Are the feed mills allowed to put hormones or antibiotics in poultry feed w/out the farmers say?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by vincelaconte

Question by Em_Lou02: Are the feed mills allowed to put hormones or antibiotics in poultry feed w/out the farmers say?
We have chickens, layers. I’ve heard they(feed mills or wherever feed is made) are not allowed to put any type of hormone or antibiotic in poutry feed. But I didn’t know if that was true, you always hear about things and they end up being false. We feed our chickens layers mash, and a type of horse feed(high oats). Does anyone know? Thank you

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One Response to Are the feed mills allowed to put hormones or antibiotics in poultry feed w/out the farmers say?

  1. There will be either a label or printout (depending on if it’s bagged or bulk) stating just what is in the feed. This should come with the feed, but if not you can request it. So if there’s any doubt or concern just ask the mill or salespeople. They are required to let you know what’s in the feed, and some things may be listed generically; however things like this must be labeled if present.

    For example our grain mixed come from the local feed mill, they have a printout with the feed, but the exact contents are on file. We also get protein pellets from a large mill 2 hours away, which does have a printout dropped off with every load that specifies what is in it. If you work with a nutritionist, they will also have access to this info.

    May 19, 2013 at 7:20 am

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