Because the world population is still growing, is famine going to get much worse in the future?

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Image by james_gordon_losangeles
Ani sits on a triangular-shaped site that is bordered by deep canyons which isolate it from the surrounding land. These canyons, created by the actions of the streams and rivers that flow through them and (probably) also by geological movements, cut through multiple layers of rock of volcanic origin. These layers are of varying thickness throughout the site, and alternate between harder and softer consistency. Generally, the highest levels tend to be composed of harder layers of reddish-coloured volcanic tufa, and the lower levels tend to be made up of softer layers composed mostly of grey-coloured compressed volcanic ash that is often rich in obsidian fragments. The softer layers are very easy to excavate into, and large numbers of rock-cut chambers can be found throughout the cliffs that surround Ani. The caves have been subjected to a longer period of use than Ani. Some of them were still being lived in at the start of the 20th century, and many are still used for storage purposes or as pens for cows or sheep. Underground chambers also exist within the walled area of Ani, but this page will deal only with those that are located outside the city walls.

The first systematic investigation of the rock-cut chambers at Ani was done in 1915 by David Kipshize, a member of Nikolai Marr’s team excavating Ani. He identified, explored, and classified more than 800 chambers, produced an overall map, numerous plans, and made panoramic photographs of the canyon walls that were annotated to show the location of specific rock-cut complexes. His results were not published – wartime conditions were soon to stop all work at Ani, and Kipshize died in Tiflis in 1919.

Much later, Nikolai Tokarski (who had also worked at Ani with Marr and Kipshize) collected and re-organised Kipshize’s notes and, adding some other findings and materials, published the results in 1972 as the book Caves of Ani.

In 2004, a team of Italian researchers headed by Roberto Bixio revisited Kipshize’s work by undertaking a new survey of selected parts of the cave systems. Their results were published in 2009 as the book Ani 2004: Surveys on the Underground Settlements. This 2004 investigation discovered that though the Kipshize maps and plans show an overall agreement with reality, there was a substantial deviation from reality in the details. They concluded that Kipshize’s surveys had been performed in a quick way, resulting in serious imprecision in relation to the layout of individual cave structures. The Italians produced new plans and section drawings of several of the cave complexes surveyed by Kipshize. The plan below left is from the 2004 survey with, on the right, Kipshize’s 1915 survey of the same cave complex.

As the above example shows, Kipshize’s plans made the rock-cut complexes appear more regular, better planned, and better executed than they were in reality. This inaccuracy gave to the chambers an exaggerated level of sophistication, contributing to the myth that there was an actual underground city district at Ani. Some of the rock-cut complexes are large and well planned, and in that sense they do parallel the city above and would have functioned alongside it – as would have the tunnel, the so-called Secret Gates that runs from the base of the Tsaghkotsadzor up into the city. However, the majority of the chambers are small, isolated, scattered, and very irregular in layout, with many of them probably built to serve the countryside rather than to act as a suburb of Ani.

The 2004 researchers stated that the caves were substantially unchanged from Kipshize’s time. I disagree with that conclusion. There is visible recent destruction in many of the rock-cut complexes, perhaps caused by the 1935 earthquake, perhaps by the 1988 earthquake. To identify the caves, the Russian investigators marked them using letters or numbers in black paint, sometimes inside a black circle. In some instances these markings now lie at odd angles, or are on fragments that are now completely separated from the cave structure they were attached to in Kipshize’s time.

There are man-made caves in all the canyons and valleys that surround Ani. On the western side of Ani is the Tsaghkotsadzor canyon, also known as the Bostanlar Deresi and the Aladja (Alaca çay). On the northwestern side of Ani is a branch valley of the Tsaghkotsadzor, the Igadzor valley. The Tsaghkotsadzor has other branch valleys that also have caves: the largest one on its western side is called the Bagnayridzor, and on its eastern side, north of the Igadzor, is the Anidzor, located below the village of Ani (Ocakli). On the eastern side of Ani is the deep canyon of the river Akhurian (Arpaçay), and on the northeastern side of Ani is a branch valley, the Gayledzor (also known as the Mirmir or Tatarcık Deresi).

