can alum be useful to chickens or poultry or broiler growings?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by jessicareeder
Broilers in chicken tractors at Polyface Farm in Virginia.

Posted in Joel Salatin and the Future of Food.

Question by rajesh y: can alum be useful to chickens or poultry or broiler growings?
i poultry farmer and i give alum in water to brilers in my farm but i am doubtful about its function

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One Response to can alum be useful to chickens or poultry or broiler growings?

  1. Alum is mainly used in the food trade as a Pickling agent, as for the use in Poultry feed, there is a good”paper” on the subject,”Alum if food and Drink for poultry”just put this into your search engine.

    There is some good info, on the subject


    March 24, 2012 at 1:24 pm

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