3 Easy Goat Raising Tips

Filed under: Goats |

raise goats
Image by Ed Yourdon
(more details later, as time permits)


On my way to dinner at a nearby sushi restaurant the other night, I stopped at a local playground to see if there was anything interesting to photograph. I found that a local community organizer, Darrin Dunn, had raised some contributions to provide uniform-style t-shirts for two competing teams of basketball players in the playground’s court, which has been named "Goat Courts."

Dunn is the CEO of the Earl Manigault Foundation, Inc., and you can reach him by phone at 832-660-1039 if you’d like to offer assistance; he doesn’t have a Website or email address at the moment. The foundation, and the basketball court, are named after the legendary Earl "the Goat" Manigault, who died in 1998 after playing professional basketball in France and Germany. You can learn more about Manigault, the basketball court, and the local tournaments in a July 10, 2009 Black Star News article titled Hope Dreams – Beyond Basketball, which was written by Mitch Ligon, whose chess-playing talents (in the same park) I showed in this Flickr photo.

Anyway, it was an interesting game, with lots of action. I took some 300 shots, and whittled it down to 30 keepers; I’ll upload 10 of them each day, while trying to juggle my other work demands…

raise goats
by Ed Yourdon

Article by Justin Case

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Do you hate to be bored and looking for something fun to do? You have chosen the right place to be if you are looking for fun and adventure. Just keep on with your research about raising goats. You’ll find a great deal of excitement and fun in learning how to raise these animals. However, part of the fun is the time spent with them. So be prepared to make a time commitment to taking care of them. If you expect to be in the goat raising business very long, you will need to keep a good eye them and follow these tips.

Don’t ask where you are going to learn about raising goats. The Internet is loaded with information about raising goats. And most libraries and book stores also have books about goat raising. There are goat raising forums on the Internet that has discussion groups about every goat topic imaginable. Whatever questions you have about raising goats you can get answered in the goat forums.

To help you get started, here are a few tips to take you on your way.

Pastures normally range in size from one to two acres for proper grazing. Goats tend to be kind of picky, so you need to make sure they’re getting plenty to eat. Use and keep the recommended goat grain on hand and plenty of fresh or bailed green hay to supplement their grazing, as may be needed. Cold weather requires they get even more feed than usual.

Goats need protection from the cold. They will need proper shelter when the temperatures drop.

Plenty of water will also need to be made available. It is possible for goats to drink as much as 5 gallon water a day.For watering goats, you can use buckets, watering troughs or automatic watering devices. Automatic waters are handy if you can’t watch over them every day. Make sure it is done in a way it cannot freeze.Wet goats do not make for happy goats. During bad weather gets your goat in out of the cold. The bedding should be changed every few days so it is fresh and clean. This is particularly important during cold and rainy seasons.

Goats will climb on anything. They are always seeking an adventure. Goats like to be entertained. If you don’t do it they will entertain themselves. Fencing is a must and it must be goat proof. Make your goat fence pig proof and horse high. Do not go cheap when making a goat fence. The only way to keep your goats safe and secure is to put them in a good fenced area.

If you want to stay in the business of raising goats, do not neglect the advice on fencing.

Good fences save a whole lot of trouble.

If you are still up to the challenge after reading this, then get on with it and have some fun with your new pets.

What ever you are raising your goats for, as long as you treat them right there will be your friend. It is a lot more fun raising goats if you get started off on the right foot.

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Go here to get more information on How To Raise and Care for Goats Now. Follow this link to Free information about Raising Goats for Fun and Profit.

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Justin Case

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