Anyone know the latest research on immunizations?

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Image by Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture
Taken by Li Tang

Question by Jacqueline D: Anyone know the latest research on immunizations?
One of my friends refuses to immunize her son because of all the metals in the shots? She says these metals can cause autism (her oldest son has autism and she blames his baby shots)? What is the research on this? Is anyone else refusing to get their baby immunized?

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13 Responses to Anyone know the latest research on immunizations?

  1. Why they are perfectly safe. The FDA has approved them haven’t they? We all know that the FDA only approves things that are perfectly safe.

    November 16, 2013 at 7:06 pm

  2. There used to be some controversy because of the mercury, but they have lowered the mercury content in the immunizations. I think it is stupid of her to not give her child immunizations. That can be so dangerous.

    November 16, 2013 at 8:00 pm

  3. They are only one shot that people thing it’s related to Autism
    It’s foolish not to get the rest
    I talked to my doctor, and he gave her the shot, without Mercury, after her 2nd birthday
    Most people with Autism start with symptoms of Autism before the age of two
    She could wait until the new born is three or four, and make sure it’s the new shot

    November 16, 2013 at 8:01 pm

  4. Autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain. The exact causes of these abnormalities remain unknown, but this is a very active area of research. There are probably a combination of factors that lead to autism .

    Genetic factors seem to be important. For example, identical twins are much more likely than fraternal twins or siblings to both have autism . Similarly, language abnormalities are more common in relatives of autistic children. Chromosomal abnormalities and other neurological problems are also more common in families with autism .

    A number of other possible causes have been suspected, but not proven. They involve digestive tract changes, diet, mercury poisoning, vaccine sensitivity, and the body’s inefficient use of vitamins and minerals.

    The current theory favored by many experts is that autism is a genetically-based disorder that occurs before birth [3]. Studies of persons with autism are finding abnormalities in brain structures that develop in the first few weeks of fetal development [4]. Evidence that genetics is an important, but not exclusive, cause of autism includes a 3-8% risk of recurrence in families with one affected child. A working group convened by the National Institutes of Health in 1995 reached a consensus that autism is a genetic condition. An issue unresolved by the group was the role of immune factors in autism spectrum disorders; it was suggested that studies to clarify the situation are needed.

    No Evidence of Link

    Some parents of children with autism believe that there is a link between measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. However, there is no sensible reason to believe that any vaccine can cause autism or any kind of behavioral disorder. Typically, symptoms of autism are first noted by parents as their child begins to have difficulty with delays in speaking after age one. MMR vaccine is first given to children at 12-15 months of age. Since this is also an age when autism commonly becomes apparent, it is not surprising that autism follows MMR immunization in some cases. However, by far the most logical explanation is coincidence, not cause-and-effect.

    If measles vaccine or any other vaccine causes autism, it would have to be a very rare occurrence, because millions of children have received vaccines without ill health effects. The only “evidence” linking MMR vaccine and autism was published in the British journal Lancet in 1998 [5]. An editorial published in the same issue, however, discussed concerns about the validity of the study [6]. Based on data from 12 patients, Dr. Andrew Wakefield (a British gastroenterologist) and colleagues speculated that MMR vaccine may have been the possible cause of bowel problems which led to a decreased absorption of essential vitamins and nutrients which resulted in developmental disorders like autism. No scientific analyses were reported, however, to substantiate the theory. Whether this series of 12 cases represent an unusual or unique clinical syndrome is difficult to judge without knowing the size of the patient population and time period over which the cases were identified. If there happened to be selective referral of patients with autism to the researchers’ practice, for example, the reported case series may simply reflect such referral bias. Moreover, the theory that autism may be caused by poor absorption of nutrients due to bowel inflammation is senseless and is not supported by the clinical data. In at least 4 of the 12 cases, behavioral problems appeared before the onset of symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, since publication of their original report in February of 1998, Wakefield and colleagues have published another study in which highly specific laboratory assays in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, the posited mechanism for autism after MMR vaccination, were negative for measles virus [7,8].

    November 16, 2013 at 8:45 pm

  5. Hi there, I am a mum of six children. All of whom have had their jabs. I have read the news and i also have a nephew who is Autistic. But the plain truth is jabs were made to protect our children form these dis ceases we consider rare. Children many years ago died form simple illnesses and here we are being offered a Chance for protection against them. My sister nearly died from German Measles which is rare these days and a friend of our daughter did die. That is why children should be immunized.
    I am very sceptically about the link between Autism and jabs.

