Anyone know how to raise honey bees?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by stewickie
Stewart’s father raises bees as a hobby, and he lobbed this at us when he came to visit today. Vee keeps walking around muttering, "Sooo good" … "breakfast" …"soo much of it!" … "mmmmmm". We luvs us some honey. Thanks, Dad!

Question by suki: Anyone know how to raise honey bees?

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3 Responses to Anyone know how to raise honey bees?

  1. hitch the hive to a crane, perhaps?

    May 12, 2011 at 2:30 am

  2. It can actually be a little complex. A person who does this is called an apiarist. Try to find one that can answer your questions and help you.
    You have to take into account the types and number of flowers they are getting food from, the size of the hive, the direction it’s facing, and, if you ever want to open it up to get honey, what kind of smoke to use to calm them and how often you can do this.
    Raising bees should not be taken lightly, especially now because many beehives are dieing due to something called “colony collapse disorder”, the cause of which is still not certain and the solution even more elusive. If a beekeeper is going to help you start a hive, it’s because they trust you to take good care of the bees.

    May 12, 2011 at 3:02 am

  3. It really isn’t that hard. Best bet is to buy a hive from a bee keeper. A lot depends on what you want to do with them. If you want to harvest the honey, that takes a certain amount of equipment. Most with just one hive go for comb honey rather than pure honey. The beekeeper can probably sell you used equipment.

    May 12, 2011 at 3:10 am

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