Can i just substitute soil for perlite if I’m doing a hydroponics experiment?

Filed under: Aquaponics |

Image by wayneandwax

Question by greysanatomy1994: Can i just substitute soil for perlite if I’m doing a hydroponics experiment?
It’s a science experiment, and I don’t want to purchase a system. Researching on hydroponics, they say all this complicated stuff that’s hard to understand if I’m just doing an experiment where I can grow the plant. Please help, thank you, much mahalo.
I’m using perlite but can I just but perlite, the seed, and then nutrient solution now and then.
i’m going to pout a cup with perlite, the seed, and add nutrient solutions. I’m not using a system.

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One Response to Can i just substitute soil for perlite if I’m doing a hydroponics experiment?

  1. NO. soil will erode instantly in a hydro system. You must use perlite or vermiculite.

    Eric E
    December 31, 2011 at 10:32 am

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