Dear organic gardeners?

Filed under: Farming |

organic agriculture
Image by OrganicNation

Question by Weeping Willow: Dear organic gardeners?
A message to you all…

“As for organic food, maybe we need an end to it. All you bong-beating hippies who think organic food is so great haven’t even bothered to look into the toll it takes on the environment. Organic food is the biggest scam in the history of agriculture, and you’ve all bought it (literally) hook, line, and sinker.

Think organic uses no chemicals, or safe chemicals? Wrong. Think organic doesn’t destroy habitats? Double wrong; it requires on average 2.5 times more acres than traditional farming, and that means more ecosystems destroyed. Think organic is healthier for you? Super wrong; not only have NO double-blind studies proven organic foods to have more nutrients than non-organic, but the farming methods tend to make it more dangerous to the consumer. Remember that horrible E. coli outbreak two years ago that killed something like 18 people? That was from organic spinach. Think organic supports small business? HAHA! So totally wrong. Most organic food at the grocery story is from farms owned by the big agri-business conglomerates. They’ve realized that you suckers are so scared of everything that you’ll pay six times more for a carrot that’s been grown with more habitat loss and no nutritive benefit. You organic-eaters are lining the pockets of marketing and corporate fatcats and doing it with a big soy-eating grin on your faces.

Stop being afraid of science. Gain a little healthy skepticism and LEARN about issues before you decide to glom onto them. And stop believing everything the crazy hippies tell you.”


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