Can ducks raise up baby chickens as their own?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by fritzmb
Ducks raised by Paul Manz

Question by Tiana: Can ducks raise up baby chickens as their own?
My chicken layed some eggs after being mated with my rooster and my duck has kind of stolen them and is broody so she is laying on them and keeping them warm would it be possible for the chicks to hatch and she look after them like a normal chicken would

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2 Responses to Can ducks raise up baby chickens as their own?

  1. As long as the duck keeps the eggs warm, they should hatch and she will take care of them just as she would her own ducklings. Just make sure to feed and water them properly and everything and you should be fine. Something similar happened to my family once except the mother hen had become ill and we placed the eggs under a duck which already had eggs. They hatched fine and grew up with the ducklings. Good luck 🙂

    October 3, 2012 at 12:57 am

  2. Yes a Duck will brood and raise chickens as her own , but you must not let her lead them to any water, for obvious reasons.becuase chickens can not swim and would drown or catch a serious chill if were allowed to get wet.


    October 3, 2012 at 1:24 am

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