Question by : A few Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns questions.?
When can you get the alpaca if you live in Bluebell?
When can you start raising bees if you live in Bluebell?
I heard there’s an owl that will take you between Bluebell and Konohana. How do you find it and convince it to take you between towns?
I don’t know if I should marry Ash, Cam, or Mikhail. For anyone who has married one of them, were they a good husband? Which do you like the best out of the three?
Thanks in advance!
Feel free to answer in the comment section below
Fall, 2nd year.
Once you get the first bee house (one of Eileen’s expansion choices at the beginning of the month).
Go to the top of the mountain (the part where Ina and Rutger are standing when there is a Cooking Festival). If you go to the cliff at the bottom of the screen and have the owl already, you will be able to fly to either of the towns, but only if the weather is nice.
Cam is the easiest to marry, but he’s a little boring compared to the others. Mikhail was, for me, the hardest to get, because he likes Sashimi, but I always sold it instead of giving it to him. I would pick either him or Ash.
May 22, 2012 at 5:05 am