Christians why don’t you think this is a good alegory for the fall of man story?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District
Familiar faces vie for table tennis glory

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District and URS Corporation have held ping pong leagues for several years and ultimately hold a championship tournament on the seventh-floor patio of their downtown Los Angeles office building.

This year’s Pingpong Extravaganza men’s championship was held July 26, featuring a chili dog lunch to raise funds for and promote membership in the District-sponsored Toastmasters club.

“Another great year,” said Ed Louie, member of Essayons Toastmasters Club 988 and One-Alarm Chili chef. “We had some scheduling issues, so only the men’s final was held today.”

In the men’s division, it was an all-District final as ACE-IT contractor Bee Cha won three sets to one against David Coltharp of the asset management division.

Corps vs. Corps lined up as the women took the table on July 31. Perennial finalist and 2006 champion Rosa Ramirez, programs and project management division lost a hard fought battle to Roxanne Vidaurre, engineering division.

This fun rivalry got its start when Ed Louie attended a Toastmasters meeting in URS’ conference room and noticed a ping pong table in the patio area. A URS Toastmasters member asked him if he would like a quick game after the meeting. After the match, the two decided it would be fun if the district and URS challenge each other to a friendly ping pong match. From that point in 2006 to present, it’s two wins for URS men and five wins for the Corps men. For the women, its four wins for URS and two wins for the Corps women. The Corps is looking for future men and women players to join.

“If this year is any indication, the men and women of the Los Angeles District and URS Corporation will continue this friendly challenge, and I may have to add another ‘alarm’ to my chili,” added Louie.

Question by : Christians why don’t you think this is a good alegory for the fall of man story?
Now Ane saw some of the forbidden honey in the Bee hives and saw that it was pleasing to the eye and good to eat. She could not resist the temptation to take some of the honey and eat it so she took some of the honey and ate it. She then gave her brother and husband Ame some of the honey as well and he ate it as well. In the process of taking the honey and eating it both Ame and Ane got stung by the bees a great many times.

After eating the honey and getting stung Ame and Ane were both in excruciating pain from getting stung so they started crying. The man herd them crying and he asked, “Why are you 2 crying?”

Ame answered, “I am in extreme pain because I got stung by some bees.”

The man asked, “How did you get stung? Have you eaten from the bee hives I told you not to eat from?”

Ame answered, “The girl you adopted to keep me company-she gave me some honey and I ate it.”

The man then asked Ane, “What is this you have done?”

Ane said, “I saw how delicious the honey looked and it looked so good that I could not resist the temptation to eat it.”
he man said to Ane, “Ane because you have done this I will have Ame rule over you and your desire shall be to him. You and all the other Anes that will exist on this island will only exist to entertain Ame and produce children.”

The man said to Ame, “Ame because you listened to your sister and wife Ane and ate some of the honey from one of the bee hives I told you not to eat from, I will no longer provide you with food and shelter. You will have to plow the ground and grow and raise your own food and you will only be allowed to use the most basic technology to plow the ground and raise food. By the sweat of your labor you shall eat until the day you die.”

The man gave Ame and his sister and wife Ane some medicine to help their stings heal. The man said, “The islanders are now like us knowing pleasure from pain. They must not be allowed to have their bodies continuously rejuvenated and live for an indefinite amount of time like us.” The man banished his adoptive children from his home. After banishing his adoptive children from his home he put a wall around his yard to prevent his children from reinterring his home.

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3 Responses to Christians why don’t you think this is a good alegory for the fall of man story?

  1. please don’t think i read all that

    Pamela Janes
    September 18, 2012 at 8:44 pm

  2. I am quite happy with the biblical story thanks, so I have no motive to wade through all of that. Especially as it probably has a profundity rating of zero, if it is the typical atheist rant.

    Anthony D
    September 18, 2012 at 9:38 pm

  3. It was an interesting read. Definitely worth the minute or two it took to do so.

    September 18, 2012 at 10:21 pm

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