are women raising sissy boys!?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by zen
After I read Tom Brown, Jr’s account of petting bumblebees, and his subsequent swollen finger and pride, I had to try this for myself. Actually, I first tried butterflies, and the principle is the same, just the worst a butterfly can do to you is to flutter off in a huff.

Late in the summer of ’99, Julie and i were out taking pictures of butterflies along the road past the Fish Hatchery, when the Joe-Pye Weed was in full force, and the butterflies were all over the place. A few of them had been thru quite a bit (either traveling, fighting, or cars) and were quite a bit ragged. Most swallowtails didn’t have tail-knobs, and many of the others had lost scales on their wings. Julie and i felt sorry for them and after standing around photographing them, they got pretty used to our presence. That day we both petted their furry little backs, especially the ragged ones that looked like they could use a scratch on the thorax.

A few weeks later, by myself, i was taking pictures of flowers along the Shut-In trail and it was a bit nippy. I noticed the bumblebees were sluggish and so, remembering Tom’s account, i calmed myself, and practiced swaying with the breeze. After a while i started talking to them, telling them how i meant no harm and how amazed i was for their productivity (I’m not sure exactly WHAT i said, but i think its more important the good thoughts and soothing voice). Finally, after a good long time, i reached my finger out and stroked one of them that was pretty engrossed in the flowertop. She stopped cold, and raised her middle legs in a sort of warning stance, as if to say "Watch it, Bub!" but she didn’t fly off. So after smiling at her and talking some more i touched her furry little back. I had to swallow the feeling of being thrilled, because i could tell the bees could sense my state, but i was amazed, too! I talked to her and lightly (you can’t imagine how lightly!) kept stroking her back as she grazed. She even paused at times, making me think she might have even enjoyed it some. I tried other bumblebees, calming them and petting them. I could tell that good intentions were not enough, i had to still my internal dialog, accept both of us as equals in the world.

One bumbler was my favorite… she had a large narrow tuft of yellow-white hairs almost to her head. Made her look like she had a yellow mohawk. She was the toughest little bee, too. She warned me several times which made me wonder about how smart it was to press my luck, but finally she took a couple of swabs on the back. The photo above is not her. For this one i had to work the camera with one hand while stroking the bee with the other. The flash didn’t seem to bother them, but i’m sure i wasn’t as calm as before, either.

Still, i didn’t get stung, and that’s something. Now, maybe it’s a personal prejudice, but there’s no way i’d even try that with a wasp. They look like predatory miniature Stuka’s or something, and i have no desire to pet them. Will probably go on to try it with honeybees though. They seem friendly enough.

Question by Sweet Daddy: are women raising sissy boys!?
I love how some women (not all) like to blame men for our lack of respect towards women and other social deficiencies we might have but who is at fault? the new generation of men have bee raise basically by single women who thought they didnt need a man to raise a family!

now they are whinning and complaining because they failed to properly educate their little boys! they are teaching men how to pee sitting down, etc. then they wonder where are the real men? sorry ladies but you can have it both ways!

you either accept that men are an essential part of a boys life and if you don’t want your baby daddy around then stop complaining when your boy grows up to be a sissy little man.
and I love women that make a bad judgement when choosing the loser that is going to be the baby’s daddy! nice work ladies!

why am I not suprise that you don’t want to take responsibility either!

Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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11 Responses to are women raising sissy boys!?

  1. Whoa. Holy agenda, batman!

    Dalice Nelson
    June 26, 2012 at 10:56 pm

  2. Dude, you are extremely sexist!

    When and if I have a boy, I don’t care if he is “sissy” or not, just as long as he is not like you!

    June 26, 2012 at 11:42 pm

  3. This is definitely in the “Top Ten Stupidest Questions” on this site!

    Marie C
    June 26, 2012 at 11:51 pm

  4. Some are yes. Some men have become so incompetent they can’t even hammer a nail in place (seriously!) ..but I don’t think wome are to blame. I think it is the way they are raised. Some kids nowadays are being raised with a silver spoon in their mouth. They get what they want whenever they want and it shouldn’t be that way. Parents have forgotten discipline and order; instead they go for appeasement. Like someone said before grow some ***s! Reality will strike these people hard when the time comes and it isn’t pretty when it does.

    June 26, 2012 at 11:55 pm

  5. how many single moms do you think actually chose not to have the father in the picture? perhaps you should blame the irresponsible absent father for not raising “men”.

    stagger lee
    June 27, 2012 at 12:43 am

  6. YOU’RE AN IDIOT, and dont you dare generalize your relationship with the babys mother as ALL women. I’m not like that and I am mostly going to be a single mom, but it is not due to me pushing daddy away. daddy is a erresonsible azz. Don’t generalize us. Get a clue

    Mommy to Be
    June 27, 2012 at 1:33 am

  7. Seriously, you’re joking about the peeing sitting down, right? I never heard that before. Women are not teaching their boys that. It’s so important that the child have a male figure in their lives, where the child is a boy or girl. My sister’s sons weren’t raised with a strong male role model, I wouldn’t call them sissy boys, but they were/are violent men.

    June 27, 2012 at 1:45 am

  8. now now.. i am a single mom of a one year old. and i can tell you this right now he is def. a boys boy! he wants to do nothing but be into things and def. not sissy.. his dad isn’t around and that was his choice. i’m not blaming anyone for anything my son does.
    i guess it is different for everyone though with different personalities and interests.. but for raising a sissy boy… it might just be the kid.. i say let boys be boys! they’ll learn sometime right?

    Taryn M
    June 27, 2012 at 1:52 am

  9. I didn’t even want to justify this bunch of crap with an answer but, I do want to say that it is good for the prostate if males do SIT and pee! It has to do with the pressure on the prostate when men stand. Sitting eases the prostate pressure. Maybe “they” are smarter than you give them credit for!
    I do not believe that women CHOOSE to raise their children alone. I won’t even go into all the possible reasons we END UP raising our children alone and won’t even get into all the ridiculous statements you made. I’m just thinking maybe you should be a little more “sissy” like and sit and pee sometimes!!

    Margie T
    June 27, 2012 at 2:11 am

  10. Try pushing one of those boys through your pee hole that then you will understand. Women don’t just wake up one morning look at themselves in the mirror and say “Hummm I think today I am going to get pregnant and be a single mother and raise my kid by myself”. Granted most women have some account for the father not being there but it takes two to make it so why the one who decided to go didn’t stay and think about the consequence they would leave on the child if they left. Men have brains too and can decide what right are wrong if they decide it was good enough to stick it in they should decide its good enough to stick it out.

    June 27, 2012 at 2:41 am

  11. We are raising sissy boys these days. Most of your comments are the result of the Oprah culture of stupid, irresponsible women who were raised by a generation of hippies that told them they could “have it all” and didn’t need a man to do it. Now, it is all coming back on you where you turn to the government to get the help you would normally get as a result of the two parent home. I”m not just speaking about money, either. We didn’t have drugs for kids who misbehaved in school….they had to face their fathers for acting up. We didn’t have mothers who made every excuse under the sun for their idiotic kid who showed no respect to a teacher or another adult because that wasn’t part of their upbringing. Kids were raised as kids………not as friends of the parent.

    I could go on but it would be a waste of time as most people these days are either drugged up on something to help them “cope” with their faults and weaknesses or feeling sorry for someone else who is on those drugs. There is no rational thought about this stuff, anymore, because our society is one of taking the easy way out of problems and making excuses all the time about everything. Maybe it was George Bush’s fault, eh??

    January 1, 2013 at 2:01 pm

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