Can’t remember the title of the movie… a foreign film about a woman who loves honey and a guy who loves her.

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by Dave Catchpole
Thistle and Bee

A pleasant afternoon walk in Ickworth Park, Horringer, Nr Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk.
A National Trust Property
The Park – The extensive 1,800 acres of wooded parkland, created in part by ‘Capability’ Brown, is a living landscape rich in plant, animal, and bird life. Some parts cultivated and grazed, yet much can be explored and enjoyed.
The Gardens – The gardens surrounding the house were created in the first half of the 19th century by the First Marquess of Bristol. Those in the formal Italian style to the south of the house feature the Gold and Silver Gardens, a Victorian Stumpery and the Temple Rose Garden. A raised terrace walk separates the south garden from the park.
Beyond the church are the remnants of an 18th-century garden created by the First Earl. His summerhouse (circa.1703) and ornamental canal still survive. The kitchen garden, protected by high brick walls, is now a vineyard producing Ickworth wines

Question by blech99: Can’t remember the title of the movie… a foreign film about a woman who loves honey and a guy who loves her.
They have a short fling that ends in misery and she gets land in the woods far from the city and raises her own bees for honey. over the years she never gets a good batch of honey. The guy plants apple trees around her property without her knowing it. He pops out of the woods as she tastes her first apple blossom honey…any idea what the name of this movie is?

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One Response to Can’t remember the title of the movie… a foreign film about a woman who loves honey and a guy who loves her.

  1. Sorry, I don’t know it. Try posting your question in these forums:

    You’ll probably have the highest chances of getting an answer in them or a similar forum.

    July 29, 2012 at 11:13 pm

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