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Image by Fergal of Claddagh

T. FECHIN was born in Billa or Bile, a village in the present County of Sligo, the Barony of Leyney and Parish of Ballysadare. The spot where he was born, called " Leaba Fechid," Fechin’s bed, continues to be a place of pil grimage to the present day. " A man abstinent, pleasant, charitable," says an ancient chronicler, " a man of bright summery life, an abbot and an anchorite, Fair-worded Fechin of Fore, from the delightful borders of Luighne, from the loveable province of Connacht."
His father, Cailcarna was, according to the Leabhar Breac and Mac Firbis Genealogies, of the race of Oliol Ollum. Some historians, however, reject this genealogy, and trace our Saint to Leinster’s royal race, to Eochy Finn Fothairt, brother to Conn of the Hundred Battles, and son of Felim Rathmar and Una, daughter of the King of Denmark. His mother was Lasair, the radiant, of the royal race of Munster. There is near Bile the site of an ancient church called Killassar said to have been built by Fechin and named after his holy mother. According to a Tract on the “Mothers of the Irish Saints" in the Book of Lecan, Fechin’s mother is called Sochla. Colgan reconciles the apparent discrepancy by observing that both names mean much the same thing. "Sochla" means charitable and "Lasair," a flame, so that the mother of our Saint may be called by both names because of the " flame of charity" which constantly burned in her heart.
Fechin was thus allied in blood with several of our most celebrated saints and kings. First amongst those royal and saintly names on Ireland’s roll of fame being Cormac Mac Art, King of Ireland, and St. Brigid of Kildare.
There is much uncertainty about the year of Fechin’s birth, but most probably it occurred between the years 580 and 590. The birth of the holy child was foretold by the saints, even by the great St. Columcille himself. As this Saint was one day going westwards from Saint Finian’s Monastery, at Clonard, in Meath, he passed through the beautiful valley of Fore. There, we are told, he beheld angels ministering over the glen and he greatly rejoiced at the vision. He would build a monastery there but understand ing that the heaven-favoured spot was destined not for him but another, he passed onwards. When the lord of the land; whose name was Sellan, heard that Columcille had gone past he followed quickly after him and offered a site for a monastery. He even begged Columcille on his knees to remain. “Offer not this site to me," saith he, "for a son of bright eternal life, even Fechin, will come to dwell in this neighbourhood and unto him it behoves thee to offer thyself and thy place." Thereupon Sellan saw in vision a vast fiery pillar standing in the midst of the valley and reaching up to Heaven, and a multitude of radiant birds filled the glen from earth to Heaven. Thus did holy men predict and the Lord Himself foreshow the glory of the Saint who was soon to appear, by the grace and splendour of whose virtuous life all would be illuminated as by a pillar of light, and the whole valley peopled with disciples who would shine in holiness like the radiant angels themselves.

God and His holy grace were with the child from the beginning and there were many signs of his future greatness and sanctity. More than once it happened that his mother on awaking at night missed the little child from her side. What was her astonishment to see her child kneeling on the floor, praying with hands outstretched in the form of a cross! This form of prayer was a favourite devotion with Fechin all his life long. So great indeed was his mortification from his infancy that he never tasted flesh meat.
As soon as he was of an age to learn, Fechin became a pupil of Nathi, a kinsman of his own. This was the great Saint Nathi, of Achonry, "a noble distinguished Priest," says a chronicler. It is probable that Nathi became acquainted with the boy Fechin at his father’s house and for a time taught him there.
One day, we are told, the father struck his child in Nathi’s presence. "Unjustly hast thou struck the head of the great king," said Nathi. "Why sayest thou so?" asked the father. " I see angels over his head," said Nathi, " for many a son of life will be serving him and all the people of Leyney will be subject to him." Few parents realize what treasures Heaven confides to them in their children or that a child of theirs may be destined to be yet a great saint of God.

From his father’s house Fechin followed St. Nathi to Achonry where St. Finian of Clonard and this same St. Nathi, his disciple, founded a celebrated monastery that soon became a school of saints and learned men. But of all its scholars and saints Fechin was the most illustrious.
One day, we are told, as the holy student was engaged in preventing strangers cattle from intruding on the monastic meadows, a certain princeling’s horses and herds were brought in to feed upon them. Fechin protested against this unjust trespass on God’s consecrated lands, but his protests were without avail. Full of righteous indignation he cursed the herds and rang his bell against them, so that they died. When the prince was informed of what his servants had done and of the fate of his cattle, he sent in all haste to beg the Saint’s forgiveness. Fechin not only pardoned the injustice, but even restored to life the cattle and herds. To show his gratitude for this favour the prince offered Fechin a gift of land in perpetuity. The Saint accepted the offer and handed over the land to his holy master, the priest Nathi.

