A pastured chicken’s morning

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Here is a typical morning for our pastured chickens. They soak in the sunshine, forage for bugs and plants and just enjoy life. They live twice as long as their confinement cousins who are crammed together in smelly barns. Even the so called ‘free range’ factory farmed chickens probably never set foot outside due to shoulder to shoulder living conditions and a small door that often leads only to dead bare ground. All this green pasture makes a difference. Pastured slow growth chickens taste much better, have healthier meat and fats and actually improve the environment instead of degrading it. In this video you’ll see really small chicks that are still confined to their cages. This helps ensure they have free access to their feed. We move their cages twice a day now so they are always on green pasture. Once they are older and can fend for themselves, they will be let out like the others. For more information about slow growth chicken and the comparison to factory farmed birds, visit our website and click on the product tab. We also have links to studies and research papers that talk in more detail about the benefits of pasture raised slow growth birds. www.truecostfarm.com

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