Can anyone tell me where I can get donations for land that would be used to set up a small farm to teach ?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Jamie S: Can anyone tell me where I can get donations for land that would be used to set up a small farm to teach ?
disabled people how to grow vegetable gardens, fruit trees, bee keeping, canning, raise rabbits and chickens, Etc. I am a horticultural therapist, and I would like to strike out on my own.

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4 Responses to Can anyone tell me where I can get donations for land that would be used to set up a small farm to teach ?

  1. You might want to contact the nearest Independent Living Center (ILC). They might be able to tell you about some resources that you can use.

    Person With Disabilities --- PWD
    March 18, 2012 at 2:18 pm

  2. check with the state agriculture dept if tehre is one–

    check with Rutgers Universiy Ag dept

    March 18, 2012 at 2:26 pm

  3. Contact the American Horticultural Theraply Association. Here is their link.

    March 18, 2012 at 3:10 pm

  4. You might be able to apply for a grant

    March 18, 2012 at 3:57 pm

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