Are backyard chicken eggs safe to eat?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by foodchronicles

Question by Sillygirlme: Are backyard chicken eggs safe to eat?
My mom got 8 baby chicks at Easter and they have started laying (like crazy) she keeps asking I take a dozen but I don’t know if I can eat them. Are they even safe to eat? She lets them be free in the yard when she is home and feeds them vegetable scraps and the highest protein chicken feed we can find in our area, will this affect the taste of the eggs? My parents have eaten them and swear these eggs are the best ever but I just don’t know if I can bring myself to eat “Matilda’s” babies.

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3 Responses to Are backyard chicken eggs safe to eat?

  1. yes you can eat them. when I was younger we had a chicken that laid eggs with green shells. The eggs inside were normal. you should try them.

    November 27, 2012 at 11:07 pm

  2. Your great-great grandparents probably raised chickens and ate the eggs. They aren’t babies unless you have a rooster.

    Bill M
    November 27, 2012 at 11:20 pm

  3. By all means you can eat them…..actually you will note a far superior taste and the yoke is usually much darker, as in more Orange in color…….sometimes people refer to these chickens as free range chicken even though they usually are put in at night to roost……..Try them…’ll be glad you did……

    November 28, 2012 at 12:13 am

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