An Irish Life says: “After the holy child was perfected in age and in wisdom and in holiness, his tutor bade him take Holy Orders so as to be able to offer the King of Heaven and Earth." It is impossible to say where or at the hands of what bishop Saint Fechin received the Order of Priest hood. According to some historians it was at Achonry itself he was ordained a Priest, though not by Saint Nathi, who most probably was never a bishop. It is not at all unlikely that he was ordained elsewhere as he visited other schools besides Achonry. He seems to have studied at Clonmacnoise, and some records say that our Saint was for a time under St. Fintan Moeldubh at Clonenagh, in the present Queen’s County. Certain it is, at all events, that on the great day of ordination, Fechin was a most worthy cleric, perfect in age, learning and holiness of life, as the chronicler says, and filled with the zeal of St. Patrick himself to gain souls to Jesus Christ his Master. We shall find in him the life of the silent Religious, a life of prayer and penance alternating with the missionary’s untiring work for souls.

"Fechin’s first care," says Archdeacon O Rorke, "on becoming a priest, was to furnish the territory of Leyney with churches, which at that time it greatly needed. Ballysadare was our Saint’s first foundation." According to the best authorities Fechin founded a monastery there as well as the church called Tempul Mor Fechin. The Chief of Leyney bestowed land upon the church and monastery which was called Termon Fechin. In the course of time a town rose up around this church and monastery of Fechin at Ballysadare.
One day, we are told, when he was preaching in front of the monastery a godly but misshapen man came to the sermon and entreated the Saint to deliver him from his deformity. For very shame he used to keep at a distance from everybody. Now it happened that Fechin cast spittle upon the ground; the deformed man mixed clay with the spittle, and with the mixture rubbed his face. Thence forward he became so changed that in his time there was no one comelier than he; and God’s name and Fechin’s were magnified by that miracle.
Besides Ballysadare St. Fechin made other foundations about this time in Leyney and in the neighbouring districts. The most famous, however, of all our Saint’s foundations and the one with which his name has been and ever will be inseparably connected is that of Fore in the County of Westmeath.

We have already related Saint Columcille’s prophecy that Fechin would come one day to Fore, that the beautiful valley would be his, and that like a pillar of shining light, he would guide to God a multitude of souls typified by the myriads of spotless white birds that filled the glen from earth to Heaven.
The hour had now come when the beautiful valley should resound with the praises of God and be made in very truth God’s own by the presence of Jesus there in the Holy Mass and in the Blessed Sacrament. At the command of an angel Fechin set out from his native place and came with a company of monks to Fore. He rejoiced at the sight of the place, we are told, and in order to know fully God’s will he fasted and prayed for three days and three nights. Then an angel came to him again and said: “Build an abode in this place for here shall be thy resurrection, and that of many of Ireland’s saints along with thee."
St. Nathi had predicted that Fechin’s resurrection would take place at Fore and this prophecy God’s angel now confirmed.
As soon as Sellan, the lord of the district, had heard of Fechin’s arrival he made an offering of Fore to the Saint. Fechin accepted the gift and blessed his generous benefactor. When a little later Sellan died Fechin had him buried on the south side of the valley under the shadow of the rocky Hill of Fore. On that spot we are told was afterwards built the altar of the little monastic church the venerable ruins of which are there to our own day. Often in our school-days did we go over this spot and through those sacred ruins but it was only with the scant interest and reverence of children, for alas! We knew but little of Ireland’s saints and the holy places of Ireland. Fore’s historic past, we need not say, was not laid open to us in any book in the school-room. There is a great change in Ireland to-day and thanks be to God and the saints, it is a change for the better.

God had visibly blessed Fechin and his work. The great monastic establishment had come into being and was flourishing. The vision was realised. Fechin was the great fiery pillar of light in the middle of Ireland that illuminated the land, and his hundreds of holy disciples were the white radiant birds of the vision that filled the valley of Fore from earth to heaven.
There is no doubt but that by this time the monastic colony had extended its borders across towards the north side and the Ben, and occupied the beautiful, gently rising eminence in the centre of the valley where the ruins of " The Abbey" now stand. All the Abbey land, so rich and green to-day, was once, as the old Legend tells us, a “shaking sod," but Fechin blessed it, and immediately it became solid and fruitful.
God had many other great works for His servant Fechin to do. Having appointed a superior to rule over Fore in his absence, Fechin returned into Connacht and came to his native territory. The Life says he visited Nathi’s Church at Achonry. His old saintly master was long dead, and it was no doubt to visit his holy grave that Fechin went there. When he went into the church, we are told, the shrine in the church shone forth with great brightness, so that the people that were without saw light over the door and through the windows of the temple.
At what period of his life Fechin founded, or lived in the monasteries and churches connected with him in the territory of Leyney, I am unable to say. Some authorities say that the church and monastery at Ballysadare, or at least the church there, was his first foundation; while others maintain that Fore was his first, as it was his most famous, foundation. Then there were foundations by Fechin at Bile, Kilnamanach, Drumrath, Kilgarvan or Kilnagarvan (now Kilgarvy) and Ecclesroog or Edarguidhe.

