Canning Meat for Home Storage Part II Finishing up the canned meats. How to can cooked and raw chicken, round steak, pork loin, chuck roast, hamburger, tallow, kielbasa.
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25 Responses to Canning Meat Part II
Can you pressure can already cooked sausage patties and already cooked eggs
you can find them at wally world… if so how
I am loving your videos. I’m new to canning, and have canned chicken,
carrots, and multiple preserves, marmalades, and such. May be crazy
question, but what do you do with the pork after its canned? A local
store has boneless whole pork loin on sale this week for $2.19 lb which I’m
thinking is a good price. Just not sure whether to leave it whole or cube
like I did chicken…
Received my canner in the mail today and jumped right in : ) Browned 3 lbs
of sausage and filled 4 pint jars. Was so pleased when I heard the lids
ping a couple minutes after removing them from the canner. In other
videos, I heard 45 minutes for Pint processing time and you said 75
minutes. I plan to process raw chicken tomorrow in pints. Can you explain
the difference in processing time? Do we have to wait any length of time
before eating the canned meat? I want to test it before doing a larger
batch. Thanks for all your awesome videos with great explanations!
I would like to thank you for your very informative video series. I have
just come across it in the past few days and I believe I have caught
something. It is about the reusable lids. I saw another video you did later
where you used the lids again and had good results, but in this initial
video you had a failure and did not know why.
I believe I see the reasoning for the failure of the seal. In this video at
3:37 you pick up one of the jars with the reusable seal and tilt it to show
it to the camera. It is a quick tilt but none the less I believe that one
movement may have been the root cause of the failure.
I was taught when I was younger the statement “Goof and grow”, in other
words failures are opportunities to learn. You have the unique position of
having a failure recorded, which is an advantage as in the future when
using these lid types we know to be very careful to not let any liquid from
the contents get onto the seals, as they may not be as resilient as normal
lids in those circumstances, and possibly need to leave a little more head
space just to be sure.
Again I would like to say your video series has been very informative and
nicely documented. I have not had the chance yet to do any canning myself,
but I live on a limited budget and have seen the savings that can be
achieved. Along with ease of preparation after canning and the ability to
control the nutritional value of our diet using canning that I have decided
to make it a priority in my life, and your videos have been quintessential
on fostering that idea.
ok I saw you put the salt in the raw meat but did y0u add it to the cooked
hamburger too? and would you still add it if you seasoned the meat while
cooking it?
Hey, I canned some roast beef cubes and I seared (almost fried) the meat.
It was a tiny bit raw in the middle when I filled the jars somewhat loosely
with the meat cubes and added hot beef broth to 1-inch below the rim of the
jars. I processed for 90 minutes. Isn’t the meat cooked thoroughly
after it boils for 90 minutes in the jars regardless of whether or not the
meat was seared? The finished product looks great; the jars sealed nicely,
but now I am wondering: are there any safety issues with searing the meat
first and then doing a wet pack?
I love your videos. Between you and Mrs. Volfie I finally learned pressure
canning. I canned meat broth and beef liver like the instructions said and
my husband took one look at all my hard work and said he wasn’t eating
that. it probably has food poisoning one was ugly. My question is how do
you yourself cope with stubbornness like that? I know the food is safe. I
also know that I will have to can more because we’ve 2 steers and 2 goats
that are ready to be butchered and that will over flow my freezer. He is
selling a lot but nobody likes the organ meats and we always have people
who change their mind last minute. Btw how can I prepare tongue easily? I
screwed up my last one so bad we cooked it and fed it to the chickens.
Thanks in advance. ;)
Like Nancy below, I’m also wondering how those Tattler lids are working out
for you. Seems like a lot of people like them but they have some things to
watch out for. 1952Jeep had an issue with a big failure, but is still
using them and likes them too. How do you see it?
Loved this video, the new year will bring new beginnings for myself and my
family, we’re moving to a more self-sustainable living, can’t wait to buy
my pressure canner. How are those tattler lids? This is an older video,
just wondering what your review has been with them since you may have had
them for at least a couple of years now. Any info concerning those lids
are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Thanks for the video you have opened my eyes to a whole world of DIY ways
to be better prepared if SHTF ever does happen, May God bless you and
Now what I would like to know is how does one make canned beer? I think
this would be particularly useful during extended ATM sessions in a “bug
out” situation.
thank you so much for these videos! as a newbie canner these really help.
do u have a email or anything for questions? i just started canning soup
and im canning meat today i hope to see more videos
Can you pressure can already cooked sausage patties and already cooked eggs
you can find them at wally world… if so how
Dragon Fly
April 26, 2015 at 10:14 am
I am loving your videos. I’m new to canning, and have canned chicken,
carrots, and multiple preserves, marmalades, and such. May be crazy
question, but what do you do with the pork after its canned? A local
store has boneless whole pork loin on sale this week for $2.19 lb which I’m
thinking is a good price. Just not sure whether to leave it whole or cube
like I did chicken…
Wanda Keeter
April 26, 2015 at 10:21 am
Received my canner in the mail today and jumped right in : ) Browned 3 lbs
of sausage and filled 4 pint jars. Was so pleased when I heard the lids
ping a couple minutes after removing them from the canner. In other
videos, I heard 45 minutes for Pint processing time and you said 75
minutes. I plan to process raw chicken tomorrow in pints. Can you explain
the difference in processing time? Do we have to wait any length of time
before eating the canned meat? I want to test it before doing a larger
batch. Thanks for all your awesome videos with great explanations!
