Can i use a standard home tankless water heater to heat my pool?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by Mrs Hilksom

Question by David B: Can i use a standard home tankless water heater to heat my pool?
I was wondering if I could use my home electric tankless water heater to heat the pool as well as my home? If not could I run one just for the pool?

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2 Responses to Can i use a standard home tankless water heater to heat my pool?

  1. The problem is that the tankless heaters are designed to run whenever the water is flowing. This means that you’re either going to be running the water when you fill the pool and then letting it cool to the ambient temp outside…or you’re going to have to tie in a heater to the filtration lines and thus keeping the pool heated to the tankless heater’s settings all the time.

    This will turn your pool into a hot tub and run up your fuel bill pretty quick.

    What you need is a dedicated pool heater system that is designed to be thermostatically controlled to the temp that you want and will only run if the water temp drops lower than the threshold.

    November 28, 2012 at 10:16 am

  2. Instead of using a system that’s going to cost a lot to install and drive up your utility bills you should look into a solar pool heating system. The panels go on the roof to collect heat from the sun just like solar panels for electricity but it heats the water and pumps it back to the pool. I believe you can also add a heater to these systems for days without sun. This would save money in the long run.
    Good luck

    November 28, 2012 at 10:19 am

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