Are the nations going to make a bee-line for the oil newly found in Arctic region,can it lead to tension.?

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Question by Are the nations going to make a bee-line for the oil newly found in Arctic region,can it lead to tension.?

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2 Responses to Are the nations going to make a bee-line for the oil newly found in Arctic region,can it lead to tension.?

  1. I doubt it…. the oil companies have us where the want us…. Its sad, but true…

    Then you have the environmentalist to deal with…. I just don’t see it happening any time soon.

    John D
    May 14, 2014 at 2:10 am

  2. It is already causing tension. Russia made claims to the north pole area through an underwater flag raising. (Some doubt about this is circulating but it seems to be true.)
    Already high level talks are being carried out amongst the nations most directly involved, including Canada, The USA,Greenland(through Denmark) Norway and the other Scandinavian Countries, Scotland, and on and on.
    The hope is to avoid any real tensions and divvy up the goods in some manner if not equitable at least not leading to war.

    May 14, 2014 at 2:21 am

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