It was while St. Fechin was visiting his native territory and at the monastery of Ballysadare that God sent him to be the Apostle of Connemara in the West of Galway.
We are told that Saint Patrick passed West from Cong between the two great lakes, Corrib and Mask, until he came to the wild gap in the hills beyond Maam where Patrick’s Bed and Patrick’s Well may still be seen. " Further progress through the Twelve Bens," says Archbishop Healy, " was then impossible, and even at the present day, the traveller who ventures to follow Patrick on foot into the wilds of Ross will find his task a difficult one. He blessed the wild hills to the west and the wilder people who dwelt amongst them; but it was reserved for St. Fechin and others, two centuries later, to bring them to the Faith."
An angel now appeared to Fechin in his sleep and said i "The inhabitants of the island named Imaith, and the rest of the people of that country, are in darkness as to the divine Law and get thee to preach to them. For God hath granted to thee to receive tribute from them and it is thou who shalt be unto them a lord and counsellor, a tree of protection and a judge of doom."

At the angel’s command, we are told, Fechin then went into West Connacht to Omey to gain those souls for Jesus Christ. He was accompanied by some disciples. He seems to have gone very soon to the island 11 which gave the name Omey to that whole district. He blessed the little island and began to build cells to house himself and his disciples while they were engaged in preaching in the island and district. But the inhabitants, who were still pagans, endeavoured at the devil’s suggestion to exclude Fechin and his monks and to drive them away. Several times at night the people flung into the sea the spades, axes and other instruments which the monks used in their work of clearing and building, but as often as the tools were cast into the sea so often were they cast up again on the shore and there found in the morning. Fechin and his disciples persevered in spite of all opposition. Then their enemies seemed to grow more hardened and would not give the monks food or even sell it to them. Two of them died of starvation. But Fechin poured forth a prayer to God for the dead, who were martyrs for His holy Faith, and they were restored to life.
We are told that when King Guaire the Hospitable, heard of their distress he sent a large supply of food to Fechin and his disciples. He sent also to Fechin a royal gift of a cup or chalice which was preserved for centuries after and known as "Cuach Fechin."
The prayers and preaching, the continual austerities and the patience of the Saint and his companions prevailed at last and softened the hearts of all. The inhabitants of the whole island and district of Omey were converted and baptized, and from being enemies became Fechin’s most ardent and faithful children. A well sprang from the ground and Fechin baptised the people there. For a thousand years the waters of this holy well were known to have proved "very miraculous for restoring people to health."
It was, probably, in Omey that the event occurred which is related of the religious who was wilfully distracted in his prayers. His mind not being in his prayer, we are told that therefore Satan entered into him and tempted him. Fechin was made aware of how grievously his poor child was tempted and sent for him. The Saint then blessed his mouth with the sign of the cross and he was immediately freed from the temptation and molestation of the devil.
There are the remains of an old church on Omey yet visible, called Tempulfeehin, and close by is his holy well, Tobarfechin.
Saint Fechin has been looked upon as the Apostle not only of Omey island but also of that large tract of country from Maam and the Twelve Bens, by Letterfrack and Clifden, and as far south as Galway Bay. Hence he may truly be regarded as the Apostle of all Connemara. A Latinised form of Fechin’s name "Festus," or its English equivalent, " Festy," is quite common amongst the people in Connemara.

One of the most interesting spots consecrated to our Saint in the West is an island four miles north-west of Omey called Ard-Oilean or High Island. According to some historians Fechin after founding his church on Omey went to Ard-Oilean and founded there a monastic settlement.
The island is indeed high, being 200 feet over sea level and almost inaccessible save in calm weather. It is about a quarter of a mile long, with an area of 82 statute acres, and is covered with a beautiful sward of short green grass. There is a small lake on the island, and a stream which in the ancient days turned their little mill-wheel for the holy anchorites. Beside the lake to the north Fechin built his oratory and cells for the anchorites, all sheltered from the cold north-east winds by a rising ground.
How long Fechin remained in Ard-Oilean we do no. know. It certainly would be hard to find a place more likely to attract an anchorite saint like Fechin, who was called the Anthony of the Irish Church.
The ruins of the church and cells are still to be seen. The cells were of the bee-hive shape, built of stone, and called "cloghans." The whole is defended by a very thick wall called a "cashel," though in such a place little defence was needed, for Nature’s rampart was round about.
There is a holy well on Ard-Oilean called "Tobar Brian Murrogh," or as others name it, “St. Brian Boru’s Well." This fact may correctly explain the words of an Irish poem on the death of King Brian which concludes with the following stanza:
“There were found at Fechin’s frigid bed,
Wells of overflowing blood,
The sign of kingly Brian’s death,
In the western border-land of Erin."