    Angelof G
    November 16, 2013 at 9:36 pm

  6. there is a lot of info out there. i personally vaxed my oldest and she was always sick my next child got the first dose of shots and became a different person overnight so we stopped. my youngest hasnt had any and i can really tell the difference she is 9 months old has never been sick at no fever no cold no runny nose. my oldest is homeschooled but with kids all the time and my middle one goes to preschool so they do have the potential to get sick. they dont i boost their immune systems with natural vitamins and supplements. i think you need to research and if you chose to vax that is your choice.

    i know in the flu shot there is the live virus, formaldehyde, mercury, chicken embros, ether and bleach, would you put those ingredients in your body?? also some shots that kids get have aborted fetal tissue. here is some info. good luck in what ever you chose.

    Immunization Theory vs Reality by Niel z. Miller

    The Truth About Vaccines by Dr Richard Halvorsen [(pub Gibson Square Publishing) order a copy for just £9.99, post free, contact the YOU Bookshop, tel: 0870 162 5006,]

    Vaccination The Hidden Facts by Ian Sinclair

    Raising A Vaccine Free Child-Wendy Lydall

    A Shot In The Dark-Harris L. Coulter & Barbara Loe Fisher
    (Why the P in the DPT vaccination may be hazardous to your child’s health)

    The Sanctity Of Human Blood: Vaccination Is Not Immunization-Tim O’Shea

    “Vaccination: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide to Childhood Immunizations” by Aviva Romm

    “How to Raise a Healthy Child, In Spite of your Doctor” by Dr. Robert Mendelsohn

    “Evidence of Harm” by David Kirby

    “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childhood Immunizations” by Stephanie Cave

    “Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives”

    Natural Baby and Childcare by Lauren Feder, M.D.

    This is a link to the K.N.O.W. Vaccines website’s book list that has a list of lots of medical books:

    Lots Of Links:

    Here’s a link to a physician’s view on vaccines (Dr. Sherry Tenpenny video)

    Here’s a link (youtube) to a series of lectures on the Polio vaccine by Dr.Sherri Tenpenny. Admin. highly recommends them:

    National Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund

    Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

    HRSA – National Vaccine Injury Compensation Stats

    This one is all abut making an informed choice

    This one’s pretty good and written by a Dr.;

    Alternative Health info
    Vaccine Ingredients

    Package inserts!!:

    November 16, 2013 at 10:00 pm

  7. Yes, there is a reported link between the timerosol (a preservative found in multi-use ampules of certain vaccines) and autism. There has to be a genetic predisposition present, though – the vaccine alone does not seem to cause it.

    So, were I your friend, I would be extremely careful with the vaccines I’d let my kids get.

    One very important factor – if you do decide to vaccinate your child, make sure you are getting a vaccines from a single-dose ampule (no need for preservatives) AND make sure your child does not have a fever or is otherwise sick or even “under the weather”

    Research if further on the net if you have vaccine-age kids!!

    November 16, 2013 at 10:29 pm

  8. The researcher who said this actually debunked his findings, as they were inconclusive. The benefits outweigh the risks. They are doing a study right now, and the results will be out sometime next year.

    ☼Illyana's Mommy☼
    November 16, 2013 at 11:22 pm

  9. Out of the purest fear I’ve felt in a very long time, I’ve done a lot of research on the MMR shot and have decided to have my son immunized (he’s 10mo right now & has received all the other vaxes as well).

    I’m going to wait until he’s 15 months and have the shots given one at a time instead of the combo shot. I’m also requesting “guarenteed” mercury free shots, although I’ve read that mercury isn’t used when they’re seperated and the amount of mercury in the MMR combo has decreased a lot anyway.

    I understand the fear of the unknown that many mothers have, but with all these children not getting vaxed, the risk of an outbreak is much larger than what it used to be. I’d rather have my son protected (as much as possible) then risk an epidemic.

    November 16, 2013 at 11:29 pm

  10. Disclaimer: I work at the Health Department, but not in Immunizations. All of the labwork concerning this sort of thing passes through the office, however.

    The only ‘metals’ in immunizations are trace amounts of mercury, which are bonded to other chemicals as a preservative. The preservative, thimerosal, is not widely used in the US – and has no risk of causing mercury poisoning OR autism, anyway.

    As for the autism rumour, it has been proven false. There was a hoax ‘study’ done on only a specially-selected 12 children (that exhibited autism prior to the shot), by a discredited pseudo-scientist and conspiracy theorist.

