Am I allowed to raise a turkey?

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raising turkeys
Image by Walters Art Museum Illuminated Manuscripts
This is an illustrated Ottoman copy of a Turkish work on the training and care of warhorses (Tuḥfat ül-fārisīn fī aḥvāl-i ḫuyūl il-mucāhidīn) by Aḥmed ʿAṭā Ṭayyārzāde (d. 1294 AH / 1877 CE). The text was written in ruq`ah script by Şaker Muhammed in 1271 AH / 1854-5 CE. The main text is preceded by a detailed table of contents (fols. 1b-3a), and on fol. 3b it states that the work was dedicated to Sultan Abdülmecid (reg. 1255 AH / 1839 CE — 1277 AH / 1861 CE). There are thirty illustrations of horses at the end of the manuscript.

Question by outtastepshorty: Am I allowed to raise a turkey?
I would like to raise a turkey next year. I live in Fort Collins, CO is there anything saying I can’t? Also I have two dogs will this cause a problem if I can have a turkey? Does anyone know where I can get 1 or 2 young turkeys or eggs? the websites I have found have a set amount of eggs that have to be order and usually its like 15-20 I don’t have the space or money for a lot of turkeys. Thank you.

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4 Responses to Am I allowed to raise a turkey?

  1. Most towns will allow a pet turkey. Dogs and turkey may have to be keep separated. You can try them in the same pen, under close watch to see if they are ok. I had a Border collie [as protector] in the same fence as my chickens. hey would play chase and peck at the dog and chase and nip at the rooster. Ask at the feed store for a farm that raises turkey. I’ve purchased some from farmers.

    Charles D. M.
    October 12, 2012 at 5:32 am

  2. it depends on youre deeds of the house i cant have pigs or birds becouse of the deeds

    October 12, 2012 at 5:44 am

  3. yes u can u can raise alot of animals but the real question is should u? its diffferent if u saved it but turkeys are ment to be in the wild not as a pet! please dont take in a harsh way, not saying ur this type of person but lots of people think it all fun and cute till they grow up and then they get forgot about just like people do with ducks, pigs, and so on, not saying that u but just by one person starting it makes others who might not be able to handle it think its ok!

    October 12, 2012 at 6:18 am

  4. Call your local city or county animal control or clerk’s office to find out if there are any regulations against this. It would be sad for you to have your turkey taken away after all the time and care that you’ve put into it. If there are not any regulations against it, find out what goes into turkey raising by getting a little book at your local library or farm and feed store. If you find out raising turkeys is for you (and turkeys are difficult animals to raise) build a shelter and prepare everything before you purchase any eggs or birds. Then have fun! You may want to start with chickens, though. As I said, turkeys are very difficult animals. Good luck!

    October 12, 2012 at 6:19 am

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