Can you write a short story using as many of these song titles as possible?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Ladybug II: Can you write a short story using as many of these song titles as possible?
1. Last Kiss
2. A Teenager In Love
3. Hey, Little One
4. Bound To Happen
5. Hopeless Love
6. Over The Mountain Across The Sea
7. Run
8. Too Many Girls
9. Wine Wine, Wine
!0. Summer Time

These songs have something in common. They were all recorded by the same one hit wonder superstar, a tragic family friend. Can you name him also?

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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3 Responses to Can you write a short story using as many of these song titles as possible?

  1. One morning my grandpa said to me “Hey,Little One.. about time you got up.” I started to run over to him, to give him a last kiss before he went to work. As the day progressed and my grandma and me were at home watching a movie about a teenager falling into love on lifetime, my uncle came home.He started shouting “WINE, WINE, WINE, wheres my dam wine.” So my grandma went over to the cabinet and gave my uncle the wine. Soon later he feel asleep and my grandpa came home. And then we all went out to see the movie Summer Time starting John Travolta and Ben Affleck.

    I hope that was what you were looking for a short story.. I kind of rushed it.. but good and the artist would be umm Billy Stewart? lol idk.. any good day!

    Umm Hi!!
    June 22, 2013 at 5:32 am

  2. “Call Coming In. Back In A Sec”

    2.” A Teenager In Love, esPECIALLY in the !0. Summer Time is nothing short of a train wreck!!” The father shook his head.

    ” Dear…Please. You’ve had too much 9. Wine Wine, Wine.”
    She tapped her foot.
    “ANYWAY……He’s sixteen. It’s 4. Bound To Happen. It’s natural.”

    Just then the son walks in the front door…..”Ahhhhhhhhh…..8. Too Many Girls is SUCH a cool predicament.”

    “Sounds DAMN good, to me,” mumbled the father.

    The son went to his room, failing to close the door. Within minutes he’s on the phone to one of his female companions.

    ” Hi, Pam. 3. Hey, Little One. S’up? Uh huh. Uh huh. Ooops!! Call coming in. Just a sec. Hello? Oh hiiiiiiiiiiiii, Amber. Uh huh. Uh huh. Just a sec. Call coming in.” The pattern continues to repeat itself for the next 10 minutes.

    “5. Hopeless. Love is not what we are hearing,” said the mother, with tight lips. “He’s all caught up in,,,,,,”

    “LOVE?! Hell no. He’s sixteen. What the heck is he suppose to know about…..*burp* *hic* love?” The father scratched his crotch and took another swallow of wine.

    The mother plopped on the couch, head in hand. “Do you realize that the 1. Last Kiss you gave me was over a month ago?” She began to cry. “Every day we go through these meaingless motions.
    6. Over The Mountain Across The Sea, you seem to have lost all interest in me. I want your lovin’ and I want your kissin’…..nothings the same…….”

    The father kneeled in front of her.” Do you think that LOVE is missin’?!” He always had the ability to finish her sentences …..even when she broke into poetry.

    The wife looked at him. Her tears were brimming over.

    He cleared his throat…..”Ahem…….
    Swim the deep river. Climb the steep hill. I loves ya, sugar. I still feel the thrill.”
    He leaned over to kiss her gently. The wife who had been deprived for so long, grabbed him and kissed him passionately.

    The startled but happy husband, scooped her up in his arms.
    Lip-locked, he started down the hall.

    “Ohhhhhh, run, you handsome old stud…..RUNNNNNNNN !!!”

    To the amazement of the son who had come to his bedroom entrance and was witness to this, watched as his parents disappeared in their bedroom, the door slamming behind them.

    He returned to the phone.”I’m back, Stephanie. It was my parents!!!!! ”
    He kicked his door shut and bolted it!
    “Remind me to NEVER leave my bedroom door open again!!! Ooops! Call coming in. Back in a sec.”

    June 22, 2013 at 5:44 am

  3. J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers….

    The skies opened and a drenching rain fell on the small group of black clad mourners assembled at Johnny’s gravesite
    It was a sweltering summertime day and the sudden downpour had come from nowhere.
    I thought it a fitting way to mark the end of a life drowned out way before it’s time.
    The town’s folks watched me behind their dark glasses and I knew they were sorry for me but that they also thought I was a fool.
    I had heard muffled whispers at the funeral.
    “This was bound to happen” and “that was a hopeless love affair from the git-go”.
    I knew they were thinking about how his short life had been filled with way too many excesses.
    Too many girls, too much partying, too much wine, wine, wine. Too much of everything!
    Even my mom had tried to get me to take it easy with Johnny and slow down.
    She had said a teenager in love was like a freight train out of control.
    She had been right but it was Johnny who had wound up out of control.
    His little souped up Mustang was hit head on by a Mack truck, Johnny was killed instantly, his body smashed beyond all recognition.
    The blood tests later said he was drunk and it was surmised that he had fallen asleep behind the wheel and his car had run off the road and into the opposite lane.
    I like to think he never knew what hit him and that he made a bee line up into Heaven in one straight path!
    I pressed my lips to the cool metal casket, giving Johnny his last kiss and watched as they lowered him into the ground.
    I could almost hear him saying “Hey little one, don’t shed no more tears, I’ll be here watching over you and I’ll see you in about a hundred years”
    I laughed at that and a few eyebrows raised…I wasn’t concerned with them or what they thought.
    I was looking out now across the field. The rain had stopped as suddenly as it had started and the air was fresh and clean. I could see over the mountain, across the sea, into the next life and on forever and ever…that’s how long I would love my Johnny. Forever.

    June 22, 2013 at 5:53 am

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