2008 Tax Deduction for Highly Energy Efficient Hot Water Heater and Furnace?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

solar water heater
Image by Israel Defense Forces
August 17, 2005

IDF forces and Israel Securities Authority uncovered an explosive belt weighing approximately 10 kg; intended for terrorist use, the belt was hidden inside a solar water heater. The belt had been transferred from Khan Yunis to Muassi.

Pictured: Explosive belt.

Question by Jim: 2008 Tax Deduction for Highly Energy Efficient Hot Water Heater and Furnace?
I purchased a highly energy efficient hot water heater as well as a high efficiency furnace in 2008. Is there anywhere to claim a credit for these two items? It looks like federal forms are only giving credits for solar heating and hybrid vehicles. If you know where to claim a credit for new furnaces and hot water heaters, let me know. Thanks for your timely response!

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3 Responses to 2008 Tax Deduction for Highly Energy Efficient Hot Water Heater and Furnace?

  1. The credit SKIPS 2008. (Don’t feel bad, I bought a water heater too, but I wasn’t going to wait until after 1/1 as I like hot water to wash my hair….)

    v b
    May 6, 2013 at 4:13 pm

  2. The energy credits weren’t valid for 2008. Sorry.

    May 6, 2013 at 4:23 pm

  3. There is no credit for these items in 2008. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, these are reinstated for the tax years of 2009 and 2010 only.

    Sharon Pierce, HRB Sr Tax Advisor V

    This advice was prepared based on our understanding of the tax law in effect at the time it was written as it applies to the facts that you provided.

    May 6, 2013 at 5:02 pm

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