This extraordinary legend was intended to show how the patriotic heart of the dead Saint bled, as it were, with sorrow in sympathy with Erin when in her very hour of victory the awful tragedy of Brian’s death plunged the nation in grief. This year, the ninth centenary of King Brian’s victory at Clontarf, is a year of triumph for the Fatherland, full of hopes and joys, and we may well believe that the great heart of Fechin has been gladdened by new joys in Heaven. Let us not now forget our saints in our joys, as they did not forget us in our sorrows.
Ard-Oilean long continued to be a place of hermits and saints. Saint Gormghal, Chief Anam-cara of Erin, died there in 1017; “a very spiritual person," says O Flaherty, "of renowned sanctity who made this island his hermitical retirement." In our own day there is an abundance of rabbits and a hardy flock of sheep. That is all.
“Will the day ever come again when holy men, flying from the vanities and deceits of the world, will people once more the holy islands of the West? Will the sound of the Angelus Bell be ever heard again over those wild seas and the chant of sacred Psalmody once more awake the echoes of the ocean caves? Who can tell? This we know that if we had to make the choice we should prefer a cloghaun on this lonely but beautiful island to a cell in some dark attic over a dirty street where the sights and sounds and smells by day and by night are a perfect abomination."

Our Saint is said to have founded a monastery and church at Cong, on the " neck" of land between Lough Mask and Lough Corrib. At what period Fechin made his foundation here or resided at this place is not known. According to some writers it was Domhnall, High King of Ireland, who founded the monastery in 624, and Fechin presided over it for some years. Whether the Saint be the actual founder or not, Cong has been called from immemorial times "Conga Fechin," Cong of Fechin, and there are many holy spots there called after him to the present day, as well as numerous local traditions connected with his name and with the miracles which he wrought.
There is a fragment of a Life of Fechin in the Yellow Book of Lecan and some hymns, and verses in Irish and in Latin in honour of the Saint. In this Tract the genealogy of Fechin, son of Caelcarmand, is traced back step by step through over seventy ancestors to "Canen, son of Enos, son of Seth, son of Adam, son of the Living God."

The poet says:
“The monastic jurisdiction of Fechin is of wide extent;
He is a Saint who utters no evil judgment. . . .
His church shall be the habitation of a multitude and of honour
And the common abode of righteousness.
Happy whether on sea or on land,
Every home that Fechin has blessed:
Darmagh, Ceall Caigi, Abuil,
Each place of these did he bless:
Imaidh and Esdara too.
Two chief houses of clean roads Residences of Tabhar,
his country, Cong also and Fabhar-FechinJ"
Two Ruaidhris and the powerful Turlough,
Three who took the hostages of Erin,
Had their stronghold residence in Cong."

We find his Holy Well, Toberfechin, near Maum, and there is another Toberfechin and Leac na Fechin near Doon which mark the Saint’s journey eastward until he came to Cong. He at once perceived the incomparable beauty of the spot and its suitability at the head of the lake and at the gate of the West for a great monastery, and, as expressly stated, in the old Rental of Cong, he got a grant of place with considerable lands, not from King Guaire of Connacht, but from Domnal, son of Aedh MacAinmire, King of Ireland, in the year 628.

In this poem we are told how "Fechin of Cong" raised a man to life. Says the poet:
“There was once a hag of awful acts and cursing,
Because she did not get a husband to her liking:
A woman she was who lived in solitude.
She brought great ruin upon her son
Whom she allowed to live without society.
No people, however fond, dare go
Into the glen in sight of their family.
This woman’s only son
Was above all others a prodigy
A match for a hundred.
Though rough his hand.
Her only son did death now slay.
One day did meet this woman wild
Fechin of Cong in company with his clerics.
Each man of them did terror seize:
No hate the cause produced in Fechin.
She professed Faith as was her due
For the sake of serving her son.
It was a bond of ready tribute
According to Jesus and to Fechin.
Through the prayer of Fechin she obtained
From the King her only son to be restored
Into his body buried in the grave.
He brought back life so that he arose.
The third dead person this joyful grace
Miraculously restored to life by Fechin."

