Can a goat produce milk for a whole year?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by Michael S: Can a goat produce milk for a whole year?
I have a farm and thinking about getting 1 goat for milk. How long will it produce milk

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2 Responses to Can a goat produce milk for a whole year?

  1. A cow or goat will produce milk steadily for several years as long as you keep milking it. If you ever stop, the milk will dry out and you’ll have to breed her again so she has a kid and then produces milk again.

    August 26, 2012 at 4:39 am

  2. It needs to be bred annually for milk production. High production only lasts a few months and it dries up during the next pregnancy. Figure on milk from April or May to Nov or early Dec.

    August 26, 2012 at 4:48 am

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