As farmland continues to be lost to development, will urban agriculture become more or less important?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by kusine

Question by nina: As farmland continues to be lost to development, will urban agriculture become more or less important?
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One Response to As farmland continues to be lost to development, will urban agriculture become more or less important?

  1. Agriculture will ALWAYS be important. Without it you would have no corn starch, tofu, corn on the cob, corn meal, corn bread, corn tortillas, corn flakes, green beans, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots . . . . .

    You would also have no sugar, because sugar is distilled from beets, there would be no rice, rice crispy treats, Krackle candy bars, rice wine, spanish rice, or sushi.

    AND, there are a great many products that are NOT edible that are mede from farmed grains. Cows and pigs eat corn, so without corn you would have no hamburgers (no Mcdonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell), no hot dogs, no pork cutlets, no steaks, no baby back ribs, no bacon, no sauasage. And chickens eat corn too, so no eggs, no chicekn breasts, no buffalo wings, nop turkey at thanksgiving , , , ,

    And you would be missing a LOT of plastics, many of which are made from corn products or soybean products.

    Agriculture will NEVER go away, In fact as the world populationgrows it will becoem MORE important.

    What is REALLY interesting is that in the last 100 years the population of tje world has more than doubled, while the farm land in the United States has been cut by 75%. STILL, the United States manages to feed 80% of the worlds population, and STILL have enough left over that we are called The Land of Plenty.

    Gary B
    June 11, 2014 at 11:36 pm

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