Are all animal proteins bad for you?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising turkeys
Image by Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts
This author portrait once preceded the Lenten readings (mostly taken from the Gospel of Mark) in a Gospel Lectionary, now MS 2552 in the National Library of Greece, Athens. The evangelist has momentarily paused writing and raises a hand to his chin in a conventional gesture signifying thought. On the desk in front of him lie a pair of compasses (used for ruling the parchment pages before writing on them) and an inkwell.

Question by Russell: Are all animal proteins bad for you?
I thought my diet was alright. I don’t do dairy or red meat. However, I just watch a great documentary, Forks over Knives, and it says that ALL animal proteins are bad for you. The only animal proteins from meat I eat are grass fed, organic chicken, organic turkey burgers that I get from the health food store. Are theses bad, too?

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5 Responses to Are all animal proteins bad for you?

  1. Forks over knives is propaganda…featuring vegetarian gurus who want to sell you their diet plan books, videos, seminars, cookbooks, etc, etc. One of them even has pricy “cruises” where you only eat his food. I’ve heard it’s pretty yukky ( but that was from a paleo convert). Plus The 7th Day Adventist Church was involved in making the film. They’re trying to save your soul because they believe God wants us to be vegetarians.

    Humans evolved eating animal protein. We’ve done it for thousands and thousands of years. Why would it suddenly be bad for us?

    This woman spent some time refuting the claims in the film:

    In fact some researchers say the high protein our ancestors ate is the reason our brains grew and we became the dominant species on earth.

    July 5, 2013 at 10:58 pm

  2. No

    July 5, 2013 at 11:05 pm

  3. the body recognizes protein, not where it comes from.
    Animal protein effects the body exactly like the protein from nuts or beans.
    THAT one fact is why a person can be a vegetarian without suffering protein deficiency.
    That whole forks and knives video is just enough truth to make you wonder and the rest is BS.

    EDIT: so if animal protein does all those things Learner says, why did we not die out from eating it all those centuries. Its nice to think our ancestors were vegetarians but the fact is, they wore skins as clothing, not roots and seeds and if they wore skins, they would certainly not waste the flesh that came with the skins…they also used the bones for all sorts of things. So if they all died from the horrors Learner describes, why are we still here???
    Heres a kicker for you…what about the Inuit people, who survived, for centuries and still do on a whopping load of meat because…vegetation is rare where they live. they do eat what they can of roots, seeds,etc but their climate is so hostile that meat makes up for about 35-40% of their diet….why have they not died out due to all the horrors of meat????
    they even get thier vitamin C from animal sources along with plant sources….

    July 6, 2013 at 12:01 am

  4. ckngbbbls is spouting unscientific nonsense. To claim that there are no discernible differences between animal proteins and plant proteins is the height of delusion. Animal protein:
    – Weakens Your Bones
    – Disturbs Kidney Function
    – Raises Your Cholesterol

    While humans *can* consume animal proteins, they are inherently toxic for us (organic or otherwise). Animal foods burden us with:

    – three times more protein (contrary to popular beliefs instilled in the masses by the animal industries — excess proteins are very detrimental to us). Once your protein needs are met then the excess must be eliminated from your body, primarily by your liver and kidneys. You can notice an overload of protein by the strong smell of urea in your body sweat and urine. The work of eliminating excess protein takes a toll even on healthy people. On average, 25% of kidney function is lost over a lifetime (70 years) from consuming the high animal-protein Western diet. For people with already damaged livers and kidneys, consuming excess protein will speed up the processes that lead to complete organ failure. Excess protein damages the bones. Doubling the dietary intake of protein increases the loss of calcium into the urine by 50%, fostering the development of osteoporosis and kidney stones.

    – fifteen times more fat (over-accumulation causes insulin resistance, contributing to heart disease, strokes, and type-2 diabetes)

    – 100 times more cholesterol (deposited in your arteries is a major contributor to vascular diseases of your heart and brain)

    – four times more sulfur-containing amino acids (metabolized into sulfuric acid – one of the most potent acids found in nature)

    – at least ten times more dietary acid (your body must neutralize the over-abundance of acids in the animal foods. Your bones are the primary buffering system of your body. They counteract these dietary acids by releasing alkaline materials (carbonate, citrate, and sodium) – thereby the bones dissolve. The net result from this chronic acid poisoning is kidney stones and osteoporosis).

    Vegetable proteins provide all the essential amino acids and don’t create the acidity in your body that animal protein does.

    July 6, 2013 at 12:04 am

  5. No, all animal proteins are not bad for us.

    July 6, 2013 at 12:37 am

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