    The truth is, there has been no percentage difference between immunized children with autism, and non-immunized children with autism. The reason there is even a corellation is because the age recommended for the first immunization is also, coincidentally, the age at which autism first makes itself known. Corellation, however, does not equal causation.

    The truth is, children are MORE at risk without the shot. We had to close down 3 schools in my area due to outbreaks of diseases that are commonly fought with standard immunizations.

    Inform your friend, let her know about the studies. Most immunizations now have less (or in some cases, no) preservative, to ease the fears generated by this rumour.

    @Fotochick & heavy_psi: Wrong on all counts. Most of the sources you list are conspiracy theorists and pseudoscientists, and are only believed by the same people who read the National Enquirer.

    -Immunization shots contain weakened or dead virus samples, not live virii.
    -No immunization uses formaldehyde, chicken embros, antifreeze, ether or bleach. That is an urban legend, and is even debunked at -Mercury has been used as part of the preservative thimerasol, but in amounts that are non-harmful to humans. You have more risk of mercury poisoning from tapwater.
    -As for the “aborted fetuses,” that is also an urban legend. One aborted embryo was used ONCE, to develop the MMR vaccine. The cells thereof have never been included in any administered vaccine, ever.
    -heavy_psi, your obvious conspiracy theorist leanings are showing. and have been debunked left and right, as sensationalist tabloids often are. One who believes in impossibly vast conspiracies, invading aliens and alternate versions of reality is not a credible source of information.

    Johnny Sane
    November 17, 2013 at 12:13 am

  11. There have been allegations that thermerisol, a mercury-based preservative used in the immunizations, causes autism. The allegations had roots in the fact that autism often appears during the 20-30 month old time frame, which is right after some major immunizations are given. No link has ever been proven, and thermerisol, is being phased out. The risks of not getting your kids immunized outweigh the risks associated with shots. By not immunizing, her kids are at risk for several potentially fatal diseases. Also, most school districts will not allow children to enroll in school if they have not been immunized. If you do a Yahoo search on thermerisol, a wealth of information is available.

    Autism is at near epidemic levels. Many possible causes have been discussed–couples having their first child later in life (the rate of autism increases significantly with the age of the birth mother), chemicals in the environment (pesticides, plasticizers), etc.

    November 17, 2013 at 1:03 am

  12. Vaccines, through an unnatural path into the body, cause the production of antibodies. But this is not the same thing as immunization, and has never been shown to prevent someone from acquiring an illness. Mercury has been removed from vaccines, but not formaldehyde and antifreeze and animal cells, etc. I bet you could not find a doctor who would be willing to take all the childhood vaccines, adjusted for his/her weight.

    We don’t fully understand how all this works or doesn’t work or the damage it can do. But we can do our research and make informed decisions, whatever they may be. Check out a site like or, and don’t believe everything the goverment tells you.

    November 17, 2013 at 1:05 am




    Consent for Administration of Vaccination

    Dear (Physician’s Name): __________________________________________

    If you will be administering a vaccination to me, or my child, today, I will need for you to complete the following consent form.

    Thank you.

    Responsible Physician Statement:

    I, (Physician Name) ______________________ do hereby state that I have advised my patient, (patient or child’s name)________________________ and/or parent of my patient, (parent’s name) __________________________________ that in my professional opinion this patient/child should be given the vaccination, drug or other (name of vaccination/drug/other) ___________________________________.

    Manufacturer’s name ____________________________.

    Serial number _______________

    Batch Number ______________________.

    I have on this (day) ______ (month) ______ (year) ______administered this vaccination/medication/drug AFTER advising the above named patient/parent of minor patient that there is little or no risk involved with this vaccination/medication/drug therapy or treatment. I hereby do agree that should this patient/child at anytime suffer or develop any permanent condition deleterious or injurious to his/her health as a result of this treatment, I will pay for any and all costs involved related to the care and treatment necessary for this patient/child for the rest of his/her natural life.

    I further agree that if my earnings are insufficient to meet these costs, I will sell my home, my business and all material possessions and put those proceeds towards meeting the needs and expenses of the patient involved.

    Date: _____________________________

    Signature of responsible physician: _______________________________________

    Signature of responsible person administering vaccination/medication/drug: __________________________________________ Occupational Title: _________

    Signature of Witness: Parent or other: _____________________________

    November 17, 2013 at 1:43 am

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