Can I raise four ducks in my small backyard orchard?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by Hobby Farmer Girl: Can I raise four ducks in my small backyard orchard?
They will be in secure houses at night. I am concerned about their droppings hurting the fruit trees, and the ground becoming too gross to walk on. Thanks!

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3 Responses to Can I raise four ducks in my small backyard orchard?

  1. yep …but you said it…ducks can leave the ground pretty messy

    Lost Wolv
    August 26, 2012 at 11:14 am

  2. TECHNICALLY, if the mother duck came to your property on her own, had the babies then left, you are basically caring for abandoned wildlife

    As you are not keeping them against their will…when they are able to fly, they can leave…….they most likely will……

    A friend of mine had one….but it never left.

    Jeffrey F
    August 26, 2012 at 12:05 pm

  3. Uh, or you could possibly be buying the ducks right? Just because it’s a bird doesn’t make it wild.
    The droppings, contrary to hurting the trees will actually make your trees incredibly happy. If you ever grew up around citrus orchards you would be accustomed to the bi-annual spreading of concentrated dry chicken poo and the resulting several days of walking around with a hankie in front of your nose (or wishing you were) 😉
    Actually you get used to it, and since you are thinking ducks and not chickens you are in luck, they smell much less worse.
    They will also eat snails and probably just about anything else they can get their beaks on so be careful not to grow anything poisonous around them.
    Wear shoes though. 🙂

    August 26, 2012 at 12:28 pm

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