Can I feed goat milk to my baby?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by : Can I feed goat milk to my baby?
My baby is 5 months old, I want to feed her goat milk. What are the harms and benefits of doing so? What other advices can you give me?
well if not rite now how about when she’s older like 1 year old?
The milks are the ones that I buy from the supermarkets like Domion / walmart etc

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6 Responses to Can I feed goat milk to my baby?

  1. No, do not do this! Call your childs doctor! Don’t be silly!

    June 7, 2012 at 4:13 pm

  2. why?
    June 7, 2012 at 4:13 pm

  3. I would only question if it needed to be pasturized or not.

    June 7, 2012 at 4:29 pm

  4. If you want, try it now. There is nothing wrong with it. My son got cow milk at that age and he was fine and still is. As a matter of fact goats milk is better then cow’s milk. Raise your child the way you think. If your breastfeeding only then keep at it but if your not do you honestly think that formula crap is better for your kid?

    Carmen M
    June 7, 2012 at 5:17 pm

  5. Unpasteurized goat’s milk is a poor substitute for breast milk or formula. Goat’s milk is low in Vitamin D and it is also low in iron, Vitamin B12 and folate, which can lead to an iron deficiency or megaloblastic anemia (low blood counts). Goat’s milk is also very susceptible to brucellosis, a bacterial infection in animals that can be passed on to your infant.

    If you are going to feed your infant goat’s milk, make sure that you use a commercially prepared pasteurized form or boil it yourself. You will also need to give vitamin supplements to ensure that your child is getting enough iron, Vitamin B12 and folate.

    For children with an allergy to milk proteins or lactose and who can not breast feed or tolerate a cow’s milk based formula, a better alternative to goat’s milk would be a soy formula (like Isomil or Prosobee) or an elemental formula (such as Nutramigen, Alimentum, or Pregestamil).

    June 7, 2012 at 5:24 pm

  6. After a lot of research a friend of mine did feed both of her children goats milk from birth, instead of formula (breast feeding was not an option) with the okay of several doctors.
    I don’t know a lot about it, but I do know both of her children are very healthy. I would definetly talk to your doctor, and do some more research though.

    June 7, 2012 at 6:23 pm

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