The branch valleys are mostly dry on the surface except in times of heavy rain, but a small stream, known as the Ani River, meanders through the Tsaghkotsadzor canyon. The great majority of the caves are found in the Tsaghkotsadzor canyon. Kipshize divided the locations of the caves into 30 sections; 22 of them lay in the Tsaghkotsadzor and its tributaries.

The functions of the rock-cut chambers

Many of the chambers had clearly defined functions. For others, the intended original use is less clear or is completely unknown. Erosion and collapses over the centuries have destroyed large parts of some of the cave complexes, often leaving the surviving parts fragmentary and confusing. Kipshize / Tokarski estimated that the rock-cut area of Ani might have had some 2000 inhabitants at its peak.

Religious uses

A number of the rock-cut chambers are small churches or chapels – Kipshize counted 30 of them, some part of larger complexes, possibly monastic in function. The architecture of the rock-cut churches generally follows the typology of built architecture, not only in the overall layout but in the details, such as reproducing the v-shaped niches, the colonnettes, and the capitals found in the freestanding churches of the city above.

One of the largest rock-cut churches is in the Gayledzor valley [see photographs 10 to 13]. The plan below is by Toros Toramanian (with some alterations and additions) – however, like Kipshize’s plans, it makes the design appear more regular and better executed than it actually is.

In Kipshize/Tokarski this church is named chamber A/20; however, this seems to be an error. It has a rectangular nave with large semicircular apses on the east and west sides. The length of the church, from the end of one apse to the end of the other, is about seven metres. The eastern apse has six niches, reminiscent of the niches in the apse of the cathedral, as well as other architectural features derived from stone-built churches. The ceiling, however, is almost flat. The church is preceded by a rock-cut narthex that has a freestanding column hewn out of the living rock.

A small chapel in the Anidzor valley has an apse that is raised substantially above the floor level, a degree of separation that suggests regular public access to the chapel despite its small size. It has v-shaped niches in its north and south walls that one would have expected to see on the external walls of a freestanding church. Below is its plan, and a section.

Another church nearby has a barrel vault and pilasters of clustered colonnettes with zigzag decoration. A small church in the Igadzor valley seem to consist of only an apse, suggesting it either originally had a nave constructed of cut stone or of timber, or it was an open-to-the-air sanctuary.

Others caves had a funerary purpose, with grave chambers incised into their floors. The extensive sepulchral complex containing the frescoed chamber known as the tomb of Tigran Honents is the most sophisticated example (this site will be covered on a separate page). The best smaller-scale examples are the two chambers (Kipshize: A/1 and A/2) with stone sarcophagi, said in some sources to have been royal tombs, that are located side by side at the head of the Igadzor valley and close to the city walls.

The tombs each have an entrance on the west side and a church-like eastern apse containing an altar hewn from the rock. Both altars have extensions that curve around the north side of the apse; at a glance, these extensions might appear to be just unfinished work – stone that was intended to be removed but for some reason wasn’t. However, the fact that the same form occurs inside both tombs indicates a specific purpose. There are sarcophagi hewn from the living rock on the north and south sides of the northernmost tomb, and on the north side of the southernmost tomb. The sarcophagi are inside barrel-vaulted recesses that could be seen as the equivalent of the arms of a church, or as arcosolium recesses. There is a rim around the top of each sarcophagus, suggesting a stone slab had originally covered the opening. A significant detail omitted from Tokarski’s plan is that the north recess of each tomb is illuminated by a small window. The south recess in the northern tomb has no window, and is cruder in its execution, suggesting that it may be a later addition.

Economic uses

The most unambiguous function is that of dovecotes. These usually contain many rows of densely-packed rectangular cubicles for pigeons. Most are housed in rectangular chambers, but one is circular. Kipshize says that there were 16 such pigeon houses, scattered throughout all the sectors. Bixio speculates that some of them may have actually been for bees (apiaries).