We may be sure that the Saint did not forget his beloved children at Fore, even while he laboured so hard in the West. Fore had charms for him that were not to be found even in his own " loveable province of Connacht." Besides, it was to be the place of his resurrection, as the angel had told him.
His return from the far West to Fore was very wonder ful. It seems it was from Omey he returned. One Sunday evening, a little before Vespers, as Fechin was with his monks in Omey, he was seized with a desire to go to Fore, and earnestly entreated God to help him in his difficulty. An angel of God came to him and told him to enter the chariot that was ready at hand. St. Fechin and his monks entered the chariot, and behold they came to Fore in time for Vespers. In the Yellow Book of Lecan, Fechin alone is mentioned as being carried by angels, as was "the faithful prophet Habacuc."
This is like what happened to Elias also, when God took him up into Heaven. For we are told that when Elias and his disciple, Eliseus, were on the banks of the Jordan and walked and talked together, behold a fiery chariot and fiery horses appeared and parted them both asunder, and Elias went up in the glorious chariot to Heaven. And Eliseus cried out: " My Father! My Father! " So, too, must Fechin’s disciples have cried out in astonishment and rapture when he was taken by God’s shining angels from Omey to Fore in this truly wonderful way.

Most probably it was at this time, when he was going to or returning from Naas, that Saint Fechin and his monks visited the romantic Falls on the Liffey, Eas-Dubthaire, "the Waterfall of Dubthaire," now known as Poulaphouca.
The Saint and his disciples reached the place on the afternoon of Sunday, and weary though they were with travel their souls and hearts were lifted up to the great God at the ravishing glory of the scene and the music of the falling waters. They drew nearer and nearer, and descended into the narrow, deep glen in full view of the Falls. Their hearts were thrilled through and through, as the hearts of thousands since. Facing the glorious waters and surrounded by lofty trees, and the bright blue canopy of the skies above, you feel near to the presence of the great God. You stand as a wor shipper in a grand Cathedral built by nature to the great Creator of all, the soaring pines rising like the pipes of its grand organ that fills the air with its majestic music.
“The voice of the Lord upon boundless waters! The voice of the Lord in power! The voice of the Lord in magnificence! "
It was the afternoon of Sunday when Fechin and his monks arrived atPoulaphouca Falls, and the glorious Twenty- Eighth Psalm was part of the Lauds for Monday, which they were reciting that evening, and no other Psalm could so voice the feelings of the enraptured hearts of those " sons of God" in the midst of " the many waters" and " the thunders of the Lord" and "the cedars."
" Bring to the Lord, O ye sons of God, . . . glory and honour!
Bring to the Lord glory to His name!
Adore ye the Lord in His holy Church!
The voice of the Lord upon the waters: the God of majesty hath thundered!
The Lord upon many waters!
The voice of the Lord in power, the voice of the Lord in magnificence!
The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars! . . .
The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace." (Ps. xxviii).

Not for a few minutes only but for hours did holy Fechin and his disciples pray here and sing their Psalms and hymns. At last some of the monks completely tired and physically exhausted said to Fechin that it was time for all to rest- “No," answered the Saint, " I cannot cease. The Falls never cease, but are continually offering the sublime melody of their music to their Creator. I must not be a debtor to my God." Behold then God wrought a great wonder to reward His devout servant. The waters of the Falls ceased to flow down, and, piling themselves above, seemed to listen to the chanting of the Psalms of Fechin and his choir, a heavenlier music than their own! This prodigy lasted till the third hour. Then the Saint was given to understand that he and his tired brethren might themselves take a little rest and refresh their exhausted bodies, and so they ceased their psalmody.
God is indeed wonderful in His ways with the Saints, and may He be blessed forever!
Every year, thousands visit the beautiful and holy spots scattered through Ireland, but few visit them in the spirit of Fechin and his holy disciples. The Saints loved nature. A little wild flower has cast Saints into ecstasies of delight, for in the beautiful things of nature they see the footprints of the great Creator. To them the earth and the skies proclaim the glory of God. But we fear that very few have the minds and the eyes of the Saints. Thousands of visitors come and go through our land, and instead of being lifted up to God, in the spirit of reverence and thanksgiving, they think only of recreation and of the body, and its meat and drink. Poetic inspiration may indeed be stirred in some but what of that? Do not heathen poets feel deeply and write well? But there is no God to be found in them. For them there is no God “on the boundless waters"; all is "nature," and of earth earthly.
But we would remind those who visit historic places through our land for the sake of mere pleasure and recreation, that these places are sacred to the nation and hallowed by the presence of Ireland’s saints and heroes. They should therefore be reverenced and not profaned by vandalism, vulgarity, or any sort of unworthy conduct.
Those who have a good spirit need not be reminded of their duty, for they always treat the sacred, historic places and things of Ireland with that reverence and affection which good children bestow upon the keepsakes of a mother and the grave where she lies.