Rani Carlesco
April 26, 2015 at 11:14 am
I would like to thank you for your very informative video series. I have
just come across it in the past few days and I believe I have caught
something. It is about the reusable lids. I saw another video you did later
where you used the lids again and had good results, but in this initial
video you had a failure and did not know why.
I believe I see the reasoning for the failure of the seal. In this video at
3:37 you pick up one of the jars with the reusable seal and tilt it to show
it to the camera. It is a quick tilt but none the less I believe that one
movement may have been the root cause of the failure.
I was taught when I was younger the statement “Goof and grow”, in other
words failures are opportunities to learn. You have the unique position of
having a failure recorded, which is an advantage as in the future when
using these lid types we know to be very careful to not let any liquid from
the contents get onto the seals, as they may not be as resilient as normal
lids in those circumstances, and possibly need to leave a little more head
space just to be sure.
Again I would like to say your video series has been very informative and
nicely documented. I have not had the chance yet to do any canning myself,
but I live on a limited budget and have seen the savings that can be
achieved. Along with ease of preparation after canning and the ability to
control the nutritional value of our diet using canning that I have decided
to make it a priority in my life, and your videos have been quintessential
on fostering that idea.
April 26, 2015 at 12:06 pm
I am going to start canning meat and was wondering your take on a aluminum
vs stainless steel pressure cooker.
Sharon Sponaugle
April 26, 2015 at 12:59 pm
I haven’t tried canning meat yet. Can you give us examples of how you use
your canned meat?
Jeanna Walton
April 26, 2015 at 1:49 pm
ok I saw you put the salt in the raw meat but did y0u add it to the cooked
hamburger too? and would you still add it if you seasoned the meat while
cooking it?
Marjorie Eades
April 26, 2015 at 2:47 pm
Hi Bexar is it safe to can chicken breast with the bone in, is the process
the same?
Ben Mac
April 26, 2015 at 2:54 pm
Hey, I canned some roast beef cubes and I seared (almost fried) the meat.
It was a tiny bit raw in the middle when I filled the jars somewhat loosely
with the meat cubes and added hot beef broth to 1-inch below the rim of the
jars. I processed for 90 minutes. Isn’t the meat cooked thoroughly
after it boils for 90 minutes in the jars regardless of whether or not the
meat was seared? The finished product looks great; the jars sealed nicely,
but now I am wondering: are there any safety issues with searing the meat
first and then doing a wet pack?
Bizzie Bee60
April 26, 2015 at 3:20 pm
I love your videos. Between you and Mrs. Volfie I finally learned pressure
canning. I canned meat broth and beef liver like the instructions said and
my husband took one look at all my hard work and said he wasn’t eating
that. it probably has food poisoning one was ugly. My question is how do
you yourself cope with stubbornness like that? I know the food is safe. I
also know that I will have to can more because we’ve 2 steers and 2 goats
that are ready to be butchered and that will over flow my freezer. He is
selling a lot but nobody likes the organ meats and we always have people
who change their mind last minute. Btw how can I prepare tongue easily? I
screwed up my last one so bad we cooked it and fed it to the chickens.
Thanks in advance. ;)
Christine Strauss
April 26, 2015 at 3:30 pm
I have breakfast sausage links I want to can, do I need to cook them first
or can I just can them uncooked? Thanks :)
Mindy PatriotAngel
April 26, 2015 at 4:03 pm
Hi Bexar Prepper, How do you determine what pressure for meat canning? I
am in Burkburnett Texas. Thanks Greg
Greg Hall
April 26, 2015 at 4:14 pm
Like Nancy below, I’m also wondering how those Tattler lids are working out
for you. Seems like a lot of people like them but they have some things to
watch out for. 1952Jeep had an issue with a big failure, but is still
using them and likes them too. How do you see it?
Mark Fannin
April 26, 2015 at 4:56 pm
Loved this video, the new year will bring new beginnings for myself and my
family, we’re moving to a more self-sustainable living, can’t wait to buy
my pressure canner. How are those tattler lids? This is an older video,
just wondering what your review has been with them since you may have had
them for at least a couple of years now. Any info concerning those lids
are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Nancy Rodriguez
April 26, 2015 at 5:39 pm
Thanks for the video you have opened my eyes to a whole world of DIY ways
to be better prepared if SHTF ever does happen, May God bless you and
Karl Pettigrew
April 26, 2015 at 6:19 pm
Now what I would like to know is how does one make canned beer? I think
this would be particularly useful during extended ATM sessions in a “bug
out” situation.
April 26, 2015 at 7:08 pm
how long will cooked/raw meat stay good for?
Darlene Clark
April 26, 2015 at 7:23 pm
How much water do you put in the double decker and do you change the amount
if your only running a single layer of jars ?
Walt Lars
April 26, 2015 at 8:06 pm
Great info, your a great teacher. Jeanette
Don Hayes
April 26, 2015 at 8:35 pm
thank you so much for these videos! as a newbie canner these really help.
i hope to see more videos
do u have a email or anything for questions? i just started canning soup
and im canning meat today
Jessica Carrono
April 26, 2015 at 8:36 pm
You are awesome Bexar, i have learned so much from your video’s. Soap is
the one thing i started , but didn’t finish. Maybe this year.
Soggy B
April 26, 2015 at 9:02 pm
cil martel
April 26, 2015 at 9:55 pm
wow so informative thank you so much these are the videos i love to watch
and it looks delish!!!!
April 26, 2015 at 10:38 pm
Can you put taco seasoning in the hamburger before sealing it up for a
April 26, 2015 at 10:45 pm
how long will the meat stay good after it has been canned? 1-2 yrs or like
5-8 yrs?
amy lowe
April 26, 2015 at 11:21 pm