There were also chambers intended for water storage, cellars for storage of wine and oil jars, stables, and a large chamber that has been identified as a caravanserai. As mentioned earlier, a number of caves, especially those located close to Ani village, are still used for storage or for housing farm animals.

Domestic dwellings

Many (probably the majority) of the caves were dwellings complete with associated storage areas. These chamber complexes are the least regular in their designs and layouts, and often have very free-flowing, curving interiors and multiple levels.

Most of the chambers were lit using windows. Old photographs suggest that many currently open-fronted caves were originally sealed off by rubble walls or timber screens. Interior walls often have small niches for lamps, and bigger, cupboard-like niches for storage. Some very large niches may have been sleeping areas. Smaller chambers, sometimes with storage pits dug in their floors, are often found grouped around a large central chamber. Occasionally, the smaller chambers have narrow tunnels that extend deep into the rock. In most cases these tunnels don’t seem to lead anywhere and stop abruptly. Such tunnels may have been places of refuge (though it is notable that defensive millstone doorways, like those found in Cappadocia, do not appear to exist at Ani). A number of the chambers that are close to the surface have pyramidal ceilings with a skylight at the apex [see photograph 35], perhaps mirroring the wooden architecture found in traditional hazarashen-type houses. There are several such chambers in the Gayledzor valley.

This is a description of the Ani caves in 1905. "Very curious and interesting are the cave dwellings, of which there is a large number. The most important group are those in the Aladja Chai ravine and in the little valley running up towards the depression separating the Aladja from the Arpa Chai. The Aladja ravine is much broader and less forbidding than that of the Arpa Chai, and the banks are grassy and in places cultivated, so that it would naturally be preferred as a place of residence. A whole row of caves has been dug out of the soft tufo on what I may call the Ani block, just below the castle, another on the opposite side of the little valley, and several rows beyond the Aladja Chai. A large part of the ancient population of Ani probably dwelt in them, and many are still inhabited to this day. I entered two or three, and certainly I have never seen more primitive dwelling-places anywhere. There was no overcrowding, as each family had two or three ‘rooms’ at its disposal; but there was no furniture save couches made by cutting into the tufo, a few rags, and some cooking utensils. The dirt, the poverty, and barbarism were incredible. These Troglodytes were both Armenians and Tartars; I have seldom met with more wretched specimens of either race." Luigi Villari, Fire and Sword in the Caucasus, p308-309, London, 1906.

Question by Richard Guenette: Because the world population is still growing, is famine going to get much worse in the future?
What can be done by governments, agencies and individuls to stop overpopulation and famine??????? Famine is caused by a number of factors including overpopulation. No rude or ignorant answers please.

Give your answer to this question below!

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10 Responses to Because the world population is still growing, is famine going to get much worse in the future?

  1. of couse it is. If its bad now, just wait. People waste so much while others have nothing

    January 26, 2013 at 2:47 am

  2. yes

    the sahara dessert is still spreading

    January 26, 2013 at 3:21 am

  3. someone told me the other day that war keeps our population under control..

    Bianca [[vida viva]]
    January 26, 2013 at 4:06 am


    speciually all them pregnant teenagers out there .
    not suggesting abortion or anything, im just asking them to be smart enough to say NO .
    that’s the real problem . not whether you’re “pro life or pro choice” .

    *danielleee™ [i ♥ herpes & rice]
    January 26, 2013 at 4:37 am

  5. you see this is why the government invented Swine Flu

    for population control >.>

    except something will go wrong and the Swine Flu will end up turning us all into Zombies

    ☼Anti Yahoo Avatar☼
    January 26, 2013 at 5:33 am

  6. There are many other causes that contributes to this issue. My family and I had a sponsor child from Nicaragua named Lidia. I think that helped 🙂

    ☮ мεġαл
    January 26, 2013 at 6:32 am

  7. everything is going to get much worse !

    January 26, 2013 at 7:12 am

  8. they are doing it. They started swine flu, funny how Obama was in Mexico just before the outbreak.