Many other parts of Ireland were visited by Saint Fechin, and various other places not mentioned in these pages are associated with his name in the ancient Lives and Chronicles, and some of these places bear his name to our own day. Termonfechin, for example, in the County Louth, is called after him. We do not know whether the Saint founded a church or cell there or established a monastic colony in the district. It is not improbable that he visited Louth often as the famous Louth Saint, Abbot Ronan of Dromiskin, and he were fast friends.
Near the town of Gort, County Galway, we have the parish of Kilbecanty. Some authorities say that this is the "Church of Becnat." No saint of this name is mentioned, as far as I know, in connection with this district, but Saint Fechin is. A miracle is related of him that he sailed on a large flag-stone over the waters of the neighbouring Loch Cutra to one of its islands. Even if this be only a mere legend it goes to prove that the Saint visited the place and probably evangelised the people there. All that district of South Galway (Aidhne) was the territory of Fechin’s friend, the famous Guaire the Hospitable, and the Saint would not fail to visit and preach amongst the subjects of the good king who had helped him so royally at Omey.

St. Fechin had now worked long and hard for God and for the sanctification of his own soul; and by the good example of his life, by his apostolic preaching and by the monasteries he had founded, had done much, too, for the sanctification and salvation of numberless souls in Ireland.
Fore was of course his chief monastic foundation and the dearest to his heart. God had blessed it abundantly and, like the mustard seed, one of the least of all seeds, it grew and became a great tree, and thousands of white shining souls had found there a shelter and a home. Fore for centuries after Fechin’s day was renowned for sanctity and learning. Even in his own time there were hundreds of monks there, and the name of Fobhar-Fechin was famous through all Ireland, and Irish missionaries carried its fame and the fame of the founder into foreign countries.
Fechin had ever been to his religious a kind, loving father and a discreet, skilful guide in their spiritual life. When he was drawing towards the end, and the great pillar of light in the valley was about to set, we are told that he called his disciples to him to give them a spiritual confer ence for the last time. He told them to follow the rule of the patriarchs and the apostles; and to battle with body and soul against their enemies, the devil, the world and the flesh, and reminded them that life was short, eternity long, and its rewards great and everlasting.
His holy words were never forgotten by the faithful children who were gathered then about his death bed. And we may well believe his last words of good advice were conveyed to Cong and Ballysadare and Omey and Ard Oilean, and wherever he had disciples through Ireland.

One of Fechin’s dearest friends was Mochua of Ard- Slaine. Now Mochua one day, years before this, told Fechin how he would like to die on the day Fechin died. " If it be God’s will," said Fechin, "it is mine." So it was under stood by Saint Mochua that he would die and go to the Lord the day his holy friend should depart.
Fechin’s last hour having now come, he received the Sacraments of Extreme Unction and Holy Communion from the hands of one of his disciples, and gave his last blessing to all his children and to all his monasteries. Then bidding all farewell he breathed forth his soul to God, in the year of our Lord, 664.
At that hour Mochua of Slane despatched a messenger to look westward to know whether he could see the sign which Fechinhad promised him. And the messenger beheld a huge column of light of many colours like the rainbow, stretching from the monastery of Fore up to Heaven. The messenger returned and told Mochua what he had seen. “It is true," said Mochua, "that is the sign that Fechin promised me."
Then Mochua, too, called his disciples around him and exhorting them to perseverance in the service of God, received Holy Communion and sent forth his spirit to Heaven along with holy Fechin.

It was during the terrible plague, called the Buidhe Connail, the Yellow Plague, that Fechin died. The pestilence was universal and carried away tens of thousands, people, priests and rulers, none were spared.
The death of Fechin brought sorrow into every corner of Ireland, for he was known throughout the land for his goodness and wisdom. There is a very beautiful story connected with his holy death. The devil, we are told, appeared to St. Moling to distract him and perchance turn him from the religious exercises he was engaged in. But Moling commanded Satan in God’s name to tell him whether he dared in that way to tempt the saints at the hour of their death. We do come to disturb them," answered Satan, "but we cannot succeed against them."
"Did you go to disturb my friend Fechin at the time of his death?" asked Moling.
“Not only were we unable to do aught to him," answered the wicked spirit, ”but until the end of seven days after his death we durst not visit Ireland because of the splendour of the Holy Ghost which surrounded it."
This legend shows better than anything we can say the profound veneration in which Fechin was held by the saints of his own day and by all the people.
After giving the story as we have told it the old chronicler remarks: “Hereby is declared the sanctity of the man of whom his enemy gave that description. For he to whom his enemy bears favourable witness is all the more deserving of praise."

Question by nursybee: All current parents: What should my partner and I consider before deciding to get pregnant?
My partner and I once in a whille talk about having a child but we just kind of say “well next year”. I am a divorced woman with no children and he is a divorced man with one seven year old from a previous marriage. We both would love a child of our own but I think we are both really scared, what should we consider before geting pregnant in order for us to make the correct choice?

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18 Responses to All current parents: What should my partner and I consider before deciding to get pregnant?

