I am intrigued… Almost looks like
you are wearing a tactical vest.
Thanks I’ll try my best. I could add a pipe onto the elbow inside the
barrel to push the water to the bottom , in essence that would do the same
thing. Although I hope the elbow on its own will suffice. Time will tell.
December 23, 2013 at 3:40 am Reply
Thanks for the confirmation.
December 23, 2013 at 4:18 am Reply
Do you have any problems with pumkins and squash in your system. I have had
problems in my system with certain plants and I thought it was for the cold
If that was the case floating raft systems wouldn’t work, the roots of the
plants are constantly submerged wih no aeration, in essence my buckets are
working like that. Regardless my plants are growing very well without air
or clear water so I guess you can’t believe everything you read.
December 23, 2013 at 5:26 am Reply
I think you have forgot about aeration in the water of your barrel exremely
deep water culture… I suggest you getting an airpump, some length of
small diameter airhose and the cheap blue airstones and possibly a ball
valve to control the lot… Have the mai air supply and the valve in the
middle of the row of barrels and T them of from there… I am also a bit
worried about the water clairity… DWC need very clear water, otherwise
the roots will clog up. Ussually a swirl filter will be used.
Tried mellon twice now, they just dont seem to like it in the ebb and flow
beds, may try them in the DWC buckets next year. Had thought about towers
but the only place with good height is right in the centre of the tunnel
which would obstruct the walk way, I have got various vine type plants,
cucumber, runners, pumpkin which can be trained up over the curve of the
tunnel . Turned the top bed into a floating raft setup, working really
well. Got worms in my beds, so no swirl filter needed.
December 23, 2013 at 5:43 am Reply
Hey there, are there any chemicals in the hot glue which may be bad for the
plants or fish ? Also, if the barrels are in series won’t there be less
nutrients in each consecutive barrel meaning best growth in the first
barrel and least growth in the last ?
Liking it, bet the Punkins will grow amazing there! Maybe even upgrade to a
Melon next year and support them with netting hanging from the bar above!
Loving your efforts, well done, keep up the good work! Have you thought
about any vertical towers or those other “wall” style systems for say
strawberrys? Might as well untilise every inch of space? Did you get round
to using the area above the fish tank for duck weed? Do you have a worm
form and/or farm soldier flies for plant food too?
Why such a distance between the barrels? … I know it looks better to be
evenly spaced but I would think it would be easier to add barrels later if
they were placed as close together as possible in the beginning …
I’ll keep an eye out for it, its all a learning process and I’m by no means
an expert on the subject. Like you I just give it ago and see if it works.
December 23, 2013 at 8:16 am Reply
December 23, 2013 at 8:56 am Reply
Nice video mate!
Dominick Feragola
December 23, 2013 at 9:20 am Reply
Hot glue is just a low temperature melting plastic with similar properties
to the other plastic in my system so I’m not overly concerned about it.
Regarding nutrients there’s about 60 gallons flowing through the buckets
each day, I’m sure there will be enough for all the plants but I will be
keeping an eye on them just in case.
December 23, 2013 at 10:10 am Reply
DWC aquaponics you don’t need to pump air under the plants!!! I have a 15k
gallon DWC system I have no air stones in the whole system…
Leesville Aquaponics Homestead
December 23, 2013 at 11:00 am Reply
Hey NMM I love the creativity of your videos keep up the good work, one
slight modification I would have made to your design would have been to
have the inlet pipe at the bottom of each tub so you got a good flow from
the bottom of the tub to the outlet at the top. But great work anyway it
will be good to see how they turn out.
First and only time I have ever seen a Hot Glue gun used for PVC ?
dad nova
December 22, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Its a 6×3 that i paid £160 for, the galv frame is really good but the cover
is already falling to bits after just a year, I’d recommend the tunnel but
would suggest spending £50 on a better 5 year UV poly cover instead of the
one supplied, it still works out good value and you wont be having to
recover it like me in a years time.
December 22, 2013 at 10:25 pm
Yeah tha’ts what i ended up doing
December 22, 2013 at 10:34 pm
Yeah tha’ts what i ended up doing
December 22, 2013 at 11:23 pm
Not very well it turns out, leaks everywhere!
