Can you feed goats PurinaMills Country Acres All Stock grain?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by Kaiscapes Media
Surfing Goat Dairy, Malama Maui tour, Maui Visitors Bureau. Photography by Peter Liu (@PeterLiu47)

Question by sandracing01: Can you feed goats PurinaMills Country Acres All Stock grain?
I just got two goats for pets and to keep my Miniature Horse company. I feed good quality grass or Timothy hay to each of them as well as PurinaMills Country Acres All Stock grain to my mini. Can that same grain be fed to the goats. One goat is a dairy breed and the other is a meat breed. Both wethers. The goats seem to like it and the bag says “All Stock”, so I was just wondering. Thanks.

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2 Responses to Can you feed goats PurinaMills Country Acres All Stock grain?

  1. Since it says all stock, I wouldn’t see why you couldn’t. But I can’t find it on the purina mills website either.

    You may be able to email or call Purina Mills and ask. Its better to be safe than sorry.

    We use goat feed for our goats.

    *ready for spring*
    July 9, 2012 at 4:06 am

  2. For any country related information, refer to the following site:

    July 9, 2012 at 4:52 am

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