    January 26, 2013 at 8:07 am

  9. governements can put incentives in place for families to have only one child. individuals can use a condom. overpopulation is a term used a lot to cover racist motives. save the whales. THEY TOOOOOK OUR JOOOOBS!!!

    Adam Meek
    January 26, 2013 at 8:32 am

  10. Here’s some politically incorrect ideas from hell. ^__^ Fair Warning: I am positive that someone *somewhere* is going to find at least one of my line items offensive:

    –Whatever we do for Africa, to lessen famines that are ongoing *there*, isn’t going to mean a whole hell of a lot, ok, if Global Warming triggers water shortages *everywhere* bringing Agricultural Epic Fail to the rest of the world. We needed to start thinking ahead on this stuff eight years ago.

    Even so, we need to do lots more to slow down the Warming and conserve more water. Just ask your average Australian these days, they are *deep* in drought lately.

    –Likewise, if we don’t prepare fully for Peak Oil, we will find that *much* of what passes for agriculture isn’t going to work any more because it’s mechanized and *needs fuel*.

    –Likewise, if we don’t get our acts together and save our honeybees from extinction. Seriously, nobody’s paying attention to this one, but they are a *Major* pollinator for crops. If they fail, crops generally fail. So we need to save them and *also* invest in a Plan B just in case the bees die anyway.

    The above is just what we need to look into to *tread water*, ok? And we need to do more than that, still.

    –We need to create serious incentives, to stop the dominance of American-style “fake food” throughout the world. This is becoming a problem in some parts of the world–people in nations on the South American continent and in parts of Africa, Central Asia, Micronesia *giving up* their native ways of growing and raising food in exchange for Westernized diets that have *too many starches and too little nutrition*. The rise of high fructose corn syrup needs to stop now. The loss of local native *knowledge* of how to grow and raise and cook one’s own food has to stop.

    –We need, really truly and madly, to kick the religious fundies the *hell* out of the room, when it comes to worldwide education, and resources, of a reproductive sort. People need condoms, folks. And the education and material incentives to *use them*. And also the education and material incentives to *not* have families of 8-10 starving children. And also the education and material incentives to *not* spread HIV and other STDs once someone has them. China doesn’t need a One Child policy these days–Africa does. India does.

    And again, we need to cut the Popes and Imans out of the process, they absolutely are NOT helping.

    –Debt forgiveness. The Banks just need to suck it down and *Forgive outright* the debts (or at least interest and fees on the debts), of the poorest 50% of the population in each and every last nation of the world, and then do it again for the poorest 50 nations of the world as well, entirely. Too much of these debts were executed in bad faith by dictators and strongmen–people out to rob their nations blind. Banks just need to accept this and *give up* on the money lost two, three generations ago to dictators who are dead and dying of old age.

    Yes, it will ruin credit ratings and rich men will throw a hissy fit. Boo hoo. It will also *allow* nations to actually have and use their own domestic economies to actually *do something* positive about their own problems, imagine that.

    –Finally….people need to take the idea seriously, ok, that if we can’t bankrupt a single nation–like Europe did Germany, leading into World War II–without leading the world off of a cliff economically, how do we expect to *get away* with the centuries worth of abuse we heaped on Africa? How do you expect to get away with the bankruptcy of a whole *Continent*? Africa is a mess these days, but what can you reasonably expect after trying to loot, pillage and rob a whole *Continent* and it’s people blind for *Centuries*?

    People need to invest time, money, manpower and *Intelligence* back into Africa again. Period. Wealthy nations just need to flat-out *Adopt* single entire African nations and committ to rebuilding infrastructure, economies and people’s lives in a deep, meaningful way. It’s not enough to throw money away….people need roads, electricity, clean water, schools, hospitals, modern farming that works, irrigation and fertilizer for abused land. People need the kinds of things that *expertise* gives, not just money.

    Nothing less than a Reversed, Non-Exploitative Recolonization is called for. Giving back what was taken and rebuilding from that *all* the way to First World standards.

    Bradley P
    January 26, 2013 at 9:14 am

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