  1. Well call me old fashioned but I believe that parents should be married. It will show your child that you are committed to each other forever. Other than that you need a good financial plan. Who will care for the baby( a sitter) will you stay home etc. Babies cost a lot of money- diapers, doctor bills, ect. Make sure you are financially prepared

    November 10, 2012 at 2:05 am

  2. Finance is a big issue, so long as you can afford the child the rest will be so much easier 🙂

    November 10, 2012 at 2:53 am

  3. The age of both of you should be one factor you consider. You didn’t mention marriage. Considering your backgrounds, all children would feel better if you were married. It would give them a sense of security.

    len g
    November 10, 2012 at 2:59 am

  4. Consider getting married. If you are going to commit to making a life-long parenting decision, you should both be committed to each other first. I don’t know how it got to be so acceptable to bring children into this world out of wedlock. I think you are setting a bad example for your children if you are choosing to have children before you are married.

    Miss B
    November 10, 2012 at 3:27 am

  5. Im a mom to be….and im not gonna sit her and hound you about getting married before having kids especially since youve both been divorced. Being married doesnt mean you love each other any more than you do right now! Just look at the stability of your relationship and is it a lasting one? Consider insurance if you dont have any you should get some. Financial stability. The effect this will have on his child. Do you live together? Having a baby bouncing back and forth from home to home is kinda hard on parents! These are just a few things I would consider off the top of my head. A few of them I didnt consider myself and im dealing with them right now (no insurance)!!! I do love my boyfriend and we do plan on getting married after the baby and when we feel we are ready! Good luck!

    Amber D
    November 10, 2012 at 3:45 am

  6. Definitely get married. If you two can make that commitment, then you don’t need to make a commitment of raising a child.

    Other than that, you can worry all you want but no matter how prepared you are or arent’ or how much money you have or don’t have, everyone is scared. Oh and you’re never mentally ready however once the baby comes, it’s all worth it.

    Good luck on your decision.

    November 10, 2012 at 4:38 am

  7. Before you even THINK about having a baby with this man, I’d be spending your time thinking about you future – are you planning on getting married and spending the rest of your life together? I think you should be focusing on that question first.

    Cookie On My Mind
    November 10, 2012 at 5:09 am

  8. well figure out what went wrong in your other marrages and see if you think that will reoccur in this marrage, really just make sure your both in love and have the time and money for a child

    Blaze Baby
    November 10, 2012 at 5:18 am

  9. finance.
    and are you sure your ready to have a child with this man?
    its not just a “oh hey lets get pregnant” thing……its a lifetime commitment

    Anthony D
    November 10, 2012 at 5:56 am

  10. I also believe you should be married when you have a baby. You should be totally committed to each other before you commit to a baby! Everyone deserves to have a baby, but you should do things in order. Plus won’t you want the baby to be married before children also. The whole “do as I say not as I do” thing would be an argument later.

    Ashley F
    November 10, 2012 at 5:58 am

  11. I think you should do it before you get too old. You will never be financially ready for a child. It is something you just have to decide to do. However, I think that married or not you should always ask yourself “Can I handle raising a child on my own.” Husbands leave and die, there is no security in being married so don’t think you can’t end up a single parent. I am a single mother of three. I didn’t plan it, but it happened and I make the best of it. I do what I have to to take care of my children and I wouldn’t trade them in for anything

    Moni Mon
    November 10, 2012 at 6:06 am

  12. Compare your techniques or thoughts for anything that will have to do with raising the child.Atleast come up with a compromise, and know that parents aren’t perfect, and things goes astray all the time. it never happans as you plan, and anything can happan. lots tolearn being a parent. learn your budget and finances, and all the things you need to purchase before after and during its life. Start a savings account or “college fund”, and write out your finances and prepare yourself for the additional bills, medical, diapers, formula, EVERYTHING. The stress, sleepless nights, and relational stress. trying not to scare you, trying to prepare you.

    November 10, 2012 at 6:11 am

  13. Do you agree on how you’ll split responsibilities for raising a child? Will you both work, and if so, can you afford childcare and how will you split childcare duties when you get home? If one of you stays home, are you both okay with that idea, and can you afford it? Do you agree about how long one parent should stay home? Have you done a budget to figure out if you can afford it? How is the parenting going of the 7-year-old? Do you both enjoy it/ find enough time for it/ are able to afford it? Are you reasonably certain your relationship is forever (of course nothing is completely certain, but if the reason you’re not married is that you’re wary of the commitment, don’t have a child together). Does the 7-year-old live with you full time? If so, you probably understand what having kids is getting you in for. If not, make sure you understand that it’s a full-time commitment that is wonderful and fulfilling but not consistent with lots of travel, adult-nights out, or even a good night’s sleep for the first year or so. Also, what was the reason for your partner’s divorce? If it was the stress of raising a child, that should be a clue to be wary.

