Our 2011 run of the chicken tractor began in Mid-May with 20 poultry birds and 4 turkeys. Currently, they are brooding under the covered chicken tractor unti…
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2 Responses to Chicken “tractor” helps with pasture renovations and bug control in a natural way
Making my tractor at the mo.Yours looks ideal,well done with that :o)
I have chickens in a small pasture at my house. I found that they eat the
grass and leave the weeds (hoary cress, morning glory, and other greens the
chickens hate), so that I end up w/ a field of weeds instead of grass. I’m
not using a chicken tractor, but rather just letting them roam around free.
How do you ensure that after they’ve worked an area, that you end up with
grass growing there, instead of weeds?
Making my tractor at the mo.Yours looks ideal,well done with that :o)
February 15, 2014 at 9:56 am
I have chickens in a small pasture at my house. I found that they eat the
grass and leave the weeds (hoary cress, morning glory, and other greens the
chickens hate), so that I end up w/ a field of weeds instead of grass. I’m
not using a chicken tractor, but rather just letting them roam around free.
How do you ensure that after they’ve worked an area, that you end up with
grass growing there, instead of weeds?
Gregg Alex
February 15, 2014 at 10:04 am