Can anybody help me find wheat free gluten free dairy free egg free recipes?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by cliff1066™
The Nigerian Dwarf goat is a miniature dairy goat breed of West African ancestry. Originally brought to the United States on ships as food for large cats such as lions, the survivors originally lived in zoos. Nigerian Dwarf goats are popular as hobby goats due to their easy maintenance and small stature.

There are two different height standards for the Nigerian Dwarf goat. The height standard maintained by the American Goat Society and the American Dairy Goat Association requires does to be less than 22.5 inches at the withers, and bucks to be less than 23.5 inches at the withers. The Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association states that does should ideally be 17 – 19 inches in height with a maximum allowed height of 21 inches, and bucks should ideally be 19 – 21 inches with a maximum allowed height of 21 inches.

Question by : Can anybody help me find wheat free gluten free dairy free egg free recipes?
I recently found out that I am allergic to gluten, wheat, eggs and dairy. These include all types of dairy (cow, goat, sheep, horse,..) and all types of eggs (chicken, duck, ostrich,…). I love baking, but I can no longer eat what I bake, which is a real pity. Bread, cakes, biscuits and any thing else you can think of would be a big help.

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2 Responses to Can anybody help me find wheat free gluten free dairy free egg free recipes?

  1. i feel so bad for you

    September 26, 2012 at 4:10 pm

  2. Your best bet would be to look up gluten free vegan recipes on a web search engine like google.

    However, truly? I would take a deep breath and start thinking of flat breads and NO breads for the forseeable future. I was in the same position and there are so many nasty, bizarre ingredients to try and recreate bread and cakes, with these restrictions, that it’s not even worth it. It doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t look good, it doesn’t feel good, and it’s not goof for us, either.

    There are a lot of ethnic flat breads that are tasty, and the best I’ve found, texture-wise, are those that are fermented in some way. It affects the texture to make it flexible and soft, but they can’t rise much. Injera is an Ethiopian flat bread that tastes a bit like sourdough, is thin like a pancake, and is made from the grain Teff, salt, and water, and fermented for the leavening. It’s good with savory foods. You can look up traditional recipes for it, as newer recipes also add wheat.

    There are chickpea flatbreads from India, and other flatbreads from other countries, as i recall.

    Truly, though, let yourself have a mourning period for the foods you’ve lost, and then find foods that were naturally free from dairy, eggs, and gluten and try them out. They tend to taste MUCH better than the cobbled together, food-substituted stuff.

    September 26, 2012 at 4:27 pm

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