    November 10, 2012 at 7:05 am

  14. I was always taught that what goes wrong in previous relationships/marriages, if not properly resolved, will carry over into the next relationships/marriages. Oh, how this is SO true!
    For example, if you had money issues that broke you and your first husband up, you’ll need to have a plan in place so that similar financial liabilities don’t become a factor in your present relationship. Same thing with your partner. That’s number one.
    Number two, and this is a very important one to consider is that you two will need to figure out if you both, are in fact, dead set against marriage if and when you decide to have a child. You can always get married after the baby has arrived, but it’s best, for your child’s assurance and security, that you commit to marriage before hand. You may not think this is at all a factor, but children, believe it or not, are affected by whether or not their parents are married.
    Next, you’ll want to understand and be confident in the fact that babies do not come with instructions once they are born. New parents don’t have that advantage.
    Lastly, you’ll want to pay very close attention to how your other half is treating his situation with his seven year old. Is it a joint custody situation? Is it a situation where he gets visitation? If he gets visitation, does he pay child support? Are his payments on time. This is VERY important to note. This should make or break your decision to pursue an opportunity to have children as it provides the blue print. Blue prints are very important in these matters.
    For example, my husband has never been late for his child support payments for all three of his children…..EVER. That tells me, among other convincing factors, that given the opportunity for us to be young enough again to get pregnant and have a baby, we would then give it the green light to conceive.
    Lastly, whatever decision you make, I know, will be the best one for the both of you. The marriage thing is, in my opinion, just as important as it is to make the commitment to have a baby. Thus, all being very important commitments that require a lot of time thinking through and discussing.
    Good luck to the both of you.

    November 10, 2012 at 7:08 am

  15. Lots of things! First of all, I would consider how old you and your husband are. If you are young enough to put this decision off until it feels more definite then that’s the first thing I would consider. You can’t possibly really know what it takes to decide whether or not to have a child or when. It’s a giant decision and one with huge risks and no guarantees whatsoever. Your husband should certainly know this since he already has a child. There are basics, of course, like being in a loving and lasting relationship, being financially secure, wanting a child, being emotionally ready and capable of taking care of a child. However, all the answers to this depend heavily on the culture you come from and what your expectations are for parenting and for a lifestyle. There’s no question that poor or uneducated people can be as equally good parents as well off or educated ones. There’s no reason to “wait” for money or education before becoming parents. I do think that you both need to “know” that this is what you want though — and if there’s a degree of hesitation in the answer, then wait until that hesitation turns to excitement and love before going ahead and gettting pregnant. Good luck.

    November 10, 2012 at 8:06 am

  16. My dear “Lady Bee”….

    FINALLY I see someone who’s action : responsible !!! Congratulations!!! That’s quite mature of you to deliberate on the “Pro’s & Con’s” of parenting !!! Because…children are : a lifetime commitment, which needs to be “evaluated” correctly !

    First of all… you have to consider, if you’re financially STABLE enough to provide for a child (you can count apprx. 100.000 $ on costs for a child until he/she’s an adult -and- that does NOT include a college-eduction !!! Second…are you willing to “sacrifice” your career in ordeer to take care of a child ??? You would want to raise him/her at least until he/she enters 1st grade….-so…can you stay out of your “career-field” for the next 6 yrs.without any “set-backs” & will they “Take you back” after 6 yrs.??? All those “items” need to be “evaluated” thoroughly before deciding to get pregnant !!! It’s not a questions of “loving a child”, because we all love our children, but you would want to furnish the proper care as well… So: sit down with your husband & discuss the matter seriously & then you choose….

    I wish you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany & all my love & care… Annette***

    November 10, 2012 at 9:05 am

  17. First off, get married. Children deserve that security and stability.
    For you, consider the ramifications of him having a first family, which he needs to look after. Are you willing to share him – his time, finances, etc.?
    Just make sure you are totally sure of one another, and in a good, longlasting relationship – make sure you have dated seriously for a few years before deciding to marry and start a family.

    November 10, 2012 at 9:16 am

  18. You should come to an agreement on discipline. Talk about specific situations and discuss how each of you feel about them and what you expect. Talk about how you think children should behave and how you think you should parent in order to teach them to behave that way.
    Also discuss child care; who is expected to do what.
    Mom and Dad should ALWAYS be a team. No exceptions. That means if you don’t agree, one of you has to be willing to let the other choose. Or come to a compromise that you can both be happy with. My husband and I sort of have a system where if it is REALLY important to one of us, but not so much to the other, then the one who cares more wins. If we absolutely can not agree, we compromise. Usually (almost always) we can come to an agreement before we even have to compromise. Neither of us ever has to “give in”.

    That’s my best advice…be a team! And I do agree that marriage is most important if you plan on having children.

    November 10, 2012 at 9:30 am

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