December 22, 2013 at 11:39 pm
Nothing fancy, they’re just some cheap work wear overalls from “Portwest”
just got lots of pockets for screws and pencils
December 22, 2013 at 11:57 pm
What brand overalls are you wearing? I am intrigued… Almost looks like
you are wearing a tactical vest.
Patrick Lynch
December 23, 2013 at 12:56 am
what size poly tunnel is that ive been looking at getting a 3m x 6m tunnel
for about £140 , how long you had yours and do you recomend getting one ?
December 23, 2013 at 1:44 am
opposed to changing the grade just have them all siphon.
December 23, 2013 at 1:47 am
hot glue on pvc! how does that work?
December 23, 2013 at 2:45 am
Thanks I’ll try my best. I could add a pipe onto the elbow inside the
barrel to push the water to the bottom , in essence that would do the same
thing. Although I hope the elbow on its own will suffice. Time will tell.
December 23, 2013 at 3:40 am
Thanks for the confirmation.
December 23, 2013 at 4:18 am
Do you have any problems with pumkins and squash in your system. I have had
problems in my system with certain plants and I thought it was for the cold
December 23, 2013 at 4:42 am
If that was the case floating raft systems wouldn’t work, the roots of the
plants are constantly submerged wih no aeration, in essence my buckets are
working like that. Regardless my plants are growing very well without air
or clear water so I guess you can’t believe everything you read.
December 23, 2013 at 5:26 am
I think you have forgot about aeration in the water of your barrel exremely
deep water culture… I suggest you getting an airpump, some length of
small diameter airhose and the cheap blue airstones and possibly a ball
valve to control the lot… Have the mai air supply and the valve in the
middle of the row of barrels and T them of from there… I am also a bit
worried about the water clairity… DWC need very clear water, otherwise
the roots will clog up. Ussually a swirl filter will be used.
December 23, 2013 at 5:34 am
Tried mellon twice now, they just dont seem to like it in the ebb and flow
beds, may try them in the DWC buckets next year. Had thought about towers
but the only place with good height is right in the centre of the tunnel
which would obstruct the walk way, I have got various vine type plants,
cucumber, runners, pumpkin which can be trained up over the curve of the
tunnel . Turned the top bed into a floating raft setup, working really
well. Got worms in my beds, so no swirl filter needed.
December 23, 2013 at 5:43 am
Hey there, are there any chemicals in the hot glue which may be bad for the
plants or fish ? Also, if the barrels are in series won’t there be less
nutrients in each consecutive barrel meaning best growth in the first
barrel and least growth in the last ?
December 23, 2013 at 6:07 am
Liking it, bet the Punkins will grow amazing there! Maybe even upgrade to a
Melon next year and support them with netting hanging from the bar above!
Loving your efforts, well done, keep up the good work! Have you thought
about any vertical towers or those other “wall” style systems for say
strawberrys? Might as well untilise every inch of space? Did you get round
to using the area above the fish tank for duck weed? Do you have a worm
form and/or farm soldier flies for plant food too?
December 23, 2013 at 6:59 am
Why such a distance between the barrels? … I know it looks better to be
evenly spaced but I would think it would be easier to add barrels later if
they were placed as close together as possible in the beginning …
magus jinx
December 23, 2013 at 7:27 am
I’ll keep an eye out for it, its all a learning process and I’m by no means
an expert on the subject. Like you I just give it ago and see if it works.
December 23, 2013 at 8:16 am
December 23, 2013 at 8:56 am
Nice video mate!
Dominick Feragola
December 23, 2013 at 9:20 am
Hot glue is just a low temperature melting plastic with similar properties
to the other plastic in my system so I’m not overly concerned about it.
Regarding nutrients there’s about 60 gallons flowing through the buckets
each day, I’m sure there will be enough for all the plants but I will be
keeping an eye on them just in case.
December 23, 2013 at 10:10 am
DWC aquaponics you don’t need to pump air under the plants!!! I have a 15k
gallon DWC system I have no air stones in the whole system…
Leesville Aquaponics Homestead
December 23, 2013 at 11:00 am
Hey NMM I love the creativity of your videos keep up the good work, one
slight modification I would have made to your design would have been to
have the inlet pipe at the bottom of each tub so you got a good flow from
the bottom of the tub to the outlet at the top. But great work anyway it
will be good to see how they turn out.
December 23, 